
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Cómic
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110 Chs

Buggy the Star Clown

Near the island shores, the Whitey Bay Pirates were loading supplies as they were getting ready to leave the island.

As Whitey Bay oversaw the final preparations, Kai approached her with a confident stride, his crimson hair catching the sunlight as he moved "Well, it looks like it's time for you to set sail" he remarked with a grin, stopping a few paces away from her.

Whitey Bay turned to face him, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips "Well yeah…You sure you don't need an extra hand in dealing with Big Mom?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern.

Kai shook his head, his gaze steady as he met her eyes. "You've already helped out once, what kind of gentleman let a beautiful lady risk her life for him twice" he said, with a playful tone "But before you go, I just wanted to say... it was nice meeting you, Whitey Bay"

A softness flickered in Whitey Bay's eyes as she looked at him "Likewise, Eustass Kai" she replied sincerely "Even though you're pretty weird, flirting with a girl older than you and you have no shame"

Kai chuckled, a playful glint in his eye "Is that so? Well, I'll take that as a compliment" he said, taking a step closer to her "And hey, I'm sure we'll meet again soon enough. Until then, take care of yourself out there"

With a gentle smile, Kai leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Whitey Bay's cheek. A blush spread across her cheeks at the unexpected gesture, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she met his gaze with a warmth in her eyes "I'll hold you to that promise" she said softly.

As Kai pulled back, a grin spread across his face "You can count on it" he said confidently, giving her a playful wink before stepping back. With a final wave, he turned and walked away, leaving Whitey Bay to watch him go with a mixture of emotions swirling in her heart.

Over the next few months, Kai focused on bolstering the crew's numbers and fortifying their ranks for the impending showdown with Big Mom. With Crocodile's assistance, they tapped into his network to recruit more members. The Eustass Pirates, alongside Crocodile, took refuge on Tora Island as their temporary hideout during this time.

Kai and Kid's initial move was to enlist additional crew members to handle minor tasks and roles. While these newcomers might not match the strength of the core members, they would prove valuable in battles, holding back the enemy's lower-ranked subordinates while the main crew tackled primary targets.

Also, assigning minor tasks to the most powerful members isn't very efficient. Moreover in order to claim the title of 'Emperor of the Sea' one must not only possess strength but also command a substantial army and control territories under their banner.

Expanding the crew means more ships are required for wartime transportation. Thanks to the billions of berries Kai acquired from John's treasure, funding the crew's wages and constructing multiple battleships is easily manageable, with plenty of money remaining.

Including the Victoria Punk, the crew now has a total of nine ships. They all resemble the Victoria Punk's style and aesthetic, with an orange color and a skeleton-themed design.

With having as much as several hundred people under their flag, the crew needed a clear hierarchy for things to be organized.

Assuming the leadership roles are Kai and Kid, now identified as the Chiefs or Big Bosses and are the ones maintaining the overall authority. Due to their pasts as gang bosses, it was a more fitting title for them.

Below them is the Eight Olympian Captains each of them commanding a ship and a division of their own…

[Helmsman and Chief of Staff, Killer – Captain of the First Ship]

[Sniper, Wyper – Captain of the Second Ship]

[Swordsman, Saga – Captain of the Third Ship]

[Lookout, Bonney – Captain of the Fourth Ship]

[Krieg – Captain of the Fifth Ship]

[Gin – Captain of the Sixth Ship]

[Navigator, Heat – Captain of the Seventh Ship]

[Wire – Captain of the Eighth Ship]

As for now they still don't have any subordinate pirate crews under their umbrella.

Furthermore, the crew seized the opportunity to intensify their training, particularly Kai, who focused heavily on honing his skills in Conqueror's Haki.

In addition to stealing Silver Axe's devil fruit back at Hachinosu, Kai was very interested in the Hasshoken Martial Art, so he kidnapped Mesagi, one of Wang Zhi's subordinates who survive the battle after Killer informed Kai about the Mesagi's knowledge of Hasshoken Martial Art as well.

In exchange for his freedom, Kai demanded that he teach him and Kid the secrets of the Hasshoken Martial Art. Surprisingly, the brothers picked up the basics of it with ease.

[New World, Karai Bari Island]

In this island, which is dotted with palm trees, and has mountains in the background the Warlord of the Sea Buggy the Star Clown resides. Near its shores, the pirate dispatch organization Buggy's Delivery has set up a large town named Buggy Town which resembles a gathering of circus tents.

Buggy's Delivery specializes in sending pirates and other powerful warriors to assist a country or group in battle if they pay for it. This would be illegal, but since Buggy is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, he is allowed to run it openly without fear of a crackdown.

The organization is led by the combined alliance of the Buggy Pirates and Alvida Pirates, known as the Buggy and Alvida Alliance, with the addition of the former Baroque Works agent, Mr. 3 as a member of said alliance.

As the president of the organization, Buggy has full authority over it. He has different classes of mercenaries, which are organized into the strength of its members and divided into seven levels corresponding to a certain letter in the alphabet, E being the weakest and S being the strongest.

Everything was going pretty smooth for Buggy…until this day…

"Purpurpurpuru… Purpurpurpuru… Purpurpurpuru…" The main tent buzzed with the sound of numerous Den Den Mushi, the organization's nerve center where agents handled client communications and negotiations.

"--Hello, hello?"

"--Do you still have the one from the other day?"

"--Yes, we do!"


"--Hi! thank you for calling Buggy's delivery!"

"--We need one in hurry! It's very urgent!"


"Gyahahahaha!!" Buggy chuckled with excitement from a high perch, overseeing everything below.

"President Buggy!" One of his subordinates called out for him.

"What do you want?!"

"We keep getting orders and the Den Den Mushi's won't stop ringing! Since the weapon trading from Rocky Port was cut off, they're turning to pirate mercenaries and we're getting a flood calls!"

"Hahahaha! Good, good! Keep up the good work you lot!" Buggy said with enthusiasm "Hey, guys! You should take this opportunity to go to the battlefield and run wild, and bring back booty!..."

"…Your pirating is legitimate under the name of the Warlord Buggy the Genius Jester-sama!!" Buggy declared and everyone started cheering for him and calling out his name.

"Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy! Buggy!"

"Gyahahaha!! I'm the best!" Buggy proudly exclaimed, then shifted his gaze toward several imposing figures seated nearby at a massive table. He then directed his words to one of them "Hoi Hajrudin!! If you finished eating you should quickly get out there and get some jobs done, after all you 'S-Class' mercenaries are our highest earners"

"Watch your words clown, I'm a mercenary that works for money. Don't try to make it as if we're some kind of subordinates that works under you…I won't tolerate any disrespect" Hajrudin shot Buggy a glare that sent a shiver down his spine, causing him to nervously laugh and take a step back. 

"H-Hahaha! I was joking, you take your time to finish your meal" Buggy said while scratching the back of his head 'Damn it! This bastard is so full of himself, he's getting on my nerves!' he thought.

Hajrudin is a muscular giant, well proportioned, and has long dark brown hair, mustache, and beard. He wears a metal helmet with protector shades over his eyes. He sports large metal vambraces with shields on each one. He also wears a pair of black underwear covered by a pteruges skirt of brown leather strips. He also has a gold belt buckle, and sports big black boots.

[From Elbaf, Captain of the New Giant Warrior Pirates – Hajrudin]

Sitting with him is four other giants all hail from Elbaf, Stansen, Road, Goldberg and Gerd.

"How long are we gonna keep working for this clown?" Gerd asked Hajrudin. She's a slender giantess with long blonde hair, part of which is kept in two braids on the sides of her head. She has light blue eyes and wears a revealing one-piece purple fur garment with a neckline that goes down to her stomach and which leaves the sides of her legs completely exposed "If we want to revive the legend of the Giant Warriors, we'll have to do better than just working as mercenaries, Hajrudin"

"I am well aware of that, Gerd, we will start moving when I see the right opportunity" Hajrudin calmly responded.

However, the atmosphere around the place would quickly change when certain figures would come to pay Buggy a visit unnoticed and unwelcome.

"President Buggy!! President Buggy!! We've got a big problem!!" Mohji exclaimed while rushing inside the tent in panic. He is the first mate of the Buggy Pirates and a member of the Buggy and Alvida Alliance, he has a very plump appearance with thick lips and wears a dark blue fur suit, and his hairstyle resembles a panda.

"What is it?! Why are you yelling?!" 

"It's Crocodile and 'Red Demon' Kai!! They've just landed here!!" Mohji informed Buggy who appeared to be calm. 

"Huh? Crocodile and Kai? What's their goal, what are they doing here?" Buggy questioned keeping a calm front, however he was actually more panicked than his subordinates 'Shit! Shit! Shit! Crocodile!! He must be here to collect my huge debt to him!! But why is Eustass Kai with him as well?!!...I'm done for!!'

"Don't panic, prepare to fight back if necessary!!" Buggy yelled out orders and everyone grabbed their weapons and got ready for battle.

"--As expected from Buggy-sama!"

"--He's not afraid of even the infamous Eustass Kai and Crocodile!!"

"Of course, that's because I'm the Genius Jester Buggy-sama!! Let's fight flashily!!"


Hundreds of pirates and mercenaries went outside to deal with the intruders after that.

"--Hurry up and carry out Buggy-sama's orders!"

"--Don't let them get closer to the base!"

*Footsteps*-*Footsteps* Five figures calmly approached Buggy's town. Kai, Wyper, Krieg, Crocodile and Daz Bonez. Kai didn't see it necessary to bring Kid the entire crew just to deal with Buggy. 

"Tsk, that moron thinks he can fight us back?" Crocodile said, his veins bulging in annoyance at Buggy's actions "I'll give him a good beating after this"

"Kahahaha! Why don't you have him as a dancing clown for your crew, he'll be quite entertaining if I'm being honest" Kai said in amusement while walking beside him with his hands in his pockets.

"Buggy, huh? That brings back some memories from East Blue, I didn't expect that clown to reach this far in the Grand Line and even make it as a Warlord of the Sea. He must have some kind of extreme luck, because there ain't no way he made it with his strength only" Krieg said while walking behind Kai along with Wyper.

"He's still a Warlord, he should have some skills otherwise the Government wouldn't have given him that position" Wyper assumed while confidently gazing at the enemy's direction, taking a few puffs from his cigarette before cracking a grin "I can sense a few strong people on this island at this moment"

"There are some ex-Impel Down prisoners among them that escaped during the mass breakout a year and a half ago" Daz Bonez mentioned.

"There should be some pretty strong individuals among his mercenary group" Kai remarked, he then added "But I'm here for the New Giant Warrior Pirates"

"I heard the giants are prideful people, will you be able to convince them to join your side?" Crocodile asked him.

"We'll see…" Kai replied as they stopped a few meters away from Buggy's men who looked at him and his group the rest with hostility.

"--We won't let you pass!!"

Silently, Kai fixed his intense gaze upon them. His eyes widened as a surge of crimson energy, laced with thick black lightning tinged with red, erupted toward them, leaving everyone unconscious and foaming at the mouth.

Thud! Thud! One after the other the pirates and the mercenaries likewise collapsed on the ground as they couldn't withstand Kai's Conqueror's Haki. 

"Let's go inside" Kai said as he continued walking towards the big tent at Buggy's town.


Buggy was nervously going back and forth 'Did I make a mistake fighting them back? Maybe I should've seen what they wanted first…No-no-no my subordinates would lose fate on me if I show weakness…' Buggy thought before looking determined 'That's it! Even if those two are here I still have the giants on my side, Gyahahaha! There is nothing to be afraid of, they're the strongest mercenaries out there!'

"Hajrudin! Get ready to fight!"

Hajrudin shot a quick look at him before calmly rising along with the other giants, all of them grabbing their weapons. 

"Cabaji, Mohji, Galdino and Alvida you as well!"

"You want us to fight those monsters, are you out of your mind?!" Galdino retorted.

"Shut up and do as I say, or we'll all be doomed!!"



"Hoi Buggy!" Crocodile's deep voice could be heard across the place.

'What--?! Did they already defeat everyone outside?!' Buggy, perched atop his raised platform, stared down at the tent entrance in disbelief, his eyes popped out in shock "GYAAAAH!! C-C-C-Crocodile!!!"

"I know you. You thought you'll get away without paying me back" Crocodile said, before the giants stepped forward, blocking his way.

"You think you can hide away from me behind your men?"

"Nothing personal" Hajrudin said while pepping down at him with arrogance.

"Tsk…how annoying"

"I'll deal with them…" Kai said as he proceeded to approach Hajrudin. The red-haired pirate looked so small in comparison, barely the size of the giant's shoe "…I came here for them" 

'What does he mean by that?' Buggy contemplated.

"Thanks" much to the giants' surprise, Crocodile suddenly vanished in the thin air, turning to sand before suddenly reappearing beside Buggy with his golden hook aimed at his neck.

"When did he--?!!! Wait wait wait! Let's talk about this!" Buggy froze in his place in fear.

"Ah, we'll talk about this thoroughly" Crocodile said with a menacing tone of voice.



"What did you mean by you came here for us?" Hajrudin questioned, looking intrigued by Kai's words. 

"I'm here to offer you the chance to work for me, you can run wild as much as you want but do it under my flag. I want the New Giant Warrior Pirates as a part of my fleet!" 

Hajrudin frowned upon hearing those words "Are you looking down on us? We're proud warriors of the Elbaf Tribe! I don't work for the clown, and I certainly won't accept working for a little human like you!" 

"You say that, but I have a few things that will convince you otherwise" Kai responded.

"I heard that your brother defeated a giant, let's see if the infamous Eustass Brothers are as strong as the rumors say!" Hajrudin pulled his feet back and tightened his right fist before delivering a forceful punch straight down at Kai "Show me what you've got, little man!"

When Krieg and Wyper saw that, they immediately got into fighting stance and ready to strike back, but Kai stopped them from interfering.

"Stand back, I got this" Kai said before he extended his left arm ahead and used his open palm hand to stop Hajrudin's fist.

BAAM!! Kai didn't budge an inch from his place as he easily blocked Hajrudin's punch much to the other giants' shock.

"He blocked Hajrudin's punch with one hand?!" Gerd looked at the scene in disbelieve. Even Hajrudin himself was surprised.

Kai smirked before he leaped into the air at high speed, moving above Hajrudin and taking him by surprise. He raised his Haki coated leg upwards and then performed an Axe Kick, kicking Hajrudin's head down and forcing him into the ground.


BOOOOM!!! Hajrudin was brought down with one attack, the force in which he fell to the ground caused it to crack and generate a powerful shockwave. 


"--Boss!!" The giants stared at Kai in shock, aiming their weapons at him in readiness to retaliate. Swiftly, Kai landed on top of Hajrudin's back, casually putting his hands in his pockets and meeting their gaze with confidence.

"You wanna try your luck as well?"

"That's one hell of a kick boss!" Krieg exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Wyper was resting his rifle on his shoulder and proceeded to take a few puffs from his cigarette as he broke into a grin "You'll have to attack him at the same time if you hope to stand a chance" he said while proudly looking at his chief.

"--Stand back Gerd!" Hajrudin told her. He proceeded to get on his feet again, prompting Kai to jump off of him "You are certainly strong, the rumors were not exaggerating. 'Red Demon' Eustass Kai, you said that you have a few things that can convince me to join you. I'll hear you out first and then decide what to do"

"Now we're talking, it will be worth your time"