
One Piece : Luffy is Exposed

In the year 1520 of the lunar calendar, Luffy embarked on his journey to the sea! Roger had long been executed, and order ruled the seas, with the Navy resting comfortably in their headquarters. But then, a sudden live broadcast sent shockwaves throughout the world! Top Ten Remarkable Battles Revealed! Top 10: Gecko Moria vs. Nightmare Luffy! Top 8: Fierce encounter with the leopard-form Lucci, fighting for Nakama! ... Top 6: A dignified opponent, New World's Doflamingo! ... Top 3: The Paramount War's epic clash! ... With this revelation, everyone witnessed Luffy's remarkable growth and increasing strength. Even the Navy began to realize the looming danger! From their initial disdain and contempt, their sentiments gradually shifted to fear and admiration. Could this be the future Yonko? No, it's the future... king!!! ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. patreon.com/PirateKing24

PirateKing24 · Cómic
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325 Chs

Chapter 217 : Nami Kidnapped!

[In his quest to dominate the world, Shiki sought to command attention from all quarters.]

[Thus, a few days prior to making his move, he discreetly spread word across the globe of his intent to annihilate the entire East Blue.]

[Upon hearing this news, Luffy and his crew naturally refused to turn a blind eye!]

[After all, the East Blue held a special place in Luffy's heart, being his homeland and the birthplace of many of the Straw Hat Pirates.]

[Coincidentally, with no pressing matters at hand, they decided to return to the East Blue.]

[If the threat proved baseless, their journey would simply serve as a nostalgic trip to Luffy's hometown.]

[But if it held truth, Luffy and his crew were prepared to spare no effort in thwarting the impending danger.]

[As Luffy and his crew journeyed back to the East Blue, Nami, their skilled navigator, sensed an impending storm on the horizon.]

[Coincidentally, Shiki Pirates were also in close proximity to Luffy's crew at this time.]

[Having previously suffered defeat at the hands of Roger due to weather conditions, Shiki harbored a keen sensitivity towards atmospheric phenomena and coveted skilled navigators.]

[Recognizing Nami's exceptional weather-sensing abilities, Shiki wasted no time in employing his Devil Fruit power to levitate the entire Straw Hat crew into the air.]

[Kidnapping Nami in the process, he stranded Luffy and his comrades on a vast island, convinced of their inadequacy to pose a threat.]

Damn it!

Did he just take away Luffy's friends?

As viewers witnessed Shiki's actions, fury surged within them!

They knew that Luffy cherished his crew above all else.

Indeed, not only Luffy but viewers alike understood the paramount importance of comrades.

Shiki's forceful abduction of their friends evoked revulsion and utter cruelty!

Unquestionably, viewers anticipated Luffy and his crew's retaliatory response.

For Luffy, his comrades were his lifeblood.

Perhaps this sentiment resonated with every member of the Straw Hat Pirates!

With Nami seized by Shiki, how could they depart willingly?

They would undoubtedly rise to confront Shiki and reclaim their comrade!

Soon, the narrative unfolded as expected.

[Despite facing formidable enemies among the ferocious creatures and flora on Shiki's floating island,]

[Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and their comrades refused to yield in their quest to rescue Nami.]

[They unleashed their full might, overcoming each monstrous obstacle one by one until they confronted Shiki once more!]

[With Nami secured, they prepared to flee the floating island entirely. However, Shiki intervened.]

["It appears you fail to grasp the extent of my power, daring to flee before me?"]

["Allow me to instill in you the fear borne of true strength!"]

[With that declaration, Shiki unleashed his Devil Fruit power upon Luffy and his crew!]

["Lion's Might: Earth's Grasp!"]

[In an instant, countless soil and rocks obeyed Shiki's command, manipulated by his mastery of levitation!]

[As a result, it continually shifts and rises, directly morphing into one massive lion head after another!]

[He exudes an air of dominance as he encircles Luffy and the others!]

[Effectively blocking their path!]

This maneuver by Shiki leaves countless onlookers in awe.

With a mere gesture, he alters the terrain and conjures such formidable lion heads.

If he were to send these lion heads crashing down directly, Luffy and his crew wouldn't stand a chance against such overwhelming power!

He's fully capable of wielding the entire ground as a weapon. Can anything thwart his victory?

Even a colossal naval vessel would likely be reduced to debris in this onslaught!

Is this the might of Shiki?

Is this the fearsome prowess of the Float Float Fruit?

At this moment, spectators are both shocked and awed.

And among them, figures like Whitebeard, Shanks, and others.

Witnessing this spectacle, some smile knowingly, while others wear solemn expressions.

"Shiki, after all these years, his power hasn't waned but only grown. Truly, he remains as formidable as ever!"

"His strength rivals that of any of the sea's Four Emperors, and surpasses even the late Bullet!"

"How can Luffy and his crew hope to overcome such a foe?"

[The Straw Hat Pirates are stunned by Shiki's terrifying might!]

[Yet, they refuse to abandon their quest to rescue Nami!]

[Luffy, Zoro, and the others continue to unleash their strength, weathering Shiki's assaults time and again!]

[They fall, then rise once more, undeterred!]

[Though battered and scarred, victory seems elusive!]

[Still, they press on, charging at Shiki and launching their attacks relentlessly.]

[But Shiki's might is overwhelming, the gap in power insurmountable.]

[Now, Luffy and his crew find themselves unable to breach Shiki's defenses!]

[Shiki can't even unleash his true power!]

[Seeing Shiki growing impatient, he was on the brink of attacking Luffy and the others directly!]

[Nami, unable to bear it any longer, stood up...]

["Don't lay a finger on my friends. I'll go with you..."]

[In that moment, Nami offered to leave the Straw Hat Pirates and join Shiki.]

[This left Luffy, Zoro, and the others utterly dumbfounded.]

[Despite their constant pleas for Nami to stay, she knew the harsh reality.]

[If she didn't leave with Shiki, Luffy and the others would surely be slain on the spot!]

[Reluctant as she was, circumstances compelled her to safeguard Luffy and the others.]

[She had to follow Shiki, and soon they vanished from sight.]

[And in that instant, Luffy felt a rage he'd never experienced before!]

[They finally realized that without absolute strength, they couldn't protect their comrades!]

[The pain of losing a comrade was unbearable!]

[Thinking of Shiki's power, and then of the way Nami left to shield her own,]

[Luffy refused to surrender. His face bore a determination never before seen!]

["No one can sever the bond between us as comrades."]

["I will defeat that enemy without fail!"]

["Nami, I will rescue you!!!"]


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