
One piece : Naruto's dream

Humanity has mocked, enslaved, and looked down on us. That is what Naruto thought, from childhood he was destined to do great things. But will it be his destiny to destroy what Otohime worked for, or will it take a special princess to change his mind?

Huvnn · Cómic
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57 Chs

Chapter 51 : Why do I attract these sorts of people? (8)


Naruto decided to forgo his anchor axe, by leaving it on the bow of the ship, and Arlong's Kiribachi was hanging upon the wall of the room he called for himself. Instead he relied on his fists since it had been far too long since he fought with only them.

Meeting the first member of he punched him directly in the face for an instant knock out, twirling on his heel he lashed out with a powerful kick that struck three members in the chest and sent them flying backwards. Several men came up, swords flashing in the light raised to slice into him.

Naruto only gave them his infamous shark-like smirk that would haunt them for months. He gabbed two men by their wrists, his iron grip causing them to cry out in pain and drop their swords.

The blond fishman then lifted them easily over his head and spun on his heels, causing him to look like a mini-tornado and used the two unfortunate men to slam into their comrades with violent force. Naruto spun like this for barely a minute before letting the men in his grip go-and by go I mean they flew face first into the wooden walls of the ship.

"Oh come on people, at least give me a challenge!" Naruto demanded at the thirty fearful men surrounding him, and the moaning twenty men laying at his feet.

With Kotetsu he was also wrapping up his minor skirmish. His blades flashed with non-lethal force, the flat of his blades hitting the forearms of the crew, knocking them out with powerful kicks, and jumping and fooling them into slashing his afterimages.

"Dammit this bastard's fast!" Hustle, the Combat Instructor of the Krieg Pirates yelled.

"And he's just toying with us too!" Kagikko, the Locksmith of the crew growled in anger.

"Well, he won't won't beat the twenty of us when we gang up on him!" Ideaman, the Staff Officer of Planning shouted when he raised his flintlock pistol to shoot the sandy-haired teen.

"Fuck yea!" The twenty men surrounding him bellowed. Following Ideaman's plan, they all pulled out some sort of firearm, and settled them upon Kotetsu's form.

"Hmph, Mirage Sword Style: Moon's Gentle Touch." Drawing upon his devil fruit's powers, Kotetsu disappeared and the sound of steel cutting into flesh resounded throughout the deck of the ship. Reappearing ten feet away, Kotetsu sheathed both his swords and the men fell to the ground stiff as boards.

"Wha-What the hell?" Hustle moved his muscular right arm to try and get up, only to scream as a cut in his bicep opened up.

"I wouldn't move too much. I didn't cut you guys too deep, but they were deep enough to the point that if you try to move, let alone attack me they will open."

"What?" Ideaman grunted out in pain.

"In idiot's terms, my attack is non-fatal and can easily be healed. But that will change if you move at all, and if you're too stupid to understand that let me make it clear. You move, you die. It's as simple as that." Kotetsu stood over them with a triumphant grin. Nobody died, and that was a victory for him.

For Bashura who was equipped with with a larger than normal tomahawk that was clutched firmly in his right hand, instead of his trusty harpoon. The weapon itself didn't look all that special, the wood was four feet in length with tribal markings running along the enlarged, upper portion of it, and had simple large steel axe head that shined in the sunlight.

The Zoan devil fruit-user twirled it in his hand with great expertise, as he looked at his two opponents.

The first was a towering man, wearing a yellow shirt and purple shorts that went to the his knees. One large iron plate covered his backside, as well as two small plates with large pearls embedded in them that rested upon his knees, elbows and hands, hell he even had pearls on his shoes and his freaking head! The man laughed in an obnoxious surfer accent that ruined his otherwise handsome face.

"Oh dude, Captain we got ourselves some strong ones."

Don Krieg only looked upon the three fighters defeating his crew with disdain in his cruel black eyes. He was a tall, muscular man, with short cut gray hair and long sideburns. After his fight with Luffy he lost a good majority of his armor and weapons. His signature golden wootz steel armor was missing his chest plate, shoulder guards, and his porcupine cape.

All he had left weapon-wise was a simple flintlock pistol, his diamond embedded gauntlets hidden by his black fur-lined gloves, a wrist-mounted flamethrower on his left gauntlet, and a iron net mounted launcher on his right one. All he had left attire-wise was a brown shirt, light-purple pants, a brown belt. and his black shoes.

"Kill them Pearl." He ordered the invincible iron wall of his crew. "All of you get up! None of you are allowed to fall unconscious until you do so!"

Krieg's demanding voice caused an immense amount of fear within his crew. It was just like Gin said, they feared Krieg more than they feared death itself. So, despite their bodies protests, they stood up on their own two feet. Blood from the wounds Kotetsu inflicted upon them opened up and ran down their bodies like a river, the one's Naruto downed with his powerful fists rose to their feet despite any broken bones, or concussions they had.

"The fuck? He wasn't kidding when he said Krieg ruled his crew through fear." Naruto said, completely disgusted at the method one would go to ensure loyalty to his crew.

"Well, duh. He may be a pirate, but he sure isn't a liar." Kotetsu remarked. He gripped his swords tight in his hands to prevent them from shaking, it seemed the only way to end this was to kill them all.

"Disgusting, I can smell the wickedness coming from his body." Bashura holstered his tomahawk onto his belt. He flexed his fingers, preparing to draw upon his devil fruit powers to transform him into his humanoid panther form.

Don Krieg only smirked. "Get them boys."

"Stand down!" A familiar voice to the crew caused them to halt their actions. Turning their head towards the right where the Galleon-class ship was hooked, their eyes widened in surprise, some thought they were seeing a ghost. It was Gin, their former Combat Commander of the crew standing under his own power with his signature tonfa with iron balls on the ends clutched in his hands. The black-haired man was sweating up a storm, and panting heavily, but still alive.

"Gin!" Krieg bellowed in hot rage. "How dare you show your face around me!"

"Not my intention, Captain." Gin spat out his title like it was poison. "I was free from you, free from your fear. But it looks like fate had other ideas in mind." He coughed violently, hacking up globs of blood that stained his already ruined shirt. "I guess I couldn't die before I dealt with you once and for all."

"Hahaha! You deal with me? Oh Gin, you are still nothing more than the punk I picked up from all those years ago." Reaching behind his back, Krieg pulled out his simple flintlock pistol from the holster on his belt, cocked the hammer back and aimed it at his former crew mate.

"You're nothing more than a dog, a dog that followed me blindly for years! And like a bad dog you must be put down for your disobedience! Men attack!"

"I SAID STAND DOWN!" Gin roared at the top of his lungs, a roar that was so loud that nearly the entire crew fell unconscious with foam welling up in their mouths. It wasn't necessarily what he had planned, but it had to do.

The former member of the Krieg Pirates used the last of his depleting strength to bolt forward, spinning the tonfa in his right hand at high speeds, he swung, and hit a wobbly Don Krieg square in the face. The blow made the pirate let out a painful squeak as the iron ball cracked his skull, and was flung to the ground with such violent force that it cracked the deck.

Panting in exhaustion and pain, Gin looked at a completely terrified Pearl. Despite the blood falling from the corners of his lips, he spoke his final orders to the remaining members of his crew.

"The Krieg Pirates are finished Pearl. When they wake up, head for a populated island, I do not care which. When you're halfway there, sink this ship and give up being a pirate. This is not a request, this is an order. And if you do not fulfill this order I will drag myself out of hell and make you suffer! You understand me Pearl?"

"A-h, y-y-ye-yea, of c-ourse dude." Pearl barely managed to stutter out before he too fell unconscious.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Naruto exclaimed in respect. And could you blame him? All Gin did was yell, and boom, nearly seventy men were knocked out.

'Haki?' Kotetsu narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the coughing man. 'First Kuro, then Krieg, and now this guy. The Marine's info have been way off for these guys, even if I have been on the run for a few months.' He then looked at the unmoving form of Don Krieg and bent down to see if he was even alive, to his surprise 'Foul Play Krieg' was still alive.

"Hey, Krieg's still alive!"

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto walked over to the defeated man, and gave him a swift kick in the ribs. Krieg groaned in pain soon afterwards. "Well son of a bitch, this asshole is more sturdier than I thought. Want me to finish the job?"

"No, don't kill him." Gin coughed several times, this time needing Bashura to support his weight. "I want him to pay for what he's done, and the only way I can think of having him suffer the greatest indignity of defeat is handing him over to the Marines."

"Then it looks like Lougetown is the was to go." Bashura grinned a disturbingly cat-like grin.

'And more trouble it looks like.' Naruto thought to himself.


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