
One Piece : Kaizoku-Ō

Roronoa Zoro, after being smacked by Warlord of the Sea Bartholomew Kuma, flies to a faraway land, and unknown terrain. A land of ninjas, where bizzare plots are being woven, and he must get back to his fellow crewmates as soon as possible. Read on to find out how the events unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~ So, uh, yes. One day i woke up, and i thought, what if Gol. D. Roger was there at Marineford? On that day?

Yami_No_Kami_ · Cómic
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46 Chs

An Oracle of Time.

As Fleet-Admiral Sengoku was yet struggling to find balance for his legs and to stand up, Roger sprang, and landed not more than a meter from him.
When Sengoku saw Roger, his teeth chattered, and his will shattered. When Roger came up to him, he slowly crawled backwards, until he hit a boulder the size of a bed.
And there he was, trying valiantly not to perish, for if he did, the war was doomed to finish.
Suddenly, Sengoku leaped at Roger, while gathering his fist to supply a punch to his adversary's ribs.
But Roger simply sliced at his arm, and his nerves there were shot, and his hand hung limply.
Therefore Roger pointed the tip of Ace at the throat of Sengoku, and crept closer to him.
Sengoku's eyes widened, and his afro bounced as he stared in bewilderment, when he heard Roger speak.
"Oh, how the mighty have fallen!" Whispered Roger, as he leaned closer to Sengoku.
He gave a light chuckle, but then his face turned hard as stone again.
"Garp, and you. And the three Admirals, and the countless Marines too. Why, they all fell the moment I unleashed my Haki! You have been too lenient on your subordinates, Sengoku. . . And merciless to your opponents. For I know, that you made plans to execute Ace, for no other sin than being my offspring. And that was a mistake, Fleet-Admiral, and a great sin."
Yet when he said that, Sengoku retaliated with words of his own.
"What do you know of the workings of the world, Roger?! You know of nothing, absolutely nothing. My post in the Government grants me information and data from all over the world… spies and agents are planted in all major countries, and they report back to me the works of the enemies. Don't take me for a fool, Roger."
Roger replied, with a steel-cold voice. " So do you assume arrogantly that I have been living under a rock for more than two decades?"
" It's a wild guess, but… you actually died, didn't you?"
At those words, Roger's body convulsed, and he threw back his head.
Eyes reudy, he started to float in the air, and his legs lifted off the ground. Suddenly his mouth widened, and visible Haki poured out from his mouth, a dark substance, which contained condensed power.
Wings of Haki protruded from his back, and it seemed as if those were the cause of him abruptly floating in thin air.
Haki surrounds, power engulfs, and Roger asserted dominance over all.
"Tell me thus, O dog of the Government. Is it just to kill a messenger?"
He asked thus with a voice deeper and more sonorous than any other, and his sound carried far and wide. To that Sengoku gave a shaky response, barely.
" N-No… That's never right…"
And right then Roger's voice grew ever deeper, if that might be possible. It was a guttural roar, and yet it seemed clear as ice.
" So thou deem it. Yet why did thou attempt to kill me?"
For that, Sengoku had no response. And it did not appear as if he could have replied even if he knew the answer. For he was tired and weary, and the drastic cut across his body drew all of his energy fast.
When Roger looked with analysing and icy eyes at Sengoku's stammering, he continued, as if he had received a proper answer.
" Oh, so thy gestures tell me that thee art confused. Did thou not know that I was one?
Yes, I am, and this is not a fair jest. A messenger of God.Though the people of yesterday call me otherwise.
I am but a King, and also . . . The Herald of the Sun.
The Harbinger of Change.
The Holy Emissary.
Yet without knowing this were thee and thy lot made to vanquish mine existence.
Dost not assume that evil gets its way anytime, son. It may seem as such for temporary tidings, but in the long run . . . Justice triumphs. Always."
One might think it strange for the messenger of Joyboy to be a pirate ruffian. But that was the way thinks work, and bizarreness fogs and distracts the eyes of the enemies.
The Pirate King continued, as if nothing had happened.
"He descends himself from his Great Abode to this earth, when and where there occurs unjust practices. For the protection of the good and the annihilation of those whose minds are corrupted with misdeeds, he reappears when the right necessity presents itself. Surrender thyself to him, and thou shalt be rewarded in ways unforeseen. The ways of him are after all, strange, are they not?"
With that, Roger King of Pirates jerked and twisted, and his Haki subsided again to it's usual self. The wings retarded, and the aura diminished. His eyes returned back to what he was earlier, but yet they burned with fervour with a spirit like fire. But before he could wholly turn back to normal, he took his sword Ace and pointed it at Sengoku's throat in a swift move.

Just a quick slash and it would be over.

Thick black clouds sprawled across the endless sky, and lightning struck all. The first drops of rain befell the warriors, and the pleasant soothing touch of the droplets made their hearts lighter. In sudden bursts, the azures were lightened up due to the yellow-white ragged slashes of electricity, under which Roger held down his sword, ready to pierce the throat of his enemy.
It was an adrenaline rush that caused him to do so. It gushed inside his body like blood itself, and the nerves popped out of his temples. With a cry which rang through the air, Roger thrusted forth his blade, aiming for the trachea of Sengoku Fleet-Admiral.

Yet. . . Nothing happened. Blood failed to gush outside it's usual streams, and organs did not prove to rupture. The skin did not go cold, nor did the breath stop. The heart, did not stop pumping. Why had Sengoku not died?
Unanticipatedly, the arms of Roger turned white, and turned into wisps of white smoke.
A white aura, a translucent one, began to form, and made the Pirate King glow. The ends of the aura was ragged and twitching, but it's foundation stood steadfast.
With that, Roger's heart began to race faster and faster, until all he could hear was that, and nothing else. Blood pounding against his ears clouded his sense of hearing, and his eyes began to get misty. Subsequently, Roger started to float in the air. First a leg, and then another, was lifted off the ground.
Slowly, but surely still, he started to defy gravity. His body started to pulse in accordance to his heartbeats, and his Haki throbbed. His lively skin turned pale as snow, and his black eyes dilated.
Miraculously, his body turned to white ash, in a matter of minutes. White, pale ash, was firmed, as each part of his body disintegrated, and turned to dust. The strips and segments of ash stirred, and turned to form a revolving tornado, which swirled around the slowly morphing body of Roger.
Roger's eyes widened for an instant, but then, changed into an emotion which portrayed submission and yielding. His time had arrived. He yielded to his fate, but he at least wanted to speak a few words to his one son. He had participated in this waging war for him, and his affection caused an urge for him to at least hear his voice properly.
Thus, his deep and direful eyes wandered in search of his son, and Roger came face to face with Ace. Automatically, he had drifted unknowingly towards Ace, and Ace had stopped all of his movements, to just stop and stare at his father.
Just then, all movements ceased to be, and both caught their breath.
Ace, a young man with freckles on his cheeks and blazing fire surrounding him in all directions, and his father Roger, the most powerful man in the world. In that instant, words halted to come out of their mouths. What could they talk to one another?
Their tongues refused to flap, and Ace simply stood, just taking in everything as if he was a newborn baby. The young man's brain was filled with a turmoil of emotions, but the mind of Roger had only one feeling that engulfed itself . . . Love.
Oh, how beautiful his son had proved to become… his eyes and his curling hair, even his acne resonates manliness. Undoubtedly his smile could have stopped the entire war. Why didn't it? Hmmm. . . Never mind, when I have this angel of a son to admire. He looks so much like his mother. The same large nose and the same eyes… if only. . .
Unknowingly, a few seconds later after he did it, Roger realised he had voiced out his thoughts aloud, yet in a murmur. And thus, he bespoke with a subdued fervour, even as his body segments were slowly disintegrating into white ash.
"You . . .You're so beautiful, son." He continued in a dazed state, and words continually filled his mouth on their own. " I never expected you to become like… this. You're almost as beautiful as Rouge was. Almost, mind ya. I don't wanna get switched when I meet her in a few moments." He gave a dry chuckle, and then quietened for a bit.
Witnessing all of this, Ace's head felt as light as a bag of feathers. When Roger mentioned his mother, Ace backed away, and stumbled on chunks of rocks that lay behind him. And when he straightened, his eyes bristled with tears.
With clouded vision and stinging eyes, Ace struggled to get words out of him.
There had been so many countless incidents, both strange and bizarre, in which he had been a part, but, this one was yet, so different.