
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

The Moby Dick Surges Forward.

*Drip*. *Drip*

Dark crimson blood dripped from an icicle white as snow, held by one of the three greatest powers of the Marines.

Aokiji grimaced, as he spoke the words, " I owe your grandfather a huge debt. . . But the path you have chosen leads only to death."

On the stony ground, riddled with now fallen Marines, Luffy was wriggling in pain, for the blood on the icicle was of none but his.

"Ouch! Dammit…!!!" Cried out Strawhat in pain, and simultaneously as his cries echoed across the battlefield, Boa Hancock stormed through to meet him.

The heavenly beauty's face now held a mask of anger and rage, which was undoubtedly directed on Kuzan and the other Admirals, who dared to oppose her lover.

She ran across the battlefield away from the gathering of the five elites, rampaging through the fallen soldiers.

Even then, her face was no less pretty than it was at her finest moments.

In the heated battlefield, smoke rose from beside Aokiji as his icicle began to slowly dissipate into vapour, due to the hot blood of Luffy and the hot temperature of Marineford itself.

But it was not Boa Hancock against whom Aokiji had to fight then.

Marco the Phoenix dived with unbelievable speed, and the air around him caved in, as his sharp talons struck on Aokiji's cold arms.

The collision was no less grand than the one between Doflamingo and Crocodile.

Marco's blue-yellow flames were a sharp contrast to Aokiji's icy ice. Smoke appeared wherever the two fought, blinding the surviving Marines.

The first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates had rescued Luffy.

The remaining few lower-classed soldiers on the Navy's side were beginning to get alarmed. A bit too alarmed.

" It's Marco! Ah, that's. . . The first division commander!!!"

Another shouted, " Oh, no! Now there are three people who have penetrated our defence lines!"

"Fleet Admiral Sir! The pirates have now started to rally behind Whitebeard and now Roger too, and are marching with haste towards the hole created by their ally, Little Oars Jr. !"

Meanwhile on the other side, the pirates rejoiced, and shouted their own battle cries. "Yeeeaaahhh!!"


" Attaaack!"

Akainu's fireballs had not hit any major parts; only a few places had been devastated by the meteors. And those particular places where there was no footing for the pirates, they cheerily swam across to Oars, all of them behind their King and Captain.

Whitebeard, flexing Murakumogiri, ran right at the heels of Roger, running like he never had for a long period of time. He felt good, now. He was happy, and worried at the same time.

This contrast in emotions caused a little turbulence inside of him, but he pushed it down and endeavoured.

Just right then, a bubbling sound occurred, and the sea turned milky for a moment. A giant ship came into sight from under the ocean, one which no Marine had expected to come.

As the entire ship pounced and jumped into the air, the coating which covered it, made by a special resin in especially Fishman Island, popped and vanished into tiny droplets of soapy particles.

It was the Moby Dick. The real one.

Whitebeard muttered under his heavy moustache, " I never said that all of my ships had surfaced…!"

One the other end of the plaza, Sengoku and the Marines exclaimed in surprise, for they had never expected a huge ship to resurface so suddenly. It was beyond their calculations. Though not as beyond their calculations as the Pirate Kind appearing in the opposite ranks, but still this was also a major obstacle for them.

An obstacle, because pirates were now climbing the ship's sides, quickly landing on the deck.

The ship could now move; Akainu's meteors had almost melted the entirety of Aokiji's ice.

Marco's fellow commanders shouted, giving orders to the pirates.

" Gather up everyone! We're ready to embark!!!"

As the gigantic paddle ship drifted slowly across to the plaza in which the execution tower towered over the Marines who protected it, a Commodore took charge of the cannons.

"Fire! Aim for the Moby Dick and sink it back to the depths of the ocean from whence it came!"

Suddenly interrupted was his order, by a Vice-Admiral. " No. Not the ship! Shoot Little Oars instead!!!"

"Eh?!" Exclaimed the Marines, but they carried out their orders.

But even as they started to shoot the cannons, Whitebeard uttered, " It's too late now. . ." with a grimace.

Even as the ship slowly flowed towards Oars, the gigantic giant jumped into the shallow sea area, and grabbed the ship with both his hands.

Pulling it into the plaza, brave Oars made the pirates' nigh-impossible journey a dozen times faster. In fact, without him, Ace might have already died.

Big brave Oars, ululating with pain and determination, spoke his last words, as he shoved the ship into the plaza, as the cannons took him in the nape of his neck.

His nape, his trachea. His chest, his backside. His stomach, his face. It was an incredibly sad thing to witness. He was a pure soul, and no less. Maybe more—Probably. His face might have been ugly, but there was nothing more beautiful right then than his spirit. All of the cannon-balls found it's mark and bombarded against the giant's body, and even Roger or Whitebeard couldn't do anything. They really could not.

The ship surged across the empty gap between the humongous iron walls, and invaded the plaza's stony layerings. The Marines were no less loud than ever before, anxiety and nervousness causing their nerves to go rack.

"Old man!!!" Shouted Ace, worry creasing his forehead, but relief showing in his eyes.

"That Whitebeard. . .!" Grunted Fleet-Admiral Sengoku. It looked as if his round concave glasses might fall down and shatter, given his sudden movements and shouts.

Shooting pistols skywards and waving swords at their enemies, the pirates sure were high.

"Advance into the plaza—!" Cried one, and another shouted, " Save Ace~~!!!", while another bellowed, " We shall take the Marine HQ by forceee~!!!"

Down below the ship, Marines equipped with large guns, and small bazookas, alike shot at the Moby Dick.

It was too late.

By the time the first rounds were fired, Whitebeard and Roger had already descended on the ground. It was their playground now.

Oh, but they were not the most of the Marines' worries. Right behind them, Flower Sword Vista jumped, flourishing his dual swords, his dance as beautiful as a bouquet of flowers.

Diamond Jozu's thunderous fall to the earth created a crater with a few paces wide radius.

His arms unrivalled in strength except by the top-tiers, were huge enough to make most Marines wet their uniforms.

Izo, known to few as the great Kozuki Oden's retainer, stood with a sharpened sword as long as his own body in one hand, and his signature pistol in the other. Though not on the levels of Benn Beckmann or Yasopp, Izo was still a footman's nightmare.

And thus stood the pirates, each calling out their desires of saving their comrade, their friend. It was a majestic lot, that.

And when the first waves of Marines wept by, they were instantly obliterated. Not that is was surprising, of course.

With one swing of Murakumogiri, dozens flew a dozen paces away.

With one flaunt of Ace, the Navy's men's hearts beat so fast that it seemed it might pop out any time. Haki, Haki was inlaid with every attack every time, and red-black streaks slashed out from Roger's blade. Many, uncountable men's throats were slit, and many more's stomach cut open.

Together, the duo was unstoppable. Well, almost. For right then, Sengoku roared. "Garp . . . Looks like this war insists on the two of us fighting!!!"

For that, Monkey. D. Garp replied, " Yeah. . . Even Aokiji and the others won't be able to do this…" Still, his voice was filled with hesitation. If he did not participate, his grandson could be saved from death. His mind was an ocean filled with endless storms, each large enough to shatter a whole island. Storms, whirlpools, tornadoes, maelstroms. You name it, and it was zooming around inside Garp's head. His mind was parted, almost destroyed, but the strong man kept it together using his immense will.

But just then as the pirates surged forward, Roger shouted out, " Stand back! Lest ya'll wanna get caught in collateral damage!"

Turning at Whitebeard, he nodded. A sort of wordless message passed between them both, a kind of connection.

Whitebeard would take the right side, while Roger takes the left.

Positioning himself to produce a blow, Shirohige charged Murakumogiri with the power of his Gura Gura no mi. A white blob of condensed power formed on the edge of the sword, surrounding it.

The Marines all cried out aloud, for if this attack landed, they were done for.

"Here he comes!! It's that same attack!!!"