
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Tiger In a Storm

Imagine, two monster missiles flying towards each other, and then they collide face first into each other.

It was like that, this strike between Whitebeard and San Juan Wolf.

Juan, that mutated giant, rushed forth and tried to kick Whitebeard with his gigantic leg.

Whitebeard, seeing this, used his devil fruit powers to launch an air-quake that would then act as a shield for him.

As the leg and the hand clashed, a ring of destruction emerged from beneath the foot of Juan. Like a tsunami, the ground beneath Whitebeard broke, and it became a behemoth-like crater.

Rocks randomly erupted and were thrown into the sky, and dust polluted the air near Whitebeard, causing all the pirates near him to run away and take shelter.

From afar, Marco now saw the scene, straining his eyes to get a good view.

And then he run in haste, towards his captain.

With his heart in his throat, he shouted out desperately, and ran with all his might towards Whitebeard.

For he was afraid that something evil had befell him.

And when he reached there, he couldn't even see Whitebeard. Juan's leg was almost touching the ground, leaving only a little gap.

Thus, with a heart of flickering hope, Marco earnestly looked forward towards his captain, who might or might not be alive under that immense foot.

But sudden as a cat, the gargantuan leg trembled.

From underneath the leg, Whitebeard pressed outwards with all his strength, and San Juan Wolf himself felt queasy.

After a while, Whitebeard was able to exert so much force as to even push him off.

Juan, now confused as hell, shifted his leg and placed it in an alternate area. He thought clumsily, ' how could this man be able to resist me?'

Imagine if an elephant tries to crush an ant, and the ant pushes away the elephant. Now, wouldn't that be a sight to watch!

Yet Whitebeard was not quite as victorious as he thought. Before he could make another move, a man of eleven feet and above in height emerged from behind San Juan's feet, and he pounced upon Whitebeard to take him at unawares.

Whitebeard was barely able to make it in time, as he propped up his elbow to fend off Jesus Burgess' attack.

Like a beast he came, and performed a 'Lariat' on Whitebeard, that is, folding his elbow and striking the opponent's trachea with his biceps.

Of course, he had to jump in order to reach him, but even then his attack was extremely powerful.

With the help of his Riki Riki no mi, Burgess had gained tremendous strength, and his body could now withstand even the greatest hits. Thus, his body was now extremely durable, and his muscles were strong and stronger than steel.

And a sudden lariat from this man… was a guarantee of an immediate death to any normal person.

But this is Whitebeard we are talking about, the strongest man in the world.

Having humongous scalene muscles and well developed trapezius muscles, he was without doubt a complete unit.

And nobody in the world's muscles, (of his size) can even be compared to the strength and robustness of his sternocleidomastoid muscles.

Nevertheless, when his neck connected with the big biceps of Burgess, he let out a small gasp, as he felt his windpipe getting violated.

Quick action was needed to survive this, and Whitebeard swiftly grabbed Jesus Burgess by the back of his neck, and having lifted him, bashed him in the ground head first.

"And who the hell are you, twat?"

Burgess tried to get up, in vain. How much ever he tried, he could not move, from the deathly grasp of his opponent.

Then, in a desperate move, he struck the earth with his mighty fist, and took a large piece of hard rock, to throw at his opponent.

Whitebeard, out of instinct let go of Burgess and defended himself with his sword.

Ugh, he thought. Too many pests. I can't even kill that betrayer now easily.

The huge chunk of rock shattered against Murakumogiri, and Whitebeard swatted away all the other tiny shards that flew towards him.

Jesus Burgess saw this, and chuckled. "Looks like you still got the fight in you, old man!"

Snarling like a panther, he sprinted towards Whitebeard, and as he leapt, he did an elbow strike.

Or he tried to do it.

Before he could achieve it, Whitebeard swung Murakumogiri, and taking a step back, he thrusted forth the great sword.

And just like that, Burgess was impaled, right next to his stomach.

He hung like a fish on a barbecue rod now, that great fighter. Even though it was still not the end of the fight, he acted as if he was unconscious, and his plan was to suddenly spring on Whitebeard.

But before he could do anything, he noticed something that came from behind Whitebeard.

And he smiled, with a cunning look. His smile widened, as he pushed away from his opponent's sword, and then ran away in the opposite direction.

Whitebeard was confused now. Why is he running away? Is he such a coward?

However, it was only when he glanced back, when he realised in what kind of a situation he was stuck in.

It was a tsunami of rocks. Not quite an avalanche, it was as if there was literally a tsunami that was made of land itself.

It was 30 feet in height, that tsunami, and it was S i L e n T.

When Whitebeard looked back, even his small black eyes widened.

And he thought, oh, I can smash that thing to pieces.

And he smashed it. Bringing his elbow near him, he created that earthquake glowing ball thingy, and unleashed it upon the tsunami of rocks and boulders.

And when they both struck each other, it was like fireworks, but instead of the light, theres rocks everywhere.

Rocks spewing out, randomly hitting a marine in the face, knocking out a marine.

It was quite a sight.

But ya know what was not?

When the tsunami was infinite.

It never stopped. Those huge waves of rocks kept coming, and coming, and Whitebeard was perplexed.

He did not know what to do. If he unleashed more and more earthquakes, then the rocks would then harm even his fellow pirates, and he did Not want that.

Also, all of a sudden, the ground beneath him sprouted gigantic arms, and it caught hold of his legs. Slowly it creeped up, wanting to eat him up, and suffocate him.

Whitebeard, being the man that he was, burst out of that rocky prison, and ventured out to find the source.

Without notice, the tall tsunamis stopped coming.

And as abrupt as that, two great fists emerged from either side of Whitebeard. Each were three times the size of the former ones, and these ones looked way more denser and durable.

Whitebeard could not stop himself now, because he was already running and his momentum caused him to not be able to halt.

Now it was too late.

The giant fists caught him, and Whitebeard became immobile.

He was too tired now. He was too old now. He tried not to use that as an excuse, he even tended not to use it as one. But it was a true fact, and a heavy factor for his loss of power.

Therefore, when Whitebeard was wedged in between those two fists, he struggled to get out of it.

And when he was still stuck there, more and more bigger hands cropped up and added on to the previous ones.

The hands covered his entire body except for one part— his head.

That is to say, it was the only part that was open to the air, and thus, vulnerable.

Vulnerable to any kind of air-projectiles.

And that was when Whitebeard found in himself a hole in his head.

A bullet had found it's mark, and had penetrated the hardy cranium of the great pirate.

Van Augur, The Supersonic, the one and only marksman in the crew of Blackbeard, had released a small lead bullet, aimed precisely at the head of Whitebeard, whilst he was still trapped under the arms of Avalo Pizarro.

Blackbeard had personally came up to him and asked him to do exactly this, and he had done it.

With a haughty air, Van Augur brought the tip of the barrel of Senriku to his lips, and softly blowed away the remnants of the smoke arising from it.

Blackbeard, just now witnessing this spectacle, laughed aloud, and started praising Van Augur for his skills. Blackbeard, threw up his hands in delight and excitement, and grinned and chuckled till his stomach hurt.

Blackbeard, that traitor who betrayed his friends, who hurt the feelings of his companions, who has deprived the happiness of hundreds of innocents, and who has now . . . . . . Killed his captain with no remorse, for the second time.

I need Power Stones!!!

Yami_No_Kami_creators' thoughts