
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Mugs of saké and a surprising encounter.

The rest of the day was completely boring. I did not have anything to do, nor could I move out of the bed.

I tried to sleep again, having nothing to do, but I had already slept solidly for so much time that my body refused to sleep again.

And so did time pass.

Before night, Shizune bought some Takoyaki, but I still had not seen the infamous Tsunade-sama that she keeps talking about.

The next day arrives, warm and shiny. I look forward to the hour when I begin walking again.

When I try to stretch my legs to see how much it has improved, I become astonished. It has almost been fully healed and I can even walk properly, however small the limping may be.

Yesterday when I noticed how Shizune healed me, she kept her hands near my injured parts and did some magic. I thought that maybe she has a devil fruit that allows her to heal others, but I didn't tell her that. Somehow, I feel awkward about talking to her about devil fruits, or pirates, or even about the World Government.

I don't know why.

I then start by testing out my legs inside the room itself. I slowly descend from the lodge, using a walking stick that she gave me yesterday. I am almost fully recovered, and start walking to a close by bar.

I absolutely cannot live without drinking alcohol even for a single day.I was already devastated when I heard that I did not drink for a week. I mainly drink only sake, because that is the only one available abundantly even in the places in the Grand Line. But I am well to do with any kind of liquor, as long as I have some.

Shizune even gave me some money to spend, but the currency was not berries. But I didn't care, as all things considered, that was enough to buy my drinks. I went into the nearest bar and ordered some sake.

Sitting next to me was a young beautiful lady, in her prime. She was drunk to her limit, and her face seemed to express happiness, with a tinge of restrain, as if some past event did not allow her to express herself explicitly.She was wearing a green coloured haori , marked boldly with the word 'gamble'.Well, gambling too, is often a main cause for heavy drinking.The happiness too, could've been influenced by the fact that she might have won a gamble. Underneath she was wearing a grey kimono-style blouse with no sleeves.

I stared at her blankly.

I wondered how Sanji would've died of nosebleed if he saw this woman.Even though she seemed young, her eyes reflected the darkness of her past and her maturity by experiencing things that normal people don't. I can relate to that..

When I went and sat next to her, now it was her turn to stare at me. She saw me for a few seconds and asked," Have I seen you before? You seem familiar…Well, actually, you look like the guy shizune(and i) saved on the way to this town." Now she mumbled to herself.

It went something like this' I don't think that that guy has recovered do fast…In fact, I have been so into gambling nowadays and time flies by swiftly.."

I in turn asked her, quite suddenly and sharply to her surprise," Are you Tsunade-san?"

"You are one of my fans, aren't you? Well, most of the time its just some goofy girl who asks for my autograph because she admires me and wants to become a great kunoichi like me one day. Otherwise it's a person who wants medical healing from me because treatment like mine cannot be found anywhere else. Not to boast, but I am one of the best medical ninjas in the world." Her reply startled me even more. She said," Ah, here we have another one.Which one is it, autograph or healing?"

"What do you mean?" i asked."No, you must be mistaken. Like you thought earlier, I suppose that I am the 'guy' who was rescued by shizune. Judging by her descriptions about your habits, I simply guessed who you are. In fact, I have never heard about you. Are you famous or something?"

"Famous for my medical skills, and infamous for my gambling habits. If you haven't heard of me, you must either be living in a very remote part, or must be from a very far away place.Not that I care anyways. Being popular does have its disadvantages, you know."

"I guess it's the latter.You could say that. Now, onto drinking.",I said as the bartender gave me a mug of sake.

I started chugging it in, experiencing the fire of it deep in my throat and enjoying it after a long time. "You're quite a drinker, aren't you?" Asked she, when she saw my seventeenth mug drain from my mouth.

"Well, life without booze is an empty life", said I, starting to feel the intoxication.

"Okay, well, I'll see you soon. I have to leave now, Shizune told me that we'll go sightseeing, since I just won a gamble."

I inquired," Would you mind if I join, Tsunade? I honestly don't have anything to do. I do have to mend my swords, but I don't think you know either. I might find a sword-smith in the way."

Tsunade-san replied," Well, I don't mind, come on. Shizune told me that she had to buy some food for Tonton and other supplies. We were supposed to meet up at 1 o'clock at the ramen shop near the lodge; The lodge where you recuperated. We still have half an hour more, so drink on…" So she said, and that's exactly what I did. Ordered more and more mugs brimming with sake and drinking them with a newfound adrenaline. As I was drinking she too was drinking with me. She seemed to have an extremely high tolerance, considering that she was chugging in this small bar.

When my forty second mug was finally over, Tsunade-san said," it's time for us to go, come on." I offered to pay for both of our drinks, seeing that she had done everything till now for my wellbeing. Not that it mattered anyways, the money which I got was from Shizune herself.

Strangely, Berries were not used here, and even more bizarre, when I inquired, I found out that nobody even knew about them. Kuma must've sent me a long way from Sabaody.

Everything seemed strange here. I had a very uncomfortable feeling about this. After paying, I and Tsunade-san started walking toward the lodge. It was a sunny day, with the sun glaring against my eyes. But at the same time, It was cool and windy, so it did not matter and negated the effects of the sun, rather making it more pleasant.The pavement was made of smooth sandstones, with streetlights every hundred metres to guide all during night.

We were walking, when the moment I dreaded appeared.