
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

The Duel Deepens.

(Narration) Roger was sitting just as he was, acting like a side spectator of a duel. He certainly did not understand what was happening here, and he decided not to interfere, as choosing the wrong side to defend might have severe consequences(or not, he thought.). He was seated, and conveniently witnessing the fight. Then he muttered under his breath, “ Oh god, I haven’t peed for more than two decades. . .” And then got up and walked out of the warehouse, apparently urinating on the outside. He seemed to be singing something. Meanwhile, Kabuto was constantly eyeing Roger, but then turned his eyes to the fight when Roger left the godown. He did not try to interfere in the fight, just as spectator, like Roger. He seemed confident that there was no need to help his master, and was completely confident that he would win the fight.

~~~ ( Perspective of Zoro) Orochimaru stepped back, possibly assessing the situation, and felt an unease, after having his instincts tell him that more the swords I (Zoro) use, the more powerful I am. This might even be true, if only in most of the situations. The santoryū technique gives me a major power boost, but for a cost of major teeth pain, and temporary gum damage.

I spoke thus, “ it’s my turn now, snake perv…” I then walked towards him, at a slow pace. I took my stance, and prepared my attack. Both my swords held horizontally and parallel, I launched my attack. ‘Nitōryū : Nigiri !‘

This time, two slashes , both powerful, were launched at Orochimaru. At the same time, he opened his mouth again, and another Orochimaru squeezed outside, like a genie coming from inside a lamp. It slithered like a shadow, jumped, and somehow flattened itself, and passed between the two slashes. He was agile and swift, this man. And what sorcery was this, I did not know. The genie snake man lunged at me, rasping, “ I will have your Rinnegan, Zoro, over your dead body if I must.” “ Try as you want. In and only in your dreams will you prevail, and I am starting to doubt even that.” Spoke I, a certain line I considered as a befitting comeback then. Orochimaru solidified to a normal man, then turned his body around mid-way, and bent his knees for a kick. I tried to raise my swords to ward against it, for it was too late to dodge. But my stance was uncomfortable, and I was not able to put much force into the defence. His kick landed, a force I never thought was possible from this man. Pain shot through my veins, and I went airborne, wheeling through the air and hit the wall of the warehouse with a great thud. The impact almost broke the wall, a mere stacking of asbestos sheets. A deep dent was made, and a deeper on on my chest. Apparently, the kick broke through my sword defence, causing my swords to slant sharply and gash through my shoulders. And the kick itself carried such power to hurt me badly right in chest, almost reopening my previous wounds. I got up to my shaking feet and steadied myself. This man was not to be underestimated. Not that I did, as a matter-of-fact. All my slashes and gashes were ineffective against his style of fighting. He either dodged, or used his trickery and sorcery to escape my attacks. And I also had completely no knowledge as to his fighting form and his magic tricks. At least devil fruits keep to a single power to which the potential is limited.Though his style mainly consisted of snakes, it varied on the infinite types of usages possible in this situation. I then took out my favourite Wado Ichimonji , a much sentimental sword, and placed it on my mouth, completing the preparations for the three-sword-style. If even this won’t work, then I would have to think of some serious plan to get rid of Orochimaru. I went in for the lunge, when I presumed that Orochimaru presumed that I was still unready for combat, if you get what I mean. A first side-slash, and then one upwards. I was planning, to kill the newer guy who came out of the mouth at the first notice, so that he doesn’t become full fledged and ready to fight. A solid plan, if any. But he seemingly predicted my moves, and as such, he did not repeat the mouth sorcery. This time, when the first slash cut him in half, his upper body separated and flew in the air, and the next moment, snakes grew out of the bottom of the ripped body parts and joined them together. He again became good ol’ Orochimaru. He landed back on his feet, bracing himself for some another counterattack against me.

~~~ narration

Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, prepared for his attack against Zoro, a former pirate hunter. He stood tall, and focused his eyes on the ground beneath Zoro’s feet. Suddenly, snakes erupted from the ground and engulfed Zoro’s legs. Large grey Russel Vipers, almost half a dozen on either leg, restraining his movement and crushing his limbs at the same time. These were naturally no ordinary snakes either. They were personally summoned from Ryūchi Cave, enhanced snakes with superior strength and agility. Zoro tried to slash at them, and get free of their grapple, but it was too late. Within the incoming second, Orochimaru leapt with inhuman speed and kicked zoro right in his left cheek, and zoro fell a sharp ninety degrees, the snakes still gripping his legs.

He uttered an almighty groan, blood now sliding across his forehead, reaching the earth. He got up to his feet, slower than ever and said, “ Oh, you prove to be a more formidable enemy than I thought…” Orochimaru remained silent, his lips now curving into a smile at the slightest notice of victory. Kabuto now joined him, realising that it was useless to survey the revived man, Roger. He spoke his first words after a long time now, “Master, you have done enough work. Let me handle the rest.” But Orochimaru interrupted, “ No, Kabuto. This man is my prey. I will complete the task of killing him myself, the one who betrays an oath.”

Zoro now stood, a distance of ten metres spanning between him and his two opponents. He thought that this battle was taking too long, and Orochimaru proved to be a little too much for him. What greater demise for a swordsman when his attacks fail to slice? His only option was the Rinnegan. Only with the power of the great Dōjutsu would he be able to face this man. Moreover, he was afraid that Roger might wander elsewhere and he might lose sight of him, demolishing his final goals. All the better to finish this duel as soon as possible.

Zoro then opened his Rinnegan, after slight wrinkles spread across his face as he struggled to open it. He purposely sealed his eye every time, because if it is left open even by mistake, it may cause severe devastations to himself, though rarely. It also cost him a huge amount of energy, and chakra. Each Rinnegan had different secondary powers, but this one was very limited. This one eye was not of his own, bit rather taken, if not necessarily by force. Dōjutsu are always severely nerfed in the case of it not lying in the eyes of its original owner. The present Rinnegan had all the attributes of a normal Sharingan, minus the copying of hand seals . It also severely boosted his speed, power, and stamina, albeit the fact that the negative effects were almost just as high.It also granted great swiftness, and a power to gauge the enemy’s attacks, nearly predicting his/her next moves itself. The grace and the raw strength of the Samsāra Eye practically intimidates all but the greatest, a handful possessing immense willpower.

With the opening of his left eye, it well seemed as if the tides of battle had turned. If only the change was so drastic. Orochimaru immediately noticed the move, and prepared against it. He called Kabuto near him, and he came quickly, for he was, however small may it be, subdued with terrified awe. Kabuto then sliced his right palm with a kunai, and blood seeped out from a sharp gash. He then proceeded to shape his left hand and sweep the out flowing blood drops from his palm. He took his left index and middle fingers, both tipped with blood, to Orochimaru’s hands. His master’s hand was tattooed with two bands, and a sophisticated mark just above his wrist. Kabuto spread his bloodied fingers on Orochimaru’s dead hand, then headed on to make multiple complicated hand signs. ‘’ Orochi Ougi: Yatsugashira No Shirohebi !!”muttered the Sannin ,and what followed was much unexpected even to Zoro.

Smoke abruptly surrounded the now destroyed warehouse, a so called building which had already endured much more than possible. Zoro backed out, small coughs breaking out from the incoming smoke. He still had to be prepared, for any incoming attacks, for the grey fumes blinded him, as though a smoke bomb deployed.

Then appeared something unlooked altogether, something Zoro never knew Orochimaru possessed.