
One Piece: Pink Dragon

An earthling dies and is reincarnated as Tanzo, a young marine, who was being held as a slave by human traffickers. Tanzo hears the leader of this human trafficking gang say that they are heading towards Punk Hazard. Through some series of events, he managed to get to the laboratory and find Vegapunk's artificial devil fruit. With his past as a marine, Tanzo wanted to return to the Navy, only to find out that he was labelled as a deserter and his family comitted suicide from all the humiliation. Since Tanzo's body was possessed by the earthling, he promised to take revenge for Tanzo.

komega · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 4

Tanzo returned to his ship and was still angry at the fact that the Navy, who had seen him grow from a baby to a 20 year old adult, had so little faith in him. "Is this how they repay me? Is this the value of a marine in their eyes? Is this how little faith they have in me? Still, why did my family have to suffer?" Tanzo shouted as he slammed his fists on the mast.

The earthling could feel the rage build up inside him. Tanzo finally decided "I will make the Marines pay for what they did. They have a huge intelligence team spread all over the world, and the Cipher Pol should have already known the truth, but they were quiet. I will not spare anyone. Dr.Vegapunk, you have given me power. I will personally come and thank you one day. As of today, I am a pirate, with the sole desire to kill every marine and personnel from the World government."

Although Tanzo was in rage at the G-5 base, he still remembered to take food. This was because he planned his rations exactly till he got to the G-5 base. He was completely confident that he would get back into the Navy.

He needed time to calm down before he could think of his next step. Tanzo steered the ship away from the G-5 base, still thinking about what happened in the base. It took him 3 hours to calm down. Now that he was able to think properly he had a set of goals he needed to complete. "I need to take revenge while also thinking about my life. I won't spend my whole life running after the Marines. I know I will wipe them out. I don't want to have an empty life after I wipe out the Marines." Tanzo said.

His confidence comes from the power he just displayed, research papers of Vegapunk and his knowledge as a Biologist from his previous life. He already has some theories that will help him create a groundbreaking discovery in devil fruits.

He arranged his goals in order of their priorities

1. Heal his paralysed arm.

2. Learn Haki

3. Kill the remaining people who helped Bunzio take down Tanzo and his battleships.

4. Find the One Piece.

The reason for the last goal is because it is enough to topple the whole world government at once. It would significantly reduce his time rather than going to every kingdom and taking down the king. His curiosity as a fan of the show was also another reason he wanted to find the One Piece.

Since his first priority is to get rid of the poison that has paralysed his arm, he knew where he needed to go next, The Germa Kingdom. He wanted to ask Reiju to get the poison out of his body. Now, he could go to some doctor, but treatment would take time and there is no guarantee that all doctors can cure him. So, he decided to go with the guaranteed option.

Tanzo went to the radio room of his ship and started tracking for the strongest signals. The Germa Kingdom is built upon snails, which also communicate like the Den Den Mushi. So, all he had to do was, try to tap into the signal with the strongest strength, because the snails are huge.

He got onto it and started searching for them. It obviously wasn't as easy as he expected. His equipment doesn't have that much range to scam them easily. His only option is to go near the Red Line and move along it, with hopes of finding their signal.

He headed towards the Red line and started moving along it. His biggest enemy was time and weather. The weather wasn't suitable to move along the Red line and the amount of food he had was only sufficient for 14 days. So, it was all dependent on his luck from then.

While he was searching for the Germa Kingdom, on the G-5 base Tanzo destroyed a day ago, Vergo was on a bed in a tent, covered with bandages. A man came running to him and said "Commander Vergo, we have managed to establish connection with the Marine headquarters." handing him a Den Den Mushi. It was the only snail that managed to survive Tanzo's rampage.

Vergo took the Den Den Mushi and said "This is Base Commander Vergo of base G-5. I would like you to connect me to the fleet Admiral. I have something important to report." It took some time for Sengoku to come to the line. He then asked "What happened?" Vergo replied "Criminal Tanzo came to our base yesterday and destroyed the whole base. He even destroyed the radio room to stop us from communicating with anyone. He was able to do this by turning into a pink dragon similar to Kaido."

Sengoku listened to everything Vergo said and replied "Ok. I will send someone to your base immediately." He then cut the call and Sengoku looked at Tanzo's photo being circulated and the report he received from Cipher Pol. In the report, it was mentioned that Tanzo was captured by Bunzio and a devil fruit user impersonated him to frame him. He had received the report today and wanted to immediately get rid of the allegations on him. "I guess it is too late for apologies. *sigh* another criminal created by the Navy and the world government." Sengoku said.

He then immediately called for his assistant and said "Send people to help the G-5 base and release a wanted poster for Tanzo." The assistant asked "Yes sir. What should be his bounty?" Sengoku replied "100,000,000 beri"

The assistant was shocked, but he still followed Sengoku's orders and immediately went to do his job. Sengoku then took out a letter from the drawer and looked at it. It was from the Rear Admiral who is in charge of training the cadets. He had sent a recommendation letter to Sengoku, recommending him for the Captain post.

Sengoku fed the letter to his pet goat and just looked outside, until an old man entered the room. munching on rice crackers. "Garp. How many times did I ask you not to get food to my office. You make my office dirty every time." Sengoku shouted.

Back to Tenzo, he was thinking of different things he can do in the messed up world of One Piece. He was training, so he was thinking about this to divert his mind from the pain. Tanzo wanted revenge, but he is also someone who didn't get to live his life on Earth. So, he wanted to live a life without regrets in this world and he had seen enough movies and shows to know that a man is left with emptiness after his revenge.

After training for a while, he took a break and went to cook food. He knew how to make the basic dishes like rice, meat, etc., as he had to live alone and he didn't want to waste money on takeout. Cup ramen and rice was the cheapest thing he could cook.

After a bland meal, he wanted to work out again, but he had to change his plans when he heard an explosion in the sea near his ship, which pushed his ship slightly to the side. He looked around and found a ship to his right. While he was looking, they fired another cannon ball at his ship, blasting in the sea again.

"It is the same with Navy battleships. Can't they have a sniper operate the cannon. Even in the show, no cannon ball hits a pirate ship, but Usopp took down two battleships with a single cannon ball. It might be plot armour, who knows." Tanzo said and immediately turned into a dragon after he jumped up from the ship. He obviously didn't want to break the ship.

Seeing the huge dragon in the sky, the pirates that attacked Tanzo, knew that they messed with the wrong guy. Since they didn't have any other options, they started to fire their cannons at Tanzo. When the first cannon hit Tanzo, it hit his huge dragon body and it actually managed to hurt Tanzo.

They were similar to punches, weak punches. Tanzo roared in anger and fired his heat breath at the back of the ship, completely decimating it. Tanzo then flew to their ship and turned back into his human form. The pirates were busy trying to rescue the ones that fell into the sea when Tanzo fired the heat breath.

Tanzo shouted "Who is your captain?" and a huge man in his late 20s, green hair, shirtless with a scar on his chest and purple pants, walked to him. He was as tall as Whitebeard and stood before Tanzo as he looked down at him. The pirate captain obviously glared at Tanzo and asked "What do you want? We sure are defeated, but we will never hand over our treasure willingly. You can try to take it from us after the ship sinks."

"I can take your treasure now if I want to. Why do you think I will ask you to hand it over?" Tanzo asked. The captain replied "Our treasure room already has a hole in it and water started pouring in. You are a devil fruit user, so you can't take it."

"Ok! Although I am angry at you for firing your cannons at me, I like your bravery. I will make you an offer. If you hand over all your treasure and come under my pirate group, I will give you my ship after my work is done and let you live." Tanzo said.

The pirate captain obviously didn't like the idea and a few pirates nearby also didn't like the idea. He then turned to a beautiful woman with red hair, who nodded to him. They seemed close and after considering the lives of his crew members, the captain bent down and said "We are now under your crew."

Tanzo smiled and said "Good. You are now part of my crew." Tanzo then flew to his ship and brought it closer to the broken ship. After they boarded the ship, the whole pirate crew looked around for Tanzo's pirate crew. The red haired woman asked Tanzo "Captain, where is your pirate crew" and he replied "I was the only one, until you joined. Make yourself at home."

The woman then asked "How did you make it to the New World all by yourself?" and Tanzo said "I became a pirate a few days ago. I was already in the New World when I became a pirate. I will tell you in detail when I can trust you enough. It will take a lot of time for me to trust strangers."

The pirate crew didn't ask anything else and continued to board the ship while their doctors were tending to the injured ones. Tanzo then noticed a pirate bringing two mermaids onto the ship with slave collars around their necks.

Tanzo was curious, so he asked "Who are they?" and a pirate replied "They worked in some cafe on Fishman island. They tried to seduce our captain and steal money from us. So, he captured them and made them his slaves."

Tanzo walked up to the two mermaids and looked at their lifeless faces, but they were stunning. 'I always thought that Oda made the characters of One Piece look that way for fan service. They actually are very beautiful. They are more beautiful than the actresses from my world.' Tanzo thought and said "You are mermaids, so you should be able to talk to fishes. I will give you both a chance to win your freedom."

Their eyes lit up with hope when they heard him say that. Tanzo liked the look on their faces. He said to them "I am looking for snails that are huge and are currently stuck to the Red Line. The fishes should have seen them when they began climbing. I know that fishes actually don't have a short memory. So, ask them about the huge snails. They are as big as this ship. If you are able to find them. I will release both of you."

The red haired woman wanted to tell Tanzo something, but stopped after Tanzo said "You can also try and call for help, but if you do that, I will kill you before they get to save you. If you don't believe me, you can try testing it out."

The mermaids only nodded with fear and the pirate then took them inside. The pirate captain came to Tanzo and asked "What is the name of our pirate crew?" Tanzo thought for a while and replied "The Alpenglow Pirates"

For those of you who are curious. Alpenglow is a phenomenon where the whole sky becomes pinkish red due to some sunlight angle and position. The pink sky is why I choose this name. What do you think?

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