
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Marvellous Might

Great and terrible was his wrath, and it engulfed him. Such might was displayed using his Haki that all trembled before him. Pirates beheld him in awe, and Marines stared at him in absolute bewilderment.

When you saw him, at first sight, you would never guess that he was human.

The devastating overpowering Haki made him appear with the likes of a fell monster, his crimson aura surrounding the battlefield.

Flowing out, it gave a misty feel, and one could get a sniff of power itself. The toughest skin of the mightiest warrior tingled at the radiation of the King's Haoshoku.

And when he tried to focus it in one direction… It was an omen of annihilation.

Sengoku, and the recovering Garp, were not wholly ignorant at the fact that they might as well give up their lives if they went against this herculean beast.

Yet they still retaliated, with a sad realisation that it was but a vain effort.

The Fleet-Admiral morphed into his gleaming Golden Buddha form, and Garp cracked his monstrous knuckles.

Together, they managed to somewhat preserve the tension on the sides of the Marines, without it erupting too badly. Now, what happened was that the three Admirals too were greatly affected by these turns of events by Roger.

All three of them divorced their imminent fights, and came about to fight the main threats.

Akainu abandoned his petty fights with the pirates, and swiftly landed beside Garp to attack Roger together.

Yet one could not simply ignore Whitebeard and his Commanders, for without them even Roger would've received more than a dozen rib-cage fractures to rescue Ace.

With a gesture of Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru zoomed towards Whitebeard, and swooped in front of him. All of the other remaining Marines went against the great host of pirates and their Commanders.

While his allies were still recovering and gathering, Sengoku unleashed his first strike.

Swinging his gigantic golden arm backwards, he leapt to punch Roger, who seemed worm-like in front of his immense body. Natheless , though Roger was smaller than him, size does not matter in this world. Flourishing his sword, Roger lunged forward, and crashed Ace's butt into Sengoku's fist.

At the first look, one might think that Roger's minute sword would be demolished by Sengoku's great arms, though it was not so.

Such was the force locked and loaded unto Ace the Great Sword that Sengoku was thrown aback, and the mountainous Buddha form fell onto the bent Execution Platform.

When Sengoku's body fell on the Platform, it completely gave way, and the tower collapsed.

The empty top of the tower which hosted none but the chained Ace, fell sideways, and Ace barely leapt down from the falling pillar of iron.

Ace was crippled, and his ribs pained from the crash onto the ground. And there he lay, for the cuffs drained him of energy and power. Staring upwards, he saw the giant glowing figure of Sengoku lying beside him, covering most of his vision. Yet even the Fleet-Admiral of the Marines could not extinguish the radiance and the eminence of his renowned father.

As Sengoku struggled to rise forwards, Ace was being surrounded by the handful of Marines.

The handful, mere hundreds, surrounded Ace, for he was the main spectacle and the whole battle was revolving around him. If they failed to save him and execute him, it would be a great embarrassment and humility to the entire Navy.

In the meantime, Whitebeard was being attacked by Aokiji and Kizaru, and the other Marines were going up against the pirates and were getting utterly defeated.

Aokiji streaked swiftly towards Whitebeard, and shouted.

"Pheasant Peck!"

A huge wall of ice crashed against Murakumogiri, and it erupted. As the ice shards flew everywhere, Whitebeard was momentarily blinded, and Kizaru unleashed his bullets of sharp light towards him.

At that time, being laid siege by two mighty Admirals, it was hard indeed for Whitebeard to repel them both. But all he could do was hold back against them, and that he did perfectly, for his iron muscles worked with perfect coordination, if only for the speed possessed by the young Admirals. In strength-wise and battle intelligence, Shirohige surpassed all of his foes in large boundaries, though his wounds caused by the previous masses of hostiles made him slow and sluggish in comparison.

In spite of that, he was well able to swing his supreme sword and defend himself against his enemies. And nonetheless there was always that longing and regret in his heart that he could not accomplish what Roger had.

He too, was baffled by the strength of Roger, for that kind of raw might should not be experienced in this age and era, for that time is long past. Yet he was all too much already caught up to spend time thinking vainly about his rival and bitter friend.

Grounding his blade in the cool Earth, he punched the air, which spread cracks that ultimately repelled each and every beam of light and shard of ice thrown at him by the dynamic duo. Yes, the two Admirals had worked together many times, and their co-ordination was nigh perfect, if not for their pride and drip.

The two admirals immediately jumped sideways to lessen the brunt of the impact, and Kizaru wholly teleported to another place.

From there did he silently witness the happenings of the battle of the Pirate King, while also keeping a sharp eye towards Newgate.

Aokiji's skin bubbled as the waves of energy rippled across the air, caused by the earthquake by Whitebeard. And he too, instinctively raised a two meter thick wall of thick ice in front of him as a guard. Naturally, the wall broke, and the shards of ice struck him in all parts of his body, and penetrated him. But him eating a Logia fruit caused the shards and bits to not harm him in the least, and thus he escaped harm by the projectiles. Yet not by the shards, he was blown away by the shockwaves produced by the quake, and crashed down into the ground several feet away from where he had stood.

When Aokiji cleared his eyes and rebalanced himself to stand up, Whitebeard was suddenly on top of him, and Murakumogiri came down upon the Admiral in it's prime might.

What happened then was that Whitebeard realised, that while he was attacking Aokiji, Kizaru was silently shooting at him from behind his back.

And thus did Whitebeard redirect his sword to meet the beams of Kizaru, and while that was happening, Aokiji melted and reformed in a place not a few paces away from where he had been.

Consequently, their fight lengthened yet more and more, but it seemed that Whitebeard was getting slower ever, for his stamina was being immensely reduced due to his age. Nonetheless he endeavoured on, and managed to keep the Admirals at bay, but in vain could he proceed to save his sons.

In the meantime, Roger's fight was going on as picturesque and interesting as always.

For it was plain that he was dominating the field without much effort.

Swinging forward his sword, his attacks ever increased in speed and strength, and his foes were unable to even block them completely, much less give a counter.

Garp the great spat out blood after swirling it for a time in his wrinkled mouth, and stood up. Roger's power was so great that his fists began to shake and tremble. Though when compared to Akainu, his situation was far better.

Akainu, one who was deemed to have one of the most powerful Devil Fruits in history, now lay slumped, propped against a large boulder created by the big clashes that occurred then.

His breathing was heavy and raspy, but he seemed to be getting it under control. Around him was a pool of lava slowly getting more and more solid, thus cooling down to form hard magma.

Now did he devise a lance, tall as him and more, and these types of staffs he made rarely, for his power was more brute than versatile.

A long lance was made, and he cooled it down to use it to get up. It was in all practicality a walking staff for a soldier who was almost down, though Akainu wanted to think of it as more.

Getting up, he met Sengoku, who himself was a battered man with his shiny golden covering now riddled with bruises and dirt.

And together, the Fleet Admiral and his fellow subordinate Admiral uniformly unleashed a stream of attacks, but were instantly repelled by Roger.

It was like a pack of wildebeests fighting against a majestic lion, and getting ambushed by that one superior predator.

Such were the happenings, in which the attacks produced by Roger landed heavier than a mountain on his enemies, while his enemies' strikes seemed to be a feather touch for him.

Roger's Haki, an ocean of power, gave him enough mightiness to negate all the attacks by his adversaries.

On and on he progressed, and was mildly irritated that these wool-brained Navy soldiers refused to fall as easily as the other Marines. Though in his heart he was not wholly surprised, for there stood in the opposite Garp the Fist, and he had been a match for his might in the elder days. And alongside him was Sengoku the Buddha, whose tactical progress and his devil fruit were some of the best in the world.

It is said that his strategies and wise wisdom had saved the Marines hundreds of themselves more than a dozen times, and it was one of the main reason he was nominated to become the Fleet-Admiral. For one did not need only power and sheer strength to be the leader; it was more than that.

And as Akainu limped forward to throw a huge magma fist towards Roger, the Pirate King side-stepped, and stabbed Akainu right in his stomach, and Akainu belched.

The tanned body of the Admiral convulsed, as it fell on the cold ground. A hole the size of a tennis ball appeared there where his naval button lay, a slit from which blood oozed out, which mixed horridly with the lava and hotness of his Devil Fruit.