
One Piece: Possessed Teacher

Qin Tian traveled to the Pirate World, obtained the possessed teacher system, possessed the body of the opposite sex, and could share the body with the host. Possess 8-year-old Nicole Robin, and teaches a Thousand Hands Frozen Queen who guards O'Hara! Possess 12-year-old Hancock, and teach a flame dragon girl who can use dragon-killing magic! Possess 10 year old Nami, and teach a weather goddess in charge of Huangtian Thunder Prison! ... After Qin Tian taught 10 qualified apprentices, he was finally able to reshape his body. Standing at the entrance of the Great Channel, Qin Tian said to the world: "I want to destroy Mary Joa and reorganize this world!" Robin, the frozen queen of Thousand Hands: "I would like to freeze the entire world for Master!" Flame Dragon Ji Hancock: "I am willing to burn everything for Master!" The weather goddess Nami: "I am willing to be thunderous for Master!" Ocean ruler Bai Xing: "I am willing to flood the red earth continent for Master!" ... (This story and the characters are pure Fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.)

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349 Chs

Pirate: Possessed Teacher Chapter 96

A gunshot came from the direction of the orange grove.

Chapter 179 Stay away from my mother! (1/8)

  Coco West Village.

  The villagers gathered in the square in the center of the village.

  They didn't come here to hold events, but were forced to gather here.

  On both sides of the street, there were two rows of murlocs standing straight, like troops being inspected, wearing all kinds of weapons.

  "One hundred thousand baileys for an adult! fifty thousand baileys for a child! My compatriots have made it clear, don't miss half of them!"

  The speaker was a megalodon man with a black hat and a serrated nose.

  He was called Evil Dragon, and he was originally a cadre of the Pirates of the Sun. He left the Pirates of the Sun because of different opinions on humans from Tiger and others.

  In the past few years, he has been walking along the Great Channel with his men for a long time, and he has recruited some fishermen from Murloc Street, and his power has gradually grown stronger, forming the Dragon Pirate Group.

  However, he was not as good as the "September One Zero" meaning. Not only did he fail to gain a reputation, he was chased by the Navy.

  A few months ago, the evil dragon suddenly woke up and decided to take the crew to temporarily leave the Great Channel to raise funds in the weakest East China Sea.

  After groping for a while in the East China Sea, the evil dragon discovered that the Zhumeida Islands had a good geographical location, with many villages and towns, and it was a good place to use as a stronghold.

  Ever since, with the Dragon Pirate Group, he has successively suppressed several villages and towns, collecting poll taxes from the locals, and immediately kill those who can't pay the poll tax!

  No, I received Cocosia Village today.

  "Lord Evil Dragon, received a total of more than 250 million~" A sturdy cartilaginous murloc reported to Elonghui. He was one of the cadres of Evil Dragon and was good at murloc karate.

  "Good job! Retreat, compatriots!"

  The evil dragon nodded, turned around, and made a shot in the sky to clean up, and commanded with a pull.

  "Good!" All the murlocs yelled, and followed the evil dragon to leave.

  But at this moment, a musician murloc suddenly said: "Lord Evil Dragon, there is cooking smoke rising over there. It seems that there is still a family outside the village!"

  "What! There are actually hiding outside, almost missed it! Follow me!" The evil dragon showed a ruthless look, and immediately strode towards the direction of the smoke.

  After a while, the evil dragon brought his number thirty murlocs to the outside of Bermel's house.

  Boom boom boom!

  The dragon was very principled and knocked on the door...

  In the room, Bermel was cooking, and subconsciously said: "I'm back?"

  But the next moment, Bermel suddenly felt that the strength of the knock was obviously not the strength of Nami or Nuojiao, and his alertness as a soldier immediately increased.

  She picked up the gun and said, "Please come in, the door is open~"

  Afterwards, the door was pushed open, and the big murloc face with a smirk like the evil dragon was greeted by the eyes.

  Bermel is still good. She twitched a whirlwind side leg, and threw the dragon out with a bang. Then she sat on the dragon and inserted the barrel of the rifle directly into the dragon's body. In his mouth, he said very generously: "It's a pity, I used to be a soldier. What is your ill-intentioned guy doing to me?"

  "Hahahaha...stupid low-level race, it seems that you have to be honest when you see blood!" Not only was the dragon not scared at all when he was shot in his mouth, he laughed.

  "Since you said that, let you see blood first!"

  Bermel is a person who has been on the battlefield. She can see that it is dangerous now, so she shot it without hesitation!

  With the sound of a gunshot, all the birds in the forest were immediately taken off.

  It spread to the village, causing many villagers to rush over here.

  It spread to the reef beach, causing Nami to look in the direction of the orange grove.

  With the sound of this gunshot, Bermel's face changed drastically!

  I saw the bullet and the barrel were completely crushed by the dragon!

  "I said, you low-level races are really incompetent!" The evil dragon knocked Bermel to the ground, and then stepped on her hand with blood!

  "Ah!" Bermel screamed in pain.

  "Idiot! Bermel! Don't lose your life because of a boring sense of justice! Some battles are meaningless!"

  It was Mr. Ajian who had just arrived, and he shouted harshly at Bermel: "Some things can be solved with money!"

  "As he said, the female sailor, an adult with 100,000 baileys and a child with 50,000 baileys, paid all the family's money, and the village was fine."

  The evil dragon stepped on Bermel's hand and said coldly and proudly 0

  When Bermel heard this, he quickly calculated it. With the 20,000 Baileys given to her by Nami, the total amount of all the belongings was less than 70,000 Baileys, and he could only pay for a child.

  And this is only for this month, and there will be no penny next month!

  "Bermel, what is your total net worth now." A Jian immediately rushed over and asked Bellmer.

  Bermel shook his head: "Not enough. All my belongings are only 70,000 Baileys. Although I am the only one in my family, it is still not enough!"

  Hearing this, A Jian's heart was shocked.

  He understood that Bermel said this to prevent the dragon from knowing that she had two children, so as to save the lives of the two children.

  "Scared hahaha! It's a shame...it seems you can only go to death."

  With that, the evil dragon took out his pistol.

  "Damn! We've all given so much money! It won't be so much less!"

  "Yeah, the murlocs deceive people so much, we fought with them!"

  "Everyone takes up their weapons and must not let them kill Bermel!"

  The people who rushed to rushed towards the fish people with various weapons one by one.

  However, where the common people were opponents, they were all wounded to the ground in a blink of an eye.

  However, under the order of the evil dragon, these people were not killed, because the evil dragon still relies on them to make money!

  But Bermel was not so lucky. The evil 2.2 dragon slowly raised his pistol and shot Bermel in the head!

  The muzzle was only a foot away from Bermel's forehead.

  A bullet can be shot into Bermel's head in an instant.

  However, at this moment, the bullet did shoot out, but when the bullet left the muzzle of less than half a foot, it suddenly stopped in mid-air!

  The evil dragon's face changed, his eyes shrank, and he looked at this strange bullet, and suddenly discovered that there was a small whirlwind on the front of the bullet.

  Although the whirlwind volume is small, it rotates very fast, so it can stop the bullet.

  At the same time, a sweet and immature voice rang in everyone's ears: "Stay away from my mother, so that I will make your death more comfortable!"

One hundred and eighty chapters became Nami's toy again (2/8)

  As soon as this word came out, everyone looked at the direction of the sound source in unison.

  I saw a small figure on the path of Orange Company, who did not know when he appeared there, and it was the little girl who was talking.

  Hearing this sound, Bermel's body trembled fiercely!

  How can she not tell who is calling this voice?

  But the reason that made her heart tremble was... she didn't hear "Aunt Bermel", but "Mom"!

  In fact, since Bermel picked up the two little girls from the battlefield to raise them, she regarded them as her real daughters.

  However, whether it was Nuoqigao or Nami, they had always called "Aunt Bermel" since they were young, and never called "Mom".

  Although Bermel wanted the two children to call her mother, she never forced them because she loved Nuoqigao and Nami too much.

  But now, she suddenly heard Nami calling her "mother", how could she not be excited?

  Suddenly, her eye circles were rosy~

  However, she knew it was not the time to cry, she immediately shouted anxiously: "Nami! Don't come over! They are murderous demons, run! 09"

  "Scared hahaha! So you have a daughter! The cunning low-level race actually tried to lie to me, it seems that you really deserve to die!"

  With that said, the evil dragon once again pointed its gun at Bermel and was ready to shoot again!

  "I said, let you stay away from my mother so that you can die more comfortably! Now, you don't have this treatment anymore!"

  Seeing the evil dragon pointing the gun at Bermel's head again, Nami's body shook because of anger, and the wind under her feet suddenly rose, like a hurricane on the sea, the wind was so strong!

  But the scope is limited to her two little feet.

  This is the way Qin Tian taught her to protect her from the wind, and it can instantly make her body soar!

  Nami's figure turned into an afterimage, and she slammed into the dragon's body in an instant.

  The power of the body comparable to the strength of the gods is huge, and the dragon directly hit the wall in an instant, directly knocking out a big human-shaped pit!

  The sudden scene immediately made the villagers' eyes widened.

  Looking at the wall that was directly hit by the big human-shaped pit, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

  This... Is this really what Nami did?

  Even the fish people couldn't help but pull the corners of their mouths and looked at this little human girl in disbelief. This power is too terrifying!

  Of course, the fish people didn't worry about the evil dragon, otherwise, they wouldn't be standing still.

  Seeing his daughter stumbling out, Bermel's first thought was not why Nami had such a terrifying power, but worried that her daughter would be retaliated by the fish people.

  She hugged Nami in her arms and hurried back, "Nami! You idiot, why should you show up! They will kill you!"

  Nami didn't answer Bermel's question, but her little face trembled fiercely, her sullen eyes staring at Bermel's left hand, it was a bloody palm!

  "Mom! Your hands..."

  Nami grabbed Bermel's hand and couldn't breathe with heartache.

  "Auntie Bellemel! Nami!"

  On the small road not far away, Nuoqigao broke free from being prevented by Dr. Nagao, ran to Bermel's side, hugged her, and started crying.

  Nuoqigao originally played outside the village.

  After the evil dragon received the protection fee in the village, he approached Bermel's residence. Village doctor Nagao found Nuoqigao outside the village and prevented her from appearing. Otherwise, the evil dragon knew that there was such a child, and he would have to charge Bermel an extra 50,000 head tax.

  Under Nuoqi Gaosheng's hard work, the village doctor Na Gaocai promised to take her to see the situation in the woods. But this time, Nuoqigao saw that Bermel's entire arm was full of blood, and she immediately collapsed. He rushed out desperately.

  The moment he saw Nuoqigou, Bermel's heart was cruelly cold!

  That's it! I only have 70,000 Baileys, not enough to pay for the two children, Bermel panicked!

  "Scared hahaha, the boring family relationship is really unpleasant~" The evil dragon laughed, and he walked out from the wall...

  "The little girl has a lot of strength, but it's a pity that you humans are inherently weak in front of my murlocs!"

  The corner of the evil dragon's mouth grinned, and suddenly burst out, and shouted in a low voice: "Sailor darts! Scared hahaha, it happened to be a string of three of your family!"

  "Not good! Get down!" Kensuke's face changed drastically and said in horror.

  "It's over!" The village doctor Na Gao was at a loss.

  The villagers who were knocked to the ground all showed a sad look.

  But the fish people are all smirking~

  But just when everyone thought that the Bermel family of three would definitely die, they saw that the body of the evil dragon abruptly stopped behind Nami, as if suddenly caught by something, and stopped. It's so sudden!

  At the next moment, everyone finally understood what was going on, and Nami's little hand did not know when he had grasped the dragon's nose in his hand.

  But everyone can't understand why this little hand, which looks very soft, has so much strength!

  In these two months, Qin Tian focused on Nami's ability to perceive the enemy's combat position through the wind.

  This ability is a bit similar to seeing and hearing domineering, both of which can perceive the enemy's attack actions.

  So just now the evil dragon attacked Nami, and Nami immediately noticed it, and easily grabbed the dragon's nose~

  The most bewildered in the audience is undoubtedly the dragon.

  He couldn't think that his triumphant skill was so easily caught by a little human girl! 197

  And what made him most furious was that this kind of thing had happened for the second time!

  She will not forget that three years ago, when she used this trick to deal with Kerla, she was easily grasped by Kerla, and then she was smashed in Kerla's hands like a mallet~

  That is the shadow in the heart that the dragon will linger in this life!

  But now, his trick has been caught again!