
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Struggle of Oars.

As Roger ripped the marines' bodies with his infamous cutlass renowned to be one of the 12 Supreme Grade Meitō, Whitebeard turned towards him.

As Roger rushed, Whitebeard too, rushed towards him.

With a leap, Gol. D. Roger brought down Ace upon Murakumogiri.

Just like the old times.

"Aaaarghh!" Grunted Shirohige, while Roger muttered, "It almost seems as though you have grown weaker, Edward Newgate!"

Whitebeard slid his sword from beneath Roger's and placed it on the ground with a thud, using it for support. " It seems I have, Roger. It seems I have… I would love to continue this, but i'm afraid that I have to go save my son first."

Roger replied, a little befuddled. " Uh? Your son? What does that mean? He's my son!"

" Oh yeah, of course he is. What happened to you being his father all these years? Just planned to come out of you hiding spot after two decades? Chickening out and then making your claims as his father after doing not a single shit for him? Very considerate of you, great Pirate King."

" Don't act as if you understand what happened, Whitebeard… It…It's a long story. I can't loiter around now explaining. Only thing I can say is I came here to save my son, and that's what I'm gonna do."

" Now now, I don't give a care 'bout your long-ass stories. There is no excuse for you being alive and not being there for Ace. It was me who took him in, me who fed him, who gave him a family of hundreds. I took him in as a son, and he accepted me as his father."

Roger said, hastily. " I…I was dead ."

Whitebeard raised his eyebrow, "That's a hell of a story, Kaizoku-Ō. Surely coming back from the dead is a very tiring thing. Would you like to take some rest? The cabins inside the Moby Dick are fairly empty now." His voice was laid thick with sarcasm.

Now Roger was becoming irritated. " Stop it with your talk, Whitebeard. I do not lie to you, and it's your headache if you don't believe me. Saving Ace is the priority now."

Glancing at the walls, he said. " Those cannons might do something to your guys. Do something about it. Numbers matter. I'll take care of the Shichibukai."

At the same time, a huge grumbling sound was heard by everyone in the Marine HQ. Little Oars Jr was now starting to stir up, when everybody had thought he was dead.

Standing up, he muttered under his breath, with a voice low for a giant but still loud enough to be heard by the ant-like humans beneath his feet.

"Ah…Ah! A-Ace-Gun…!" His voice was a roar, reverberating through the execution platform, the air gushing out from his mouth stirring the hairs of Sengoku's beard.

His face was a gruesome mess, splashed with blood, but his loyalty to his good friend was undying. His body might die, but his spirit was immortal. Right then, he would have given up his soul without a particle of regret to have saved Ace.

His immensely huge bear of a body stirred up, and his face and situation would be pitied by any but the coldest heart.

Ace was filled with the greatest despair, and momentarily forgot about his father's arrival.

No, not his father. Pops, Whitebeard was his father. Nobody else, and certainly not someone who had abandoned him and left him to starve.

Ace cried out as Oars leaned out to save him; he did not want to be saved if it meant the death of his friends. " Oars…!!"

Meanwhile, the five Shichibukai, the five out of the seven Warlords of the Sea, stood outside the iron walls, observing. As Oars reached out to grab Ace, all they did was stand by, because there were hundreds of other marines to do that dirty work, also, Admiral Kizaru was taking action himself, so they preferred to watch.

Boa Hancock, the beauty wanted by even the gods themselves, only cared about one thing, her lover, one pirate captain Strawhat Luffy. Whipping back her silky jet-black hair behind her back, she said, disgusted. " Ugh, look at that giant. Such ugliness should not be allowed to exist in this world."

Bartholomew Kuma was almost the complete opposite. His face was expressionless, now and ever. His titan-like body in large contrast to his small face might make a man laugh, though his sharp eyes fell upon everyone like a cold beam of white balefire.

Few knew that he had now been converted into a heartless machine, much like a Pacifista, kneeling and obeying the World Government. Holding his holy bible in his arm as always, his face was calm, serene, and composed, exactly how that of a military machine should be. He uttered not a word, and would have impaled Oars through the heart if the Admiral of the Light had not worked his way to do that himself.

Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk, the strongest swordsman in the world, was unusually showing a load of enthusiasm. Not one, but two. He could and would face against Whitebeard and Gol. D. Roger simultaneously. This battle was going on in a very thrilling route. His wildest fancies about sparring were about to come alive. A thin smile slowly crept across his mouth, widening it. His red hawk-like eyes shone like a ruby ready to brag. His moustache quivered, and he gave a dry chuckle.

Donquixote Doflamingo , the handsome blond sadist who walks like a duck with constipation, giggled to himself. Not really a giggle, t'was more of a snigger, a deep snigger which oddly changed it's pitch every few seconds, showing to the world his excitement of being there. He could've as well been back in dressrosa drinking lemonade, but at the moment, he loved this better. It maybe true or not, but a hope flared up inside him. A chance to kill the Pirate King. His pink flamingo coat's feathers began to flutter, as he too, danced about, mumbling.

Gecko Moria, the Lord of the Shadows, bubbled with resentment. His life was going downhill. All tumbling downhill since news of that mugiwara shithead. Rage built up inside him as he remembered about Luffy, and what he had done to his life and research. And, irritation that he could not use Little Oars and modify him to become his zombie. He hated a lot many people there in Marineford, and liked not even a quarter of that amount. His brain was mushy, now. He did not know what to think, except for stealing Luffy's shadow and destroying his pride and honour.

While Oars struggled to move his body to rescue Ace, the marines below started to panic. Each began flailing their arms, shouting cries. " The giant is still alive!"

" Shoot! Shoot him while he's still struggling to rise!"

" Kill him! There's still time!"

"Fire! There's still time…!!"

Suddenly, from directly behind Oars, a beam of white-fast water, a jet of a pillar of water, flew it's way from the sky, and splashed down into the ground just a few paces away from the three Admirals.

The marines looked startled, almost as startled as when they knew Roger was on the move. Almost.

As the splash of the water blinded the marines, Boa Hancock jerked her head, flashing her face, flustered. It was her love. Her love of her life.

Luffy had arrived.

The three Admirals stood unperturbed as the water splashed on them, caused by luffy's landing. All three stood expressionless, and not one flinched.

Aokiji spoke, his voice deep. " My my, you've made it this far. But you're still too young to to be a part of this stage, boy."

Akainu implied, his thunderous voice cold, ironic to his devil fruit abilities. "Are you not bold… Son of Dragon. . .?"

Kizaru added as a supplement, with sarcasm, as always. " Ooh, youth… So frightening…"

Surrounding him, the marines, who were already at their mental limit, panicked.

Each shouted vague things, and many threw up their arms, swords and guns poking theor comrades accidentally.

"Strawhat Luffy!"

" It's Dragon's son!!"

In front of the Admirals, Monkey. D. Luffy stood defiantly, holding a log of wood twice his height. His face glistened with seawater and blood, each covering his face. His eyes stared towards his enemies, showing outwardly it's stubbornness and determination. He would not leave without rescuing his brother. Not if it meant his death.

On the stage, Ace was distraught . Worries were being piled upon his so fast, and so much anxiety filled him like waves in the beach, that he was speechless. Ace did not know what to speak, but one thing he did know was to not let his brother die.

"Luffy…!! Don't come here!!" Ace's voice was so grief stricken that his voice was hoarse enough to sound like a croak.

Garp's situation was not too different.

As he swung down the ten foot mast on Aokiji's head,Luffy cried, " I'M HERE TO TAKE ACE BACK!!!"