
One Piece: Like father like son!

A fellow weeb gets reincarnated in the world of One Piece as Portgas D. Jackson, the twin brother of Portgas D. Ace. His randomly generated cheat is letting him synchronize his battlepower and techniques over time with an anime character, which is also randomly chosen ;). I don’t own anything beside original characters Writing for fun but also trying to improve so pls leave a feedback

End_boss · Cómic
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128 Chs

Robin vs Daifuku! (part 1)

(AN: Short recap: Jackson got an invitation to Big Mom's tea party shortly after arriving in the new world. 2 Months later they visit Whole Cake Island with Boa Hancock and her Kuja-Pirates, secretly eying to get themselves a Road-Poneglyph. During her Tea Party, Big Mom takes Jackson to the mirror dimension for a discussion she planned but returns by herself afterwards. A fight breaks out between both sides without Jackson being present. As of now Kuina is holding back Big Mom while Law is about to face sweet general Cracker. Sabo confronts Katakuri but what about everyone else?)

Daifuku moved next to Amanda, who was critically injured after taking 3 of Augur's shots to the torso. With his observation haki, he could sense how quickly Amanda's presence was fading.

It would probably be hard to save her in time, even if he immediately took her down to Big Mom's castle's medical wing but would he have the chance to do so in the first place? Carefully eying Robin who stood in front of him, Daifuku seriously contemplated whether she would hinder him if he moved to save her now.

(AN: Big Mom's children aren't super friendly and loving but a few of them seriously care for some of their siblings)

'I can't risk it.'

Was the conclusion he reached.

'How could I hope and trust in an opponent's mercy?'

His eyes grew cold as he decided on his next course of actions. The huge djinn moved ready to strike again but this time Robin was prepared to either dodge or counter yet none of those actions were required.

The djinn's giant glaive repeatedly hit the ground, breaking it in multiple places while also whirling up a lot of dust and dirt. A short lived dirt cloud temporarily blocked her sight of Daifuku and Amanda but Robin did notice how a body was catapulted out of mentioned cloud.

It was Amanda. Daifuku threw her out and straight into the arms of a small group of soldiers, who survived Robin's onslaught earlier.

"Take her to Mama's medical wing now! Jump through there while I buy you time!"

He hurriedly shouted orders while pointing at one of those craters his djinn just made. It will probably lead them from this château into the actual castle effectively buying Amanda some time. Meanwhile Robin, after having decided to finally stop spectating, crossed her arms and got ready for a hard battle.

"If you wanted to save her, you should have just asked. I wouldn't have minded to get both of you away from this battlefield."

As usual she spoke in her typically casual way while wearing a mesmerizing smile, yet it only caused Daifuku to directly attack Robin again.

"Shut up! If Mama didn't want you alive, I would have killed you 10 times over by now!"

Light pinkish petals appeared, dancing through the air while a huge pair of slender arms successfully deflected the giant's descending glaive. Daifuku's attack came quickly and decisively, making Robin almost doubt his words about Big Mom wanting her alive. It was still nothing she couldn't handle.

One attack led to another, which in turn led to another offensive move. This repeated itself again and again until both sides moved so quickly that, despite their avatar's gigantic sizes, only blurs were visible for others.

Daifuku's djinn had unexpected difficulties in dealing with those huge arms and legs that keep disappearing only to suddenly pop up again, when he didn't expect it. Not only was it tricky to defend against them, it was also hard to break their defence since most of his attack's force gets misled and dispelled. Yet on the other hand, Robin's situation wasn't too great either.

'Despite sacrificing a good amount of stamina by repeatedly dispelling and creating huge arms and legs in a short amount of time, I couldn't land a solid hit even when using rokushiki.

'Not only that, but because of our respective avatar's sizes, this battle is bound to attract a lot of attention, meaning that reinforcement for Daifuku could arrive at any time.'

She still calmly analysed her situation before deciding her next course of action.

'I'll have to try and end it quickly. Others could face a similar situation as me and may need help.'

Crossing both arms in front of her chest again, Robin created a huge avatar for herself. The avatar only materialized her upper body but ten more huge, snake like, arms grew from next to her avatar.

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol x10!"

Without giving the surprised Daifuku much time, she lunched a vicious attack, clearly intending to supress her opponent, and it was fairly successful.


A groan escaped Daifuku as he could feel the strain his djinn endured by just defending. The Hasshoken martial arts is effective even when someone focuses on blocking and defending, which Robin's opponent just got to experience fist hand.

'Even while blocking, the force of her attacks spreads fairly far within the djinns body. Luckily damage isn't directly transferred but I still have to think of something otherwise she will dispel it completely.'

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom! x10"

Much to Daifuku's displeasure Robin's attacks became even faster and more vicious. Each arm now struck 6 times in quick succession. Evading became nearly impossible where as defending was close to useless since the Djinn only accumulated damage.

This one sided beating actually went on for a good while, and Robin had to admit that her opponent's tenacity was quite high, yet she could also sense that his djinn wouldn't hold on much longer.

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom! x10"

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom! x10"

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom! x10"

"Hasshoken: Giant finger pistol lotus bloom! x10"

Instead of steadily cornering and ending her opponent, she concluded it would be much better to quickly end this fight, considering they were outnumbered in enemy territory and without their captain. Yet she made a mistake. Daifuku tried long and hard to hold on and think of an effective way to counter and deal with her, but nothing came to his mind.

So, he took extreme measures. First he put up his best defence intending to drag it out as long as possible because he knew that being on the offense all the time was super draining.

Indeed, keeping up her power amplifying avatar while repeatedly covering not one but ten huge arms with armament haki while using rokushiki and Hasshoken multiple times with 10 arms, of which all sensation are directly transferred to her body put quite the strain on her.

So during her last attack, Daifuku ordered his djinn to completely disregarded any and all defence and blocking while rushing straight at his enemy. The glaive's blade turned black as it was covered in haki. The arms which fully focused on offense punctured the djinn, almost tearing it apart but it refused to dispel until it managed to stab through Robin's avatar's stomach.

The wound was directly transferred to her real body, causing blood to slowly coat her clothes red. Both the djinn and huge Robin as well as all ten huge snake like arms disappeared leaving a wounded normal sized Robin, and a Daifuku without djinn, carefully watching each other.

"You should give up now."

Daifuku spoke first.

"Believe it or not but the winner is already decided."

Robin didn't answer him and tried to put pressure on her wound in order to slow down the bleeding.

"Mama wants you, so you will at least be safe. Nico Robin we know a bit about your past, and how you survived."

Now he got a small reaction out of Robin, who looked up and glared at him.

"There is no need to continue a loosing battle for people who couldn't even properly protect you-"

"You're wrong."

She interrupted him, seeming unable to listen to his talk any longer.

"You got it all wrong."

She calmly smiled, as if she was sure that everything is going to turn out just fine.

"This time I am with them, and trained for 6 years, so I could protect my friends."

"Friends? That lousy brat and his rag tag crew? Didn't you see him leading you all into this current situation?"

Robin's smile got even wider.

"You are wrong again."

She didn't say anything else. Daifuku could only sigh at her stubbornness to see what he believed to be the truth. He didn't know that she, who lost her mother, her late best friend Saul, her home, her childish innocence and trust in people, and almost even her dear captain, made a silent vow to herself on the night Jackson was believed to have died.

Instead of relying on others all the time she wanted to step up and stand were those she lost once stood. Being a protection for those she deemed important even at the cost of her life. So, she trained day after day after day.

Daifuku couldn't possibly know what went through her head, but he believed that she would give up once she had no more hope.

"Have you ever heard of the saying that if you rub a magical lamp a djinn will grant you 3 wishes?"

He moved both hands to his large belt.

"Well, it just so happens that I still have 2 more left!"

Rubbing it, caused a another djinn to appear, looking just like the first one, which Robin managed to beat. Thinking of how she was wounded and probably tired, Daifuku expected her to be pressured after seeing another djinn.

He was wrong. Robin showed little to no reaction at all. Instead she crossed her arms once more to activate her devil fruit powers. Petals appeared and danced around her like a whirlwind, no, it looked like she was swallowed up by them. She vanished right in front of his eyes.



For a moment Daifuku couldn't sense her even with his observation haki, until the same petals started to merge together and turning into Robin. Robin with neither wounds nor torn clothes or any sign of exhaustion.

"…How did you do that?"

Daifuku couldn't help but ask, yet Robin knew that giving too much information to an enemy during a battle is the equivalent to tripping oneself during a marathon.

"Who knows?"

She answered with her casual tone and beautiful smile back. (AN: I'll probably explain this technique in a later chapter just know it's new.)

The advantage Daifuku believed to have up until now suddenly vanished and they were back at the beginning, though Robin didn't seem to mind it too much.

"Now then, shall we start round 2?"

(AN: HEY! Who would have thought that a new chapter would be uploaded ever again!? Shocking ain't it? Jokes aside, as always the case for me, it's somewhat strange to be back at writing after months of not writing so if you find mistakes, plot holes, drop in quality or inconsistences pls let me know. I'm also open for suggestions on how to improve some aspects etc. I think I'll be able to find my old way of writing after some weeks. As always hope you could enjoy my ff and hope you will leave a comment/review/meme. Till next month- *cough* meant to say till next time!)