
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Presence of Mind.

Naruto first started to implement his ‘great’ plan by trying to loosen his leg ropes. He did not expect much substantial results, but a little difference in the tightness of the rope could make a huge difference of his possibilities of escaping. After twisting and turning his legs for a minute, he moved on to the next step.He gripped his hands together tightly on the back of the wooden pole. Then, he hardened his stomach, and lifted up his legs.It seemed to be working.He planted his legs onto the surface of the pole, and and pushed, so that the grip increased and his legs did not fall to the ground again. On the backside of the pole, his hands did not hurt as much, because he was straining all the pressure exerted by his legs onto the ropes on his hands.It certainly was working, he was sure of it.Next came the hard part. The hardest part, actually. This time, he was not so certain of his success, and the probabilities of his losing appeared more compared.

He pushed upwards with his legs, using all his might, and loosened his grip on his hands, and took his arms skywards. His heart raced, sweat beaded his face, partly from the damp hotness of the building. It almost worked, and he tried to set firm his legs again.And came a slip. He fell to the ground, barely standing. His hands were grazed with shallow slashes, when it was cut against the wood log.Then, being the wool-headed ninja he was, he tried doing the same thing again.Worked till the same part, and failed in the same part of the plan.Again and again he kept falling down, marvelling at his idiotic mind. Rude comments about himself started to pop up more than future plans of escape in the mind of the young genin.A headache formed itself out of nowhere, obstructing his progress even more.His hopes failed again, his dreams crushed. He decided to stop trying it the physical way by jumping uselessly and think using his brain. It had almost worked the first time, yes.There was actually an idea forming in the back of his head, inside the depths of his subconsciousness. Though trying to pull apart the idea, he failed. Just one little click of a scheme, and his confinement would perhaps come to an end. No, it will come to an end. Naruto swore to himself, he would never let the pedo kidnapper to get away with this easily.

First, he cleared his mind of all thought, negative and positive, helpful and wasteful.He was one with the mind, body and mind merged as one. Calmness and serenity were his milestones to success. Determination and willpower covered up another.After cleansing his mind, he focused on one thing. One and only one concept filled his mind.A scheme to achieve his target of escaping.Click.Another idea came to his mind. Almost the same as the previous one, but a tad different, and mayhaps more efficient.Naruto thought as to why he had not thought of this before. It was actually obvious, once it had been thought of.Chakra Adhesion on the log.Focusing his chakra on a minute part of the sole of his underfoot, which makes his legs to stick to the wood. This had been practiced and accomplished many times before, and it wasn’t even that hard.He repeated the same thing which he did before.He tightened his hands, and lifted his legs and planted them firmly on the block of wood.And then he began his scheme. He let his chakra flow, and concentrated it on the bottom of his legs. Slowly but surely, all of the chakra gathered together in one place, and his sandals stick on to the pole. They never wavered, and seemed to be attached forever, but he knew otherwise.After doing that, he carefully executed the next step. Now, he kept his body pressed against the log, and heightened his arms.The plan progressed positively.After raising his hands until he could do so no more, he tightened them by pulling. And then, again he brought his legs higher and planted them firmly with his jutsu.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.Naruto did the same thing again and again. His heartbeat was racing now, and he was nervous as heck. Excitement caused adrenalin to spurt into his body, and when he saw how his brilliant plan would soon be a success, it only increased.And that, was how the genin reached the end of the pole.When he reached the end of the wooden pole, he waited for a second, actually but unnecessarily relishing the moment. He then loosened his arms via the top, and released his adhesion jutsu. The moment released, he pushed off from the pole, and tried to have a safe landing on the ground. But no, with his fat ass, he hit the floor with his leg, crumpled and fell back on his buttocks. Though how grateful for that bouncy landing he was, he himself did not know.‘Ah…It pains… My whole body is in pain now, from that fall.’Naruto turned and lied down in a comfortable position, thinking about his next move. What to do now? Nothing other than to find a way to cut his ropes, and then run the heck away from there. Nevertheless, all had to be done as soon as possible. He did not know when the enemy would be back, and escape after would be hard. But that was no obstacle. He, Naruto, would beat anyone who tries to stand in the way of his escape. Especially that guy who dressed up as the old grandpa to take him ‘off guard’.‘Yes! I was off my guard back then. If I wasn’t, beating that guy was no great problem. Absolutely easy meat.’Though Naruto was generally weak in genjutsu, at least when compared to taijutsu and ninjutsu. A special weakness, and all too ironic that his rival was Sasuke, of the Uchiha clan, which specialised in Sharingan genjutsu.He looked around to see anything which might be of use to him, which may help him to cut the ropes tying his limbs. The only things there in the warehouse was, as already stated, bags containing cement, sand, and grains. He noticed the cement bags only now. He wondered why someone would keep cement sacks and harvests in the same place. Well, not that he was concerned, anyways.No sharp objects found anywhere. Not a single place. He would not even be able to rub his hands on the door of the room. The door itself was rusted from use, and it’s edges blunt for no specific reason.Naruto dragged himself up to one such bag of sand and and lay himself down, sweating.‘What should I do now? What the hell am I supposed to do now?’The same question ran over his mind for a hundred times, when he suddenly heard something.A tinkling sound. Metal against metal. Clinking sound continued as he turned his head this way and that, trying to find out the source.The kidnapper? Had he returned? Naruto checked everywhere, seated and laid back in the same place, in vain. He found nobody, and no source for the metallic sounds.And then did he realise.It was coming from under the sack.He pushed the sack sideways, and what he found was more than a fortune for him.His kunai leg holster, along with his shuriken pouch, were both to be found there. The clashing of the weapons against each other produced that sound, he realised.The kunai knives, thought Naruto. He would use them to cut open the ropes that constrained him. Through an extremely tedious process, he turned sideways, opened his holster, and took out a kunai.After a long time, for the kunai just wasn’t a cake walk to grab and cut, he managed to hold it in the right position. The Konohagakure genin therefore proceeded to cut across the ropes, slowly and steadily. His hands ached each and every time he tried to swipe his hands, in an oscillating manner.Nevertheless, he relentlessly pursued his work.Back and forth, back and forth.The rope was a thick one, and thus it took a greater time to cut. Even then, his posture was very uncomfortable, and his hands were not able to apply any proper pressure at all. His force was a meagre one on the bristled jute rope.Back and forth, back and forth. Just like a saw, cutting a tree. There initially was no indication of progress itself.His spiky blond hair seemed to be sagging in tiredness and sweat. Beads of saline sweat caused his cheeks to tingle, making his face to feel itchy all of a sudden.Almost done. Three-forth of the rope had been cut. Just a little more, and he would be on his way back, after cutting his legs’ rope.Only a few more strands.Easy peasy work, he had cut through and escaped various other traps during training itself, not to mention his innumerable missions.He could not give up now. Though his physical conditions were not at his best at the moment, he had faced worse. After all, he was a ninja.Three. Two. One.Snap.“Impressive, kid.” A voice loomed over him, from towards the door. Naruto glanced yonder, and was his face expressed terror.