
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

Guilt and Rebirth.

The first automated reaction my body did was create an oval shield of solidified cloud that covered us entirely, which was somehow transparent. Clouds I created were never transparent, but dire situations cause the body to evolve in different ways. I could see through the glass-like material, and watch the army which stood as restlessly as a pack of lions waiting to snatch a wildebeest. They were just dazed for a moment, and then each of them in the front rows came charging at me with their humongous weapons.

Thronging against the shield, some ten swords clanged against it, sending alarming sounds into the air. The shield vibrated, barely holding against the incoming mob. It would not hold for much more. When the next batch of weapons attacked, cracks appeared that were more than five inches wide, and I created condensed cloud arrows which I could fire at will. Fifteen arrows, all ready to go once the shield broke.



All arrows whirred past the remnants of the shield, and struck the enemies right in their heart.

I had no idea how that much accuracy was possible, that too for a man of my skill, but I had no time for such thoughts. As soon as the first rows of men were killed, I dashed straight ahead, trying to get past the fiery crowd.

Daggers the length of half a foot, arrows which had tips sharp enough to pierce through armour as if it were butter, were created and thrown endlessly and at all directions. I could feel my energy draining, my chakra draining. Soon I would be at my limit, and my body would fail to move and thrive.

As I ran past the last of the rows, my knees buckled. Tobi rolled down from my hands into the ground. That was all, I was empty, exhausted. Even moving a muscle caused pain enough for me to shout, though I had not the energy to do that too.

An enemy trooper came at me from behind, trying to slash at my shoulder. I was done for.

At that very moment, Tobi stirred. Opening his eyes, he took in the situation in a moment.

As the sword of the trooper came down upon my shoulder, Tobi unsheathed his sword and blocked it in a swift move.

How he was able to regain his stability and mobility after just being unconscious a second ago, was beyond me.

I laid down beside him, and thoughts froze inside my head. I needed time. A few minutes or more to get me back on my feet. But could Tobi be able to provide that? I had no choice but to wait and watch.

Tobi slashed and struck, blocked and parried, all of the attacks, but a few managed to get through his shield of a sword, and made a few cuts. His eyes were still dazed, but there was an inner fire that burned that was not visible to the naked eye. It was just a feeling. Though being an amateur, his teenage reflexes were fast as a snake, and his slender body curved and bent whenever need presented itself. His footwork was fabulous, as if he were dancing, except for his knowledge on the matter. This man could have made an excellent swordsman, if trained properly.

Weaving through the air, twisting his hip, he induced damage, all the while receiving some too. He had not much physical stamina, but it was still good enough for a while. His moves were far from perfect, but his flexibility was top-notch.

After wearing down almost ten soldiers, his performance dropped. His breathing became heavy, and footwork, slow. He slowly began to receive more slashes than the amount he gave.

I tried to rise and help him, but all I could do was stir jerkily. At that moment, I hated my body like never before.

His body staggered, and he received a slash in the back of his calf, which caused him to fall face- first in to the ground next to me.

Suddenly a cloud shield started to form, covering me. I did not make it voluntarily; it just happened. I wished for it to cover both Tobi and me, or if not possible, only him, but it would not budge. The shield stood there protectingly as stubborn as a child asking for candy.

We were screwed. Both of us were unable to move, and the horde which attacked us didn't seem to get any smaller, for more and more just joined from the open gates.

Tobi spoke in haste but with a much weary voice. " O Raiden. Forgive me. It is because of me that you lay in this situation. My goose-brained pride-overflowing head caused this. I am sorry. Truly sorry. And I am even more sorry for what I have to ask of you next. I need a favour, friend. A huge favour, and I am displeased to ask you of this." The men now started slashing wildly at Tobi, and I could only watch. I felt the greatest guilt; I was protected but he wasn't.

He was beginning to be dragged away by the soldiers, as they brutally began to cut at his limbs. Each muscle of his ripped, and each tendon and ligament torn. It was a horrible sight to watch, but only one emotion bloomed inside me.


Tobi continued talking as if nothing happened, but his voice grew tighter and more ragged as each second passed. "Can you look after Shinju for me? I beg of you… Raiden… No one else has the… capability to do it..Asahi has become too old… His flu and fevers break out every other fortnight… please, Raiden. She is my life… My life…" And those were the last words he ever spoke.

Guilt overwhelmed me with a mixture of various other emotions. Anger, sorrow, fear, each played a part in demoralising and destroying my sense of self. My thoughts imploded, and my mud-filled mind collapsed. Nothing registered after that, my eyes dilated, and I be came insentient.

The next time I woke up, it was in the shack. Shinju sat beside me, weeping. I took it all silently. I felt cold, emotionless, completely different from the time when I was last awake. I lay on a carpet, with bandages covering almost every inch of my body. It was nighttime, and moonlight flooded in from holes present in the poorly-made shack. My three comrades sat in the other end of the room, eating something. I had not the energy nor the interest to find out what it was. But I was hungry. And my throat seemed as dry as the deserts of sunagakure.

Asahi and the lady were nowhere to be seen.

Glancing at Shinju, I felt guilt rise up again. I did not have any siblings. I couldn't even imagine the pain and suffering of losing one.

I sat up. Shinju looked startled, and all eyes turned on me.

My comrade asked me "Raiden? Do you feel alright?"

I sat up, and my head still felt dizzy. " Yeah, I guess. Still a little giddy from all of that hits. Those men thronged beside me like forty year old women when they hear it was a discount sale at the local market…What happened to the mission? Where's Asahi-san?"

As I slowly turned and studied their faces, their expressions turned into hesitance and sorrow.

At last, one of them answered. " Uh… Raiden… Asahi-san died… When he learnt that his grandson was killed by Yami's men, he became so angry and sad that his blood pressure increased twofold and… he departed this life."

Guilt stabbed me in the heart again. That mission of mine was one of the hardest ones I have ever done. I lay down on my bed; my legs felt cold and unnerving. The temperature of the room seemed to drop to zero, and my teeth started to chatter. " Tobi… I could do nothing to save him… my artless frothy body hands could do nothing… oh, I feel so guilty now…" I turned to Shinju, and spoke, " Shinju! Forgive me… My lead-heart and butter-hands couldn't do anything to preserve your brother…Do you know what were his last words? He… He asked me to take care of you, Shinju. He begged me to take care of his sweet, beloved sister. His sister, who was present at all the hard times to cheer him up, when it should've been the other way 'round…

Sorry, Shinju, I truly am." I tried to console her, but she ignored me.

I learnt that Yami had been killed by the others, and his short reign had ended. The village had gone back to the way it had been, all peace, flowers, and vegetables. But the damage had been done. With no administration body, there were certain affairs that failed to go as planned. So they either had to choose democracy as their idea, or give in to the Daimyō's direct rule.Though there was no way they would do that. That hasn't happened for almost fifty years, and only 3-4 villages had submitted to the Daimyō even then.

After that, Akane, the last of the Kazehaya, acclaimed the position of village leader. Most of the remnant clans were still loyal to the Kazehaya, therefore they accepted her as their Head. The remaining few who dared to oppose her, though being only very few in number, were quelled with ease.

We stayed for a week, to help Akane get back on track on her duties. It was not an easy task to govern an entire village by herself. She needed an advisor, but had not the luxury to afford one.

Even money was scarce for her, and building back the house was an important foundation to assert dominance. Wealth, property, and loyalty are three necessities that a leader of a village of that size must possess.

I was having a fast recovery, and at the same time giving endless apologies to Shinju every tome I saw her. She used to cry every night, hugging her knees. Bitter cries that lasted almost half a night, and it used to carry on till almost the day we left.

I had decided to take her with me.

My chūnin salaries were enough to feed both of us, and she had no place here to stay. You might have thought that Akane would take her in, but no. She had too many responsibilities, and I could not place that hope on her. And I don't suppose that she would be very good in caretaking Shinju, really. (Not that I would be any better, mind you.)

And thus, did I drag her back to Kumogakure, against her will.

This may seems insignificant for some, so if you do not care for details, ignore this message.

I have tweaked the Naruto canon timeline, such that Tsunade Senju does not leave Konohagakure after the Second Great Shinobi War, but the Third. Also, it is the third war in which Dan Kato dies.

Yami_No_Kami_creators' thoughts