
One Piece: Reincarnated as Vivi

An inhabitant of our world suffers an untimely death after a meeting with a strange old lady and wakes up in the body of Nefertari Vivi. Upload rate: 5-6 chapters a week. Support me on Patreon -patreon.com/Kriogenix You can get 10 advanced chapters ahead of time. Extra info: - The story is going to follow the adventures of the Strawhat crew. This will not be an AU. - The fic is going to be told from the perspective of the MC. That means that many events will the omitted or skimmed over if the MC is not present. Some knowledge of canon will be required. - There will be romance later on in the story but it will not be the main focus. The pairing has not been decided yet (feel free to give recommendations). But it would most definitely be a female. Even if you don't like yuri, don't worry because as I said, it will not be the focus of the story in any way. But I just feel that a fic with no pairings is missing something.

Krio_Genix · Anime & Comics
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347 Chs

Chapter 123: A surprising find

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 123: A surprising find

It took her an entire day of walking to find something new. After climbing through a big rocky hill, she got a good view of the surroundings.

She was able to get a more clear view of the giant tree in the distance, the thing was absolutely massive, even bigger than the ancient groves back at Shabondy Archipelago. But what got her attention was something else.

"Are those houses?!"

A good way down the hill on the other side, there seemed to be the remains of a small town.

"Let's go take a look!" She said with excitement. After seeing only black rocks over and over, witnessing something new was kinda fun.

She ran down the hill at great speed and soon the 'town' became more detailed.

With a quick estimate, there seem to be around 100 houses. Most of them were missing the roofs, with only the walls remaining.

"Ugg…is a lot hotter in here," Vivi complained.

The closer she got to the town, the temperature seems to go up. There were many bursts of flames all around the place since the ground there was very damaged.

"It looks like a big battle happened here."

The houses did not seem to have been destroyed just from the passing of time. Many were obviously destroyed by force and there were craters on the ground.

The walls of the houses were black, but they did not have the same shine that the obsidian rocks that plague the island.

She approached the wall of one of the houses and observed it up close.

"Those are just normal stone walls, but they have been burned very badly…Im surprised that most of the houses were still standing. The construction must have been very solid."

She spent the next few hours exploring the town, hopping to find something useful, even though she wasn't sure what could be found in a place this far gone.


"Why is this thing here?!" Vivi could not help herself from shouting.

In front of her was the last thing she expected to find on this random fire island…a Poneglyph.

After walking for a while, Vivi spotted one house that was much bigger than the rest, around the center of the town. She figure that this must have been where the village leader lived and if there was something important, it must be there.

The big house looked empty like the rest, with no furniture or decorations of any kind. There probably were at some point, but if the island burned as badly as she thinks, there was no way for anything that wasn't made of rock to survive.

She walked through a long hallway that lead to a very big room, and in the middle of the room was something that call for her attention. It was a big square rock and it was not black, like everything else in this place, it was actually dark blue and did not seem to have been affected by the fires at all.

The thing looked familiar to her from the beginning but it wasn't until she walked around the stone that she was able to spot the familiar writing of the poneglyphs. Like the one in Sky Island.

"What is a Poneglyph doing here?" She exclaimed.

Vivi examined the writings. She, of course, had no idea what the writing said. But noticed that some of the text has been scratched off, near the bottom. Followed by more text right at the end.

"Did they change their mind about something?" She wondered.

"Man, I really wish Robin was here, I'm very curious to know what this says."

"They came from the sky."

Vivi heard a female voice coming from somewhere inside the big room she was in. But after turning around, she saw no one.

The voice then continued.

"Winged men them all. They brought us gifts and an offer of friendship."

"Who is this?!" Shouted Vivi.

The voice seemed to wait for Vivi to shut up to continue and Vivi realized that this person must be telling her the contents of the Poneglyph.

"They gave us the keys to the three treasures. The one from below, the one that traveled the seas, and the one from above…In return for their gifts, we gave them everything we own but…"

The female voice sounded more severe in this next part.

"They wanted more…they wanted our God. That last part was written much later. "

"That's what this says?...winged people came here? like Skypieans?" Wondered Vivi.

"No…not Skypieans, a different tribe but a similar race, " The voice said.

"Where are you speaking from? Where are you?" Asked Vivi.

"I am right here," the voice said while a small flying thing got in front of Vivi's face.

Vivi examined up close. It was a small winged insect with yellow and black stripes.

"You are a bee?" She asked with shock.

She has seen many strange things since arriving in this world, but a talking bee was something new.

"Hahaha!....that was a good one! ...I haven't laughed in a long time. Thank you for that. But to answer your question, no, I am not a bee. What you are looking at is just a mechanical construct that I control remotely. It has a camera and speakers attached to it."

"Camera and speakers?...but those things shouldn't…" Vivi stoped herself from finishing. She was about to say that those things did not exist in this world, but she could not be completely sure. Dr. Vegapunk had all sorts of crazy technology on his island.

"Those things shouldn't exist in this world? is that what you were going to ask, Sara?"

As soon as she heard those words, her blood ran cold, despite the current climate. Other than talking about different words, that voice called her by her old name, the one she went by when she lived on earth as a normal girl.

"Who are…wait." She thought for a moment and realized that this could only be one person.

"You are that creepy old lady! You are the one that sent me here!" Shouted Vivi.

"Don't call me creepy!...but, yes, I am that lady. I was wondering when Bartholomew was going to bring you here. Now, I'm sure you have many questions, but now is not the time…I think the hunters have already found you. They don't like strangers visiting this island."

A.N - Remember to comment, vote and/or leave a review if you have the time. Those things help me a lot and I would really appreciate it.