

A guy from earth transmigrates into the world of One Piece as Luffy's elder brother under mysterious circumstances. Follow him on his journey as he navigates through the treacherous seas of Grandline. Which companions will join him on his journey? Who would he have to face to continue sailing? will he be able to prevail and achieve his dreams or will he fall victim to the unforgiving seas where strong tramples on the weak? Disclaimer: I do not own anything except original characters #No overpowered system! *MC and Straw Hats will occasionally meet, they will not travel together.

shshsh01 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Changing Tides 3

Currently, everyone was at Partys bar. Shanks' crew were drinking and partying while Luffy was ranting about becoming the Pirate King, while Uta was teasing him. Mori was drinking some Juice while sitting in a corner.

"Luffy, you are good at swimming doesn't mean you can become the Pirate King." Yasopp stated while laughing.

"I am good at fighting too. My punches are like pistols" Luffy stated.

"Is that so?" Shanks asked in a mocking tone.

Everyone started to laugh.

"Sigh! Why is this happening right now? Did my presence cause a butterfly effect? Well, that is none of my concern" Mori muttered to himself.


The door to the bar was kicked open with such force that one of the door slabs was ripped apart from the door frame.

"Pardon us"

Everyone looked at the newcomers. They saw a man leading a group of hooligans.

"Oh...so these are pirates, looks pretty damn dumb" the man leading the group stated in a nonchalant tone.

"Welcome", Makino greeted them while moving towards the bar counter.

" I am Higuma, leader of mountain bandits but we are not here to cause trouble. Sell us some booze. 10 barrels oughta do" Higuma declared.

He was a tall, tan-skinned man with black hair, a black goatee, and an X-shaped scar above his right eye. He wore a long red coat over a white shirt, black trousers, and a golden necklace.

"I'm Sorry, we ran out of alcohol," Makino said to Higuma nervously.

"Oh... that's odd. These pirates seem to be drinking something..... what is it, water? Higuma scowled.

"No, what they are drinking is the last of it," Makino replied. Shanks looked at him. "My apologies. Looks like we drank the whole place dry. Sorry. You can have this. If you'd like. It hasn't been opened yet" Shanks held the unopened bottle of booze in front of Higuma, for him to take it.

He punched the bottle with his hands, smashing it into pieces. Some of the booze landed on Shanks' Straw Hat. Makino gasped in shock. Shanks' crew were looking at it with indifferent faces. Luffy had a serious expression. Mori was observing the situation, holding back his rage.

" There's an 8 million Berry bounty on my head, you know. One bottle isn't enough for a bedtime drink. Don't joke with me." Higuma shouted.

"Oh....now the floor is so wet. Sorry about that Makino-san. Do you have a rag?" Shanks looked at the ground and said.

"Oh! I'll do that" Makino ran back inside to get the rug.

Higuma unsheathed his sword and swung it.


His swing shattered all the plates on the counter, which fell onto the floor below.

"Seems you like cleaning. Then maybe you will find this more fulfilling." Higuma said while looking at Shanks.

"Not worth our time if they are out of booze. Let's go." Higuma scowled and left with his group.

Luffy gritted his teeth.

Makino ran to Shanks to check on him.

"Dahahahaha!!" Shanks started to laugh.

Suddenly all of Shanks's crew started laughing.

" Why are you laughing!!! That was so uncool. Why didn't you fight them? No matter how many they are or how strong they seem, you are not a man or pirate if you laugh after something like that!" Luffy shouted in anger.

Mori stood up from his seat and started heading towards the bar exit.

"Where are you going, Mori?" Shanks asked.

"I don't care how you guys act in a situation like this. But I live in this place. I can't allow someone to damage this place and leave as they want." Mori stated in a cold tone, then he left the bar.

After a few steps, he heard Shanks shouting at Luffy, and a slight smile formed on his face.


After a few minutes of walking, he spotted Higumas's group near the town entrance. He vanished from his spot and appeared in front of Higuma's group, blocking their way.

"Hey! Where did this kid come from?" One of the bandits shouted.

"Wasn't he the kid from the bar?" Another bandit chimed in.

"Hey, kid what are you doing here? Don't tell me you are here to take revenge." Higuma taunted him.

"Looks like you are not that dumb after all" Mori said while smirking.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! A little kid wants to take revenge on me. Did you hear that guys?

Looks like you need to be taught a lesson. All of you, catch him and beat him up."Higuma shouted.

All of his subordinates started charging at Mori.

Mori released his conqueror's haki and all of them started falling to the ground while foaming from their mouths. He purposely left Higuma out of its range. He wanted to beat him up. That guy had a very annoying face. So he wanted to punch it to his heart's content.

"Hey...what happened? All of you, get up." Higuma shouted. But after getting no response he looked at Mori.

"Is it your doing kid? Is it a devil's fruit? But, looks like it doesn't work on me. You are out of luck, kid" Higuma unsheathed his sword and charged forward.

"Sigh! How dumb can people be?" Mori muttered to himself.

Higuma swung his sword towards Mori but before his sword could reach him, Mori reacted. He delivered a shigan to Higuma's hand which was holding the sword. The shigan fully penetrated his arm.

"Agghhhhhh!!!!!" Higuma shouted like a pig, about to be slaughtered on a chopping block.

But Mori wasn't letting him go today. He choked slammed Higuma to the ground, then punched him in the face which shattered all of his teeth.

Higuma was growling something with his broken teeth, probably begging for mercy.

"Nah...I am not letting you go today. I am not that kind."

Mori made Higuma kneel by holding him by his neck. Then he delivered a vertical kick to Higuma's balls, which probably shattered them. Higuma screamed like a madman before passing out.


After tying them up with ropes, he handed the rest of the bandits along with Higuma to Woop Slap, to cash in on their bounties. Woop Slap was obviously shocked looking at Higuma's state. He didn't let him go before he explained everything in detail.

"Sigh! Sometimes that old guy is so annoying" Mori muttered to himself while entering Partys bar.



End of the chapter


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