
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Kageyama Raiden Attacks.

“Who would’ve thought that a brat like you would have the nerve to try to escape from my clutches. I never could have presumed that a genin like you would wake up from my genjutsu so early. Hmmm… Must’ve miscalculated. No bother, since I have arrived. I am Raiden Kageyama of the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Formerly so, but there is no harm in proclaiming that information, though everyone denies that. ” The one who spoke was a man, with a tall muscular build, but not too buff also. He wore a cloak, the colour of night itself, with a thin flak jacket inside, it’s collar open. His arms were covered with steel protectors, and his hands with fingerless strong fibre gloves. His face, staring at Naruto with cold icy eyes, had a scar running down from his left temple to his cheeks. A hard face, with features strong and stone-like, as if his head had been carved out from living rock.As for weapons, with which it seemed like he might attack Naruto at any moment, he possessed a Kusarigama, it’s blade as sharp that it appeared that it could injure an opponent just by the person looking at it’s blade. The Kama itself was a tad larger than it’s usual size, and it might have served as a small axe in close combat too. The chain was of the normal length, made of iron rings, almost four metres long.Except for this, he also had a sheathed Wakizashi sword, daggers strapped to his legs, and a small cuboid hanging down from his pants. Possibly a weapon too, if expanded.Naruto thought, What kind of a fetish does this guy have towards weapons, to carry this many of them!No standard ninja had these many weapons at the same time. Sure, they could have them stacked up inside scrolls to get them when they want, but these did not look like ones taken out from summoning scrolls.Naruto, being the knucklehead he was, started shouting obnoxiously at the newly arrived man. “Oi oi oi!! Who the hell are you! I don’t care anyways. Help me escape! After I get away from here, i’ll go kick the ass of whoever kidnapped me!”The man who called himself Raiden stood there, calmly, and replied without haste, “Uhhh? You are going to beat the one who kidnapped you? And what kind of an idiot asks his kidnapper for help? . . . Yes, I am the one who kidnapped you. Oh, don’t look so surprised, I thought it was obvious that. Yes it is. Who else would come here, to this abandoned place?”Naruto became as frustrated as a cat when refused milk. He had just cut open his arm ropes; he still had to cut open his leg ones. He scratched his head furiously, and bellowed at the poor man, who himself was growing irritated with having to bear with a twelve year old kid.“Ok ok kid, just shut up. Looks like I gotta tie you up real tight again, and trap you in an even more powerful genjutsu. Three, or maybe four, hours should be enough. Ah, yes, that should do it. By then my business with her will probably be over.” Raiden,who apparently abducted Naruto, murmured under his breath, but enough for Naruto to hear.“Hey man! What will be over!? Let me outta here! I wanna go back to jiraiya-sensei. Let me out and I’ll kick your butt and return back victoriously! Just wait!” Roared back the genin.Naruto brought his kunai forwards to cut the ropes binding his leg now, all while shouting at the kidnapper. Perhaps he was thinking all the shouting would distract the person, and he would not notice him cutting the rope.But he noticed, all right, and disappeared. He was standing metres away from him, at first, and then suddenly, he reappeared again not even a pace away from him.The kusarigama out, he held it with his right hand and pointed it at Naruto. “Now kid, go back to sleep.”Naruto waited, scared and frustrated that he might fall back to sleep again. As the last strings of the rope on his legs were cut, he looked away, squinting his eyes at what might happen to him again. But nothing happened.“ Ugh, don’t worry for that same genjutsu, child. Fortunately for you, I am not much of a person who delves into the illusion arts. That one genjutsu which I used earlier, can only be used when the victim is off his guard, and his mind is at complete rest. If you were the least bit alert, you could have stopped me. Now I have no other choice but to smack you in the head hard enough for you to go unconscious. Boy, why am I even explaining all this to you?”He stepped in and thrust the kama downwards, right in the place where Naruto was. He was using the back part, the blunt area, so that unnecessary blood need not be shed for the simple purpose of making a boy faint. But Naruto was more conscious this time. He rolled himself to the left, barely dodging the attack.“ Tsk. Don’t try to dodge, and this will end quick.” Said Raiden, and plunged at him again.Naruto jumped backwards, and noticed a small crater in the place where he had been standing, the place where Raiden’s weapon had gone down. ‘This man is strong’ thought Naruto. The genin then started his usual ultimate technique , one which he used in battle always, a jutsu dear to him, and the only one suited for combat, actually.“Kage bunshin no jutsu!” Naruto uttered, meanwhile forming the suitable hand sign with his hands. Multiple forms appeared suddenly, all in resemblance of Naruto himself. Probably six or seven of himself. Smoke curled itself around the room, giving effects to each and every clone of Naruto. Except these were not the usual clones one would expect from a genin.The Shadow Clone Technique, indeed, a unique forbidden jutsu, will not be expected to be used by a genin, or even a chunin, at that. Very few jonin use it, not because it was a technique that was dangerous, but the aftereffects were huge. The chakra present in the user would be split in half, therefore the user themselves would become severely vulnerable.How he uses it without harm inflicting on himself and why is a completely different story, and let us come back to the one at hand.Seven clones of Naruto, exact replicas, shouted and jumped at Raiden. Where one ordinary would have been overwhelmed, Raiden, being a trained ninja, handled the situation with visible ease. While each clone jumped upon him, trying to slice him with kunai knives in its hands, Raiden simply dodged and hit them with the butt of his Kusarigama ,using the least efforts and movements. Each clone disappeared with a pop and a smoke, and in their place stood nothing. Naruto, the real one, glared with anger at Raiden, and charged.“ That isn’t the end, man. Wait for it! Until I beat you to a pulp, I won’t be satisfied!” Yelled Naruto, as he charged again.Again did he use, the same ‘strategy’. Groups of shadow clones, this time the numbers more.Probably fifteen or twenty. With all of this, which he likely thought of as a small army, once again they plunged at Raiden. Raiden did not look like a man of patience. When the small group struck at him, he swept through the ranks of clones as if slicing grass. When all of them were cut, he dashed towards the real Naruto himself, wanting to end this foolish conflict as soon as possible.As he sprinted towards Naruto, the genin’s eyes widened in surprise. The only thing he could do now was try to dodge. The momentum and strength of Raiden’s rush would be too much to parry. He decided, and jumped towards the left. Raiden’s axe like weapon would miss him by centimetres to his chest.But no. In vain did he realise, too late, that Raiden had released the chain on his Kusarigama , and swung the Kama by holding it from the middle of the chain.The sharp edge struck his orange cloth, which soon turned red.Damp blood covered part of his sweater, and Naruto flung back his body, and crouched down.Clutching his side where the wound resided, he got up to his feet, cursing under his breath.“ Damn it… I can’t take any more injuries. I will defeat him!”Raiden replied, with his calm dominance, “ There is no use in your pathetic struggles, boy. You are fated to be defeated. Now just hurry up and die.”This time, Naruto came forward with the first attack. Dashing groggily towards Raiden, Naruto hastily formed the hand signs for the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Poof. Ten Naruto replicas surrounded all around raiden, and all ran at him together. Each with fresh determination, they ran towards the lone ninja.“ I see that your knowledge of techniques is limited to one, and one useless when applied by your levels of intelligence. Or are you hiding something else, some more jutsus? Doubtful. Not that it matters. You can not wound me.” Declared Raiden, starting his effortless parrying. Block, kick, punch, all executed ruthlessly, and rhythmically, while destroying shadow clones.Naruto was dismayed, but his hope never faltered. He could beat this guy, and he will, thought Naruto. As the last of his clones burst into mere smoke, the real Naruto himself went.This time he tried some Taijutsu, instead of going in blazing with headstrong motives and rocks for a brain. Left leg stepping in, he let his left hand swing with his kunai, aiming at Raiden’s throat. When it was half swing, and Naruto was sure Raiden would stop it, he stopped the attack, got down to four legs, and did a leg sweep.‘Leaf Glides On Soaring Wind’ it was called, originally, but literally nobody used that name nowadays. All such terms were lost after the start of the Warring States Period, and nobody even cares about names now.The leg came into contact with Raiden’s if only for a brief moment, but Raiden stood still as a rock. The leg sweep had had the least impact on him. A stagger was too much to comment on this. The next instant, when Naruto’s attack had failed, Raiden raised his leg and kicked his right in the chest. Air being forced out of his lungs, Naruto flew backwards and hit himself against a wall.Raiden then walked towards Naruto, calmly with a silent composure.Naruto struggled to get up, heaving with all his might to get oxygen back in his lungs.His throat was stuck; he was choking. Speaking was impossible. Raising an arm took the greatest effort. Eyes blurred, and able to move barely, Naruto ran towards Raiden.At the same time, Raiden too, ran towards him.The final stroke.Naruto would be finished then, dead.Thump