
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

The Rinnegan’s tricks.

Jiraiya spoke before Tsunade could open her mouth. " How did you obtain that Rinnegan, Zoro? The Rinnegan that is rare even among the Great Shinobi Bloodlines, how did it come into your possession?"

He himself knew only one person, one child, who wielded the Rinnegan, but he was not sure that that dōjutsu which the kid possessed was a Rinnegan. He had been having his doubts, but after seeing Zoro's Rinnegan and comparing it with Nagato's, the kid's, it was confirmed. Nagato had a Rinnegan, there was no doubt in it.

But right then, his attention was occupied on Zoro and his eye.

Noticing both the Sannin's incredulity, Zoro replied in a flat tone. " I am extremely sorry, Jiraiya. We both are in a hurry to leave now, so I cannot sit here explaining all this. All I can tell now is how we are going to use the Rinnegan for travel. My Rinnegan here, it's special ability is space-time distortion teleportation. I've heard vaguely that the Fourth Hokage's signature jutsu is also the same… I plan to take Roger here, and teleport directly to the battlefield. Though I have little energy or chakra now, this is the least I can do to help. After all, after getting there, the fighting is all up to him, because I myself can barely stand straight now. It seems that the walk from the lodge too, took it's toll."

Once again, all there stood befuddled except Roger, who just lay there eating an apple, his teeth biting it frustratedly.

Roger's voice hastened, and Zoro stood up drearily. "No, Zoro. Enough of talking. Come, let us leave. I hope this idea of yours works, cuz if it don't, imma whoop your hind."

As Zoro stood up shakily, Shizune rushed beside him to help him up. He tried to shoo her off, but she strongly insisted on helping him until he leaves.

After a moment of staggering, he accepted the fact that he needed help, and accepted Shizune's.

At the same time, Roger got up on his feet in a quick push.

" Agh! Yes, at last. Now, sorry if i'm rushing you too much, but my son's life is on the line here, Zoro. If you will kindly understand that….?"

"Ugh, as if I don't understand." Zoro declared, and told Tsunade and Shizune. " Uh, alright then, Tsunade. Good-bye, and thank you for all that times when we shared saké. I am, and will ever be, honoured to have had those moments. And Shizune.

As his knees shook, he said his farewells to her, whispering softy but with a hoarse voice.

" Shizune. Thank you very much for everything that you've done for me. If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have been able to talk to you like this. My gratitude knows no bounds regarding the amount of wounds and bruises that you've healed, and I am deeply indebted to you.

Sayonara, Shizune, until we meet again."

As he finished with his last words, he shied away from Shizune, yearning to stand by himself. If he was going to help, best not to get helped in return. His body was stronger now, he realised. He could stand straight without falling head-front into the grass below.

There were actually two ways of teleporting in this scenario. The Rinnegan of Zoro's, gave him both. One, the ability to create a portal, a dark green vortex of swirling matter, through which people may pass to go wherever they wished to. The second, was to just simply teleport, just by visualising the destination properly, with the use of the dōjutsu .

The second required almost twice the amount of chakra, Zoro noted after the fight with Orochimaru. No wonder the Rinnegan's chakra and his own energy had run out so fast.

Thus, after learning of this, Zoro decided to use the vortex portal, obviously. He knew Marineford; he had seen it in enough newspaper photographs. So thus he visualised it in his mind, and let free of the restraint.

The Rinnegan fired purple, a blazing purple eye which could make a stone shiver intimidated.

Pain flared up on the left side of his body as he continued to start forming the portal. Each and every second seemed like an hour, and each moment continuing made him want to give up on his dreams and die.

But no. He was Roronoa Zoro. He would not lose here when he had won a hundred battles. If he could not make a damned portal, what chance did he have against the military might of the Navy at Marineford?

He grunted like a madman, his face turning bitter. Blood started to ooze out from his left eye, but at last, he was able to do it.

A freaking black hole barely the size of a man. A green hole, really. It's vortex seemed to absorb every and all within ten paces to it. It's eye, it appeared to suck the light out of the afternoon sun. All in all, it looked terrific. Also fantastic because of the fact that he had accomplished the feat that he wanted to, but his mind was preoccupied with pain and tiredness to think about success. After all, the real battle was just about to start.

Zoro faltered and wobbled, and hurried on Roger to go inside the portal before he closes it involuntarily. Oh yes, Roger did go, he did go after dragging Zoro with him. Grabbing his hand, he ran headfirst into the portal, turning aside for a moment to utter , " So long, shinobi."

As they stepped into the portal, their skin tingled, as if they had just been thrown into a pool filled with ice cubes. Darkness filled their vision, if only for a moment. For a second, all they could see was nothing. Just dark, darkness filled the expanse.

When Roger peered into the distance, he could see a glimmer of light, a glance of brightness arising from a distance. They could not be certain about the distance between themselves and the gateway, and they did not care, and thus did they run towards it.

Both stepped out, and beheld a grand stretch ahead of them.

They stood on a behemoth like ship, it's deck made of fine wood. The deck was twice as wide as any large ship, and the masts loomed over everything, casting a long shadow.

And on the ship stood none except themselves.

Down below, the chaos was spread like wildfire. A war the likes of which Zoro had never seen.

Raging fires burned everywhere, and jagged pieces of ice stood jutting out from abnormal places. The once clear sky was now riddled with smoke almost as black as obsidian, and shouts rose from the earth which were loud enough to be heard from the deck far above the ground.

The clashing and clanging of swords and maces made a colossal noise, reverberating through the Navy Headquarters.

Peering down from the ship, which he nostalgically remembered as the Moby Dick, Roger analysed the status of the two groups. But first, his eyes wandered off to search for his son.

Contemplating, he was being held shackled in an iron-wrought execution tower.

His face was drawn with pain and suffering, but Roger did not think that it was because of the fact that he might get killed in the next hour.

And on the execution tower stood a few others whom he knew.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku 'The Buddha'. Ah, so that rope-beard was now fleet admiral, thought Roger. He had not known that, but he did have his doubts. The Navy too, had changed quite a lot from the one he remembered.

And dear old Monkey. D. Garp. The man to whom Roger entrusted my son with, the same son who is going to get executed today. But strangely, Roger felt not fury towards him, but sorrow. Garp's face was tinted with anxiety, and his eyes shrunk with pain. He almost looked on the verge of tears, actually. Roger realised that Garp had true affection for Ace.

The three admirals were standing right in front of the tower, each almost nonchalant.

But right at that moment, the one creating the most ruckus was not one of the navy, but one on Roger's side.

The one branded with the title of the strongest man in the world.

Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate.

Swinging his insanely huge sword Murakumogiri, he stopped a giant almost forty feet tall.

He himself was as tall as and more than twenty, his muscular muscles bulging whenever he flexed his movements.

Roger glanced, and smiled.

Ah, Shirohige… How glorious had the days in which they had their infamous rivalries and fights been? Roger wondered if he also felt the same way about those days.

Then, as sudden as ever, Whitebeard grounded his sword and smashed his hands sideways into thin air. Immense cracks appeared right in front of where he had struck his humongous arms, and simultaneously an earthquake with the power to level a village destroyed the area behind the execution tower.

For the tower itself, it was guarded by the three admirals, all using their haki to protect the fleet admiral and to ensure that the execution commenced smoothly.

Almost the entire Naval base was demolished entirely, and the execution tower stood lonely.

There were many people fighting in the battlefield whom Roger knew. Some old acquaintances, and many hostile among them.

The three admirals, he did not know. Perhaps he had seen them before; their faces were familiar, but he could not perfectly recall their names, faces and personalities.