
One Piece Navigation 100 Times Stronger, Capture Nami

Traveling through the world of pirates, Bai Xiao awakens a hundred times stronger golden finger!Every time you encounter a strong enemy, you will be strengthened a hundred times the opponent’s strength!【Physical strengthening! 】【Two-color domineering! 】【Six forms! 】【Overlord color entanglement! 】He was about to start a big fight, but he didn’t expect that he had just solved a third-rate pirate group and found that the little cat Nami was packing up the pirate group’s property?“That’s my money, keep it for me!” Bai Xiao captured Nami on the spot and took it as one of the trophies.Then we set off all the way towards the Great Channel, collecting more and more loot, and seven days a week was not enough.Weiwei: “Please, please save Alabasta!”Nico Robin: “Only you can give me shelter in this world!”Boya Hancock: “If you can smash the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land to pieces, I and Nine Snake Island will be yours!”Im: “?”

Gold_D_Dragneel · Cómic
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60 Chs

Chapter 3


Smoke billows.

The floor was strewn with torn pieces of clothing.

Bai Xiao looked down from above.

In the corner, a pretty and graceful girl curled up with her hands tightly in front of her.

"You…don't mess around! Nami

's voice trembled, she exposed the tattoo on her left arm and said in a trembling tone:

"I'm a member of the Dragon Pirates!"

"If you dare to touch me, Captain Dragon will never let you go!"

"I am an important navigator of the Dragon Pirates!"

Her threat was powerless.

Even after she said the threat, she felt sad in her heart.

She actually… reduced herself to using the name of her enemy to gain opportunities for herself.

Damn it, it's obvious that the one she hates the most is the Dragon Pirate. group

"The Dragon Pirates?"

Bai Xiao looked at her timid expression and smiled nonchalantly:

"Even if the fairies press their departure date, it will still take at least a week to get here from Cocosia Village. One week is enough for me to make three visits to you countless times."

Nami was stunned for a moment, then her face turned pale and terrified.


"I have a lot of money and I know a lot of places where pirates hide their treasures!"

"Let me go, I can give it to you!"

Nami looked at Bai Xiao expectantly.

But what made her despair was that Bai Xiao just smiled and shook his head.

"Do you think I am still short of money with my strength?"

Nami suddenly despaired, her face turned earth-colored.

"Don't think about it, I'm interested in you as a person."Bai Xiao walked over, pulled her up forcefully, stood under the shower and started washing her.



After a long time.

The sun goes down.

Nami sat on the bedside with a pale face, her expression dull, as if she had lost all hope in life.


Bai Xiao put his arm around her smooth shoulder and held a cigarette in his other hand.

Smoke afterward and compete with the gods

"Don't be so sad, think on the bright side, it's the first time you meet such a skilled veteran like me, it won't hurt at all, right?"Bai Xiao comforted her.

Nami was speechless, with a sneer on her lips.

"And, I can give you what you want. Bai Xiao squinted his eyes, looking dim in the smoke,"I can help you deal with the Dragon Pirates.""

Nami didn't take it seriously at first.

Until she heard the name of the 'Dragon Pirates', she straightened her back.

Her originally soft body was instantly filled with strength.

"W-what do you mean?" she asked in surprise

"You obviously have tattoos of the evil dragons, but you don't smell like a 'pirate', so there must be something going on. Bai Xiao said calmly:"Those who are familiar with you can tell it at a glance.""

Although he didn't see it at all and was just showing off with the original plot.

But it didn't stop Bai Xiao from fooling her at this time.

"The smell of pirates? Nami frowned and asked,"What do you mean?""

"It just smells of blood and violence, and you don't have even a trace of it."Bai Xiao looked at her and said slowly

"..."Nami couldn't help but hesitated.

Indeed, as Bai Xiao said, she doesn't smell like a pirate.

Because from the beginning, I never really wanted to join the Dragon Pirates. After joining, I never accepted it, but became even more disgusted.

When we went to sea, there was no burning, killing or looting, we just stole the pirates' treasures.

"I can help you deal with the Dragon Pirates."Bai Xiao continued

"Just saying this now, how do you expect me to react? Nami listened and sneered:"You want me to be grateful?" Or kneel on the ground crying and begging for your help?"

The word 'scum' was written clearly in her eyes when she looked at Bai Xiao.

"Then don't you want to?"Bai Xiao didn't take it seriously and asked with a smile.

Nami was silent.

Of course she thought! She had imagined countless times that a hero would fall from the sky to solve the evil dragon pirate group and save Cocosia Village! But she never expected that a hero would fall from the sky.

It's not a hero, but a villain who forcibly takes over her!

"...what do you want?"Nami was silent for a long time, then took a deep breath and asked

"you. Bai Xiao's words were concise and concise.

Nami's eyes flashed with struggle, and finally turned into determination, and she said expressionlessly:"Okay!" As long as you can defeat the Dragon Pirates, I'm yours!"

She has come to her senses.

Even if it costs her own life, she must save Cocosia Village!

As for the 100 million Baileys agreed with the Dragon Pirates?

Nami is not a naive fool, it is just a scam.

But, In a moment of despair, even if it is a straw, I will hold on to it with all my strength!

"But why should I believe that you can really defeat the Dragon Pirates?"Nami's expression was cold, and her legs crossed subconsciously.

Hiss – but suddenly the wound was pulled, and she gritted her teeth in pain.

The aura she had just propped up instantly disappeared.

"If you had cooperated just now, it wouldn't be so painful now. Bai Xiao shook his head, got out of bed, opened the box, and took out the ointment inside.

"Come on, I'll give you some medicine."

Cooperate with you*****!

Nami cursed in her heart and really wanted to punch the man in front of her to death.

"Come and let me see how the injury is?"Bai Xiao said and went to pull the quilt.

Nami hesitated and let go of the bed sheet.

After all, you still have to cover up your fart?

She lay down with abandon, looked at the ceiling like a corpse, and asked again:"Hey , I ask you why you should deal with the Dragon Pirates? That's a big pirate with a bounty of 20 million beli!"

"you do not believe?"Bai Xiao asked while applying the potion.

"Hey, how can you believe someone who talks empty talk?"

"That's right, let me show you my hand."

After Bai Xiao finished applying the medicine, he walked to the wall on one side and took off the pistol.

Nami's heart tightened when she saw this. She thought Bai Xiao was angry because of shame, or was giving up, and wanted to deal with her.

"Don't be nervous. Bai

Xiao chuckled, found a bullet from the drawer, and loaded one.

Then, he faced Nami, with the gun pointed at his abdomen.

"you! ?"

Nami's eyes widened in surprise, not understanding what Bai Xiao meant.


Bai Xiao shot himself directly in the abdomen.

With a huge sound, a cluster of fire suddenly appeared, and the bullet that had just been loaded was able to surpass humans. The speed of vision hits Bai Xiao's six-pack belly

"You are crazy!!"Nami turned pale with horror and shouted in panic.