
One Piece King (Full Version)

The flesh-piercing One Piece hit Luffy’s ship. A journey of saying no with the body but honestly following the boat began. Have a duel plate. Five monster card slots can have five demon fruit abilities at the same time, and then assist magic cards, trap cards, equipment cards... "This distorted world, let my'flower grower' subvert it!"

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415 Chs

One Piece Chapter 243

Krokdal was also an old man. Seeing that this attack could not be resisted, the golden poisonous hook was in front of him. He took the attack on his behalf and planned to retreat with the help of Lan Ye's offensive.

However, the expected strength did not appear. Lan Ye's punch was basically a cover, and halfway through the punch, he suddenly changed his move, squatting down and swiping his legs.

A layer of seawater will naturally be bound by gravity on the legs.


What Blue Night swept was just a handful of yellow sand, Krokdal's dangerous and dangerous elementalization rose up a bit, but the sole was swept away.

It is not Krokdal's style to just be beaten and not fight back. When Lan Ye's legs were stiff, his right arm turned into a huge sand blade, and a yellow knife slashed on the left dragon wing on Lan Ye's back. .

Desert Knife!


After the left dragon wing resisted for a few seconds, it eventually shattered into messy scales. At the same time, Lan Ye suffered a huge impact, half of his body was pressed into the ground, the surrounding area was cracked, and the ground shook a few times.

The power is so great that this deep sea secret room is a bit unbearable.

Krokdal's strength is evident.

Krokdal was obviously dissatisfied with not being able to damage Lan Ye, but he did not take advantage of the victory, and then retreated quickly, avoiding Sanji's flying kick and Luffy's "rubber bullets". At the same time, he had The'Desert Knife' waved again, preparing to kill Sanji who was unable to take advantage of it in the air.

Lan Ye has a dragon scale body, do you have a small suit?

Of course, good friends are in trouble, Sauron naturally can't see the dead, holding two knives straight to Krokdal's waist, the knives are also covered with a layer of seawater wax.

If Krokdal dared to stay and attack, he would be cut by Sauron!

After changing one, Krokdal obviously disagrees, and can only give up the attack and retreat again, but the action is still slightly slower, and it is rubbed off by Sauron's Hedao.

A touch of blood appeared in the sand, then disappeared.

Krokdal was finally injured!

Without waiting for him to get angry, Smogg, who turned into smoke, was already attacking, with the sea tower stone cross in his hand pointing straight to his heart.

Krokdahl had to retreat again and again, and the gold in his hand was poisoned to open the stone cross of the sea tower.


There was a muffled noise against the wall.

Klockdal was forced to the wall.

Lan Ye, Sauron, Sanji, Luffy, and Smog stared at him.

The decisive battle is here!

178. The siege of Krokdal (3) [3/3]

Facing the desperate siege, Krokdal was extremely calm.

I saw that the'Desert Knife' in his right hand rose again by a few points, sweeping a semicircle toward the front, and a huge crescent-shaped sand blade forced everyone away.

The only half of the dragon wing that Lan Ye unfolded was guarded in front of him, Zoro and Sanji hid behind him wisely, and Smogg had to evade his edge temporarily.

Only Luffy rushed up like a green head, and was directly submerged by the'arc moon-shaped sand dune'. When he reappeared, it was already a skinny human-shaped mummy.

The candle compartment can only isolate ordinary sand currents. If it is a force-gathering attack, it will be peeled off every minute.

Blue night: "..."

Is this guy really the protagonist who can kill Klockdal in the future?

Can only say, pity my Uncle Sha was killed by the plot.

When they hit the'Desert Sword' and the'Arc Moon Sand Dune', both Lan Ye's dragon wings are destroyed. Will this strength be killed by Luffy?

Still in the home position of the desert!

Sanji retreated consciously, preparing to take Luffy to replenish water. Lan Ye, Sauron, and Smogg were about to continue besieging Klockdal, but they were swept back by a jet of sand.

Lan Ye's heart was shocked.

Damn, where does this so much sand come from?

Fortunately, although the amount of sand is heavy and heavy, it may be a hastily attack, and it does not have the'dry' ability to absorb water. Instead, it peeled off the wax layer on Sanji and Sauron.

At the same time, the water on their feet and blades was washed away, and they had to take Luffy back to Mr. 3 to replenish them.

The form suddenly reversed, leaving Smogg and Lan Ye facing Klockdal.

Repulsive force rushed away from the surrounding Sha Shuo, Lan Ye looked at Krokdal, and understood why the other party had such a large amount of sand currents to hit everyone.

It's the wall.

The rock wall on which Krokdal was leaning has disappeared at this time, leaving only a huge glass of glass.

Krocdal absorbed the water contained in it, let it dry and shatter into powder, forming a new controllable sand sparkle for him to drive.

Thousands are counted, but he didn't even count that the other party had this ability.

I have to say that Krokdal must have spent a lot of effort to build this underground chamber.

Probably because of this underground secret room, the body is actually a huge glass hemisphere, placed in the bottom of the sea, it is really the best choice for underwater sightseeing.

You want to ask how Lan Ye knew?

Just use it.

In this moment, Krokdal had shattered the surrounding rocky walls, floors, and ceilings into shimmering sand, leaving only the almost transparent glass hemisphere.

At this time, the sand flow controlled by Klockdal occupies about one-tenth of the space of the glass hemisphere.

The battle position carefully selected by Lan Ye originally thought it was an excellent place to restrict Krokdal, but now it has become the restriction of all of them.

The space is too small, it's still under the deep sea, and a GG is too strong.

But well...for the blue night who is not afraid of the sea, this is not a bad idea.

He stomped the transparent glass material under his toes heavily, and made a strong echo of'Qiangqiang', Lan Ye shrugged.

Look to the side.

That was the entrance where the mirror avatar came in before. There was originally an influx of seawater, but he commanded a sea king to block the entrance.

But looking at it now, I don't know when that position was blocked again.