
One Piece: My New Home

A simple wish was granted overnight, transporting a young fellow named Ray from Earth into the world of One Piece. Through the lens of the Straw Hats, the One Piece world looked fun, however, Ray knew different. Strength ruled over all and unlike the novels he had read, Ray wasn't granted any special abilities as he crossed over. How could a regular man possibly cope and thrive in this world? Note: No system bullshit, MC does have prior knowledge of the One Piece world but he won't be going for the Rumble Rumble fruit like every other Fanfic.

Pzero · Cómic
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29 Chs


A day later...

Ray had started to make his way back to Marineford, he wasn't planning on telling Sengoku about his clash with Whitebeard as that would cause him too many issues.

Not to mention, it was just a little small talk, that's all. Unsurprisingly, Whitebeard was still a monster, even without using his devil fruit.

Through their clash, Ray felt Whitebeard's Haki and it was almost as strong as Garp's despite his sickness.

Although Whitebeard might overpower him initially, his stamina would run out quickly if he kept using the advanced forms of Haki and also his Devil Fruit.

'It seems I'm still a step behind the Yonko's' thought Ray, Kaido had a Devil Fruit that enhanced his already absurd physique, as well as all 3 advanced forms of Haki. 

Big Mom and Whitebeard both possessed Devil Fruits that offered them lethal attacks, however, he wasn't fully sure of Shanks.

In the anime, he prevented Kaido from heading to Marineford so he was essentially his equal.

A few hours later...

Soon, Ray's ship enclosed on an extremely small island, they could at most fit a town in there. 

The only issue was that it was currently being razed...

Ray's mood dwindled, he didn't think Pirates would be this bold in the New World. Figuring it was most likely a new crew that had just made it.

His eyes gleamed in red, observing the entire island, not missing a single detail. 

Near the town port, he spotted a ship with a Jolly Roger. 

"Boys get to that island immediately, can't let these cunts escape!" commanded Ray to his subordinates.

Minutes later...

Ray's Marine ship docked onto the island, his men surrounding the port. They were instructed to not let a single Pirate get near their ship.

As Ray stepped off his ship, he got a proper look at the state of the town.

Every building was burned to the ground, no one was spared.

The villager's were pilled up on a stack in the middle of the village, the Pirates most likely rounded them up before killing and then burning them.

In the mix he could see smaller bodies as well, 'Even the fucking children' thought Ray, as he frowned in disgust.

Seeing the brutality that had occurred, most of his men couldn't stomach it and vomited.

The stench of death was prevalent in the air, it was almost suffocating...

Using his Observation Haki, Ray searched the island again, this time spotting a group of men camping out in a cave further away.

He could feel their emotions even from where he stood, they were all laughing and celebrating...

"I found them, rest of you stay here" commanded Ray as dashed towards the assailants.

Those men could tell that their Vice Admiral was truly enraged...


In a certain cave...

"BWAH HAH HAH! Man was that fucking fun... ever since we got here, we've been chased around all day by those bloody Marines" said a Pirate, he had a large build with a hideous face.

Scars were scattered all over his body, showing he had been quite active.

"You're damn right Cap... It's good to let loose every now and then" voice another, equally as hideous as the previous one.

They were a group of roughly 30 men, all laughing as they sipped on their drinks and ate in joy.

It seemed they were all in festive mood, no lack or remorse in sight.

In the corner of the cave, a fragile figure was chained up. His body was completely battered, filled with slash wounds that may leave scars if unattended.

He had bright blonde hair but it was currently marked in his own blood, despite that his bright blue eyes shone.

It was evident that he had been tortured by these cruel men.

"Cap, why'd you keep this kid alive?" asked of the crew mates.

"Heh, he's got quite the looks, I reckon we can sell him for a hefty sum" replied the captain.

"This bastard's still got that look in his eye, tch" said another, annoyed by the look in the boy's, he walked over and kicked him in the head repeatedly.

Despite being battered, his eyes remained focused and filled with rage and pure hatred. After all, the people he had loved were all brutally murdered by these ruthless scum.

Suddenly, an overwhelming presence filled the entire cave. It wasn't the effect of his Conqueror's Haki but rather that he was enraged.

What the pirates felt instantly, was a sense of fear...

They didn't even attempt to draw their weapons, Ray's presence had shook them to the core. 

Soon they all started shaking in terror as Ray kept walking into the cave. 

When all the Pirates were in sight, Ray inspected every one of them, however they all avoided eye contact.

"P-Please s-sir! Have Mercy" stuttered a Pirate.

"Mercy?" questioned Ray as he turned to towards the Pirate. 

"Did those villagers not plead with you in the same way? Why should I spare your pathetic lives? Tell me!" demanded Ray, in response the Pirate started to shake in fear even more.

Having tolerated them for long enough, Ray dashed towards the Pirate and plunged his arm through his chest.

In the last moments before his death, all he heard was...

"Fucking... weakling"

The other pirates almost choked on their own breath as the man in front of them simply vanished and he had instantly ended their crewmate's life.

Ray's retracted his arm from that man's chest, as he did so, the body fell into the ground. 

Looking down, Ray spat at the man before looking at the rest of the men. 

A terrifying smile appeared on Ray's face, sending shivers down the Pirates spines.

"I declare that from now... you're lives are hereby forfeited" announced Ray with authority.

Moments later, Ray zipped around the room like a cheetah as he tore all the limbs off every Pirate except the one they called captain.

Some of them were still alive but their deaths were inevitable. Limbs scattered across the cave as the life in those limbless bodies, vanished.

Further away, in the corner, the boy watched attentively as a mysterious man brutalised those men that haunted him.

He watched as Ray cut off the leader's legs before walking over to him.

"Boy, I'll give you this chance at vengeance" voiced Ray as he destroyed the boy's chains with his immense Haki.

The boy watched in awe as Ray crumbled the metal chains as if they were paper.

"What kind of man would I be if I took away such an opportunity from you?" questioned Ray as he unsheathed his katana, placing it into the boy's hand.

Pointing at the captain, Ray reminded, "You see that man there, he led those men into your village, take his life with your own hands"

The boy hesitated for a moment but his hate prevailed as he walked over and stood above the man.

"P-please boy! I-I also have a family... I swear!" pleaded the pirate with tears in his eyes, his voice filled with pain.

"WHAT ABOUT MY FAMILY!" replied the boy with his hatred in eyes, tears falling down as he mourned his dear family.

"Both my parents and even... my new born brother! It was YOU... You took that away from me!" without delay, the boy directed the katana into Pirate's spine and plunged down into his flesh.

He didn't aim for him head, no...

He wanted to see look of dread in the Pirates eyes as he ended his life, constantly stabbing him.

A few minutes later...

"Enough, boy" said Ray as he grasped the boy's hands, preventing him from carrying on.

"Let, go!" demanded the boy, as he attempted to stab the man once again.

"He's already dead, you're wasting your time" reminded Ray, in which the boy came into realisation before he dropped onto his knees.

Both of them remained in silence before the boy muttered something in despair, "Why should I-I even live..."

"N-no, I'll live and kill them all!" said the boy with determination as he clenched his fists.

Grabbing hold of Ray's trousers, the boy begged, "Please sir! I'll do anything, just help me become like you"

"Why should I?" questioned Ray, shattering the last bit of hope in the boy's eyes.

"Let's say I do help you, what then? Will you live out your life hunting pirates all day for the sake of vengeance?" 

"If so, then no..."

"Face the reality boy, you're family is gone but you've avenged them, there's no one left for you to kill"

"B-but there's plenty of them out there!" shouted the boy.

"So what? I've slaughtered thousands of these scum yet there's plenty still scattered all over this world, what your chasing is ultimately a pointless goal"

"I'll give you a choice boy, live on for the sake of your family and I'll help you... otherwise I won't bother" explained Ray.

What Ray wanted the least was for the boy to turn out like Akainu, for the sake of eradicating Pirates, he lost himself to absolute justice.

Holding out his hand, Ray spoke once again.

"Now, choose boy..."

The boy started at Ray's hand for a while, before finally making his choice.

"I... choose to live" replied the boy as he grabbed hold of Ray's hand.