
One Piece: I Will Become The Pirate King!!

Monkey D Luffy has a dream. He wants to become the King of the Pirates. But he's just a normal kid, until one day he woke up and had a system. Follow Luffy as he conquers the whole world, find the legendary One Piece and maybe conquer women along the way. The Pirate King needs a Pirate Queen after all. (Current Arc: Amazon Lily Arc)

some_writer · Cómic
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213 Chs


"Nice bounties you got there guys." Luffy grinned at his crew as they were each holding up their own wanted posters. Luffy laughed as he looked at his wanted poster.



Monkey D. Luffy

310,000,000 Berry'

"Heh, they could've put it higher." Zoro smirked a little as she stared at her wanted poster.


Dead or Alive

Roronoa Zoro

165,000,000 Berry'

"For a moss head like you? Ha! No chance." Sanji teased while looking at her wanted poster while drinking tea.


Dead or Alive


120,500,000 Berry'

"Says you, third place." Zoro taunted with a smirk on his face, angering Sanji who immediately started fighting with Zoro who gladly accepted the challenge.

"Guess I have to up the intensity of my training again." Usopp muttered while smiling proudly at his wanted poster, ignoring the fight going on in the background.


Dead or Alive


90,000,000 Berry '

" Same here." Nami whispered nervously while looking at her wanted poster.


Dead or Alive


60,000,000 Berry'

"Then let's train together later." Nojiko suggested while smirking at her own wanted poster.


Dead or Alive


60,000,000 Berry'

"They're really scared of us aren't they?" Kaya pointed out while looking at her wanted poster.


Dead or Alive


40,000,000 Berry'

"It's kinda expected to be honest. Luffy defeated Crocodile and while we defeated his criminal organization without any outside help at all." Zoro replied while putting her wanted poster away.

"They could've put a more scary picture. I can be scary too! " Chopper pouted as he stared at his wanted poster.


Dead or Alive

Tony Tony Chopper

1,000,000 Berry. '

"Says here that you're wanted for your extraordinary doctor skills because you're from Drum Island." Nami muttered while looking at the newspaper.

"It would've been very funny if Vivi had a wanted poster of her own. Shishishishishi." Luffy chuckled a little.

"Hah! Imagine this headline! The princess of Alabasta wanted dead or Alive because of her affiliations with the Straw Hat Pirates which has the combined bounty of 846,500,000 Berry!" Usopp told them. Everybody laughed.

" But what about our new crewmate, Robin-san? Doesn't she have a bounty too?" Kaya wondered. Everyone stopped laughing and started thinking.

"If we add her bounty which is 79,000,000 Belly. We, the Straw Hat Pirates would be worth 925,500,000 Berry. " Nami calculated. Nojiko whistled.

" Wow! We're almost up to a billion Berry! " Nojiko grinned, feeling proud of what she and everyone has accomplished so far.

"And the three of you are Supernovas as well." Usopp pointed at Luffy, Zoro and Sanji.

Supernova, otherwise known as Super Rookie is a term that is used to refer to any rookie pirate who has managed to earn a bounty of over 100,000,000 Berry before they enter the New World.

"Well, you guys should get stronger now more than ever. You guys can also be Supernovas like us too. I'm trying to start a new age of piracy with you guys by my side here! It is one of my dreams after all. And it starts with us getting stronger!!" Luffy grinned at them.

"Alright! Who's up for some hardcore training?!" Zoro stood up and shouted at them. Everyone quickly stood up and grinned at Zoro and Luffy.

"We are!!!"



Meanwhile with Garp, he was in his office laughing his ass off while reading the newspaper.

"Sengoku you goat bearded bastard! Look at what's happening to the world while you sit in your office and complain—Oh wait.... I'm doing the same thing..... um.... I should probably get some training in.... "



" Dragon-san! Dragon-san! Have you read the news yet? " A person ran towards Dragon who was reading the newspaper with a smirk on his face.

" Yes, I have. What do you think, Sabo? " Dragon looked at Sabo who grinned at him.

"I think it's awesome! Luffy's already making a big name for himself and it's not because of your heritage but because of his power and the people he surrounds himself with." Sabo replied to him.

A lot has changed since Sabo departed from Dawn Island to join the Revolutionary Army. For one, Sabo is now the Revolutionary Army's chief of staff, recognized as the No. 2 of the entire organization and outranked only by Dragon.

He has grown tremendously stronger. Since he doesn't have a Devil Fruit, he has focused a lot on learning how to use Kenbunshoku and Busoshoku Haki.

He was very advanced in them, being able to use an advanced Busoshoku Haki technique called Emission.

Sufficiently skilled users of Busoshoku Haki are capable of letting the power flow out from a part of their body (usually their hand) and emitting it over a short distance without a medium to carry it.

This allows the user to unleash a small invisible burst which will knock back anything in the aforementioned body part's immediate vicinity with the force of a very powerful punch. Thus, the user becomes capable of striking and harming people and objects without making physical contact with them.

Sabo is on his way to learning a step above the technique of emitting Busoshoku Haki called Internal Destruction.

He also developed his own hand based martial art called the Ryusoken. The Ryusoken style focuses on holding one's fingers in a claw-fashion, crushing the adversaries with a powerful grip. Sabo compares it to a dragon's claws, rending arrogance and conceit.

"Sabo, are you jealous that you don't have a bounty yet?" Dragon asked him while grinning at him. Sabo laughed.

"Yes Dragon-san, I am a little jealous. But my time hasn't come yet. I will bide my time and let Ace and Luffy shine first, then I'm going to strike! " Sabo declared. Dragon chuckled and patted Sabo's back.

" I wish you luck then, my boy. "



"Have I gone insane? Chaka?" Pell asked Chaka.

"I guess that makes me insane too, Pell." Chaka grumbled back. Cobra was standing in between the two. They were on the roof and looking down at the courtyard.

" Am I just drunk, or is Vivi training with Luffy-san and his crew?" Cobra muttered while rubbing his chin.

"You're not just drunk, your Majesty. You're high as shit." Pell muttered.

" You're looking at Princess Vivi sparring with Luffy-san with a Kusarigama in hand. " Chaka continued the sentence. Cobra suddenly laughed.

" This is amazing! Vivi is growing up!" Cobra laughed. Chaka and Pell covered his mouth.

"Your Majesty, stop laughing or you'll blow our cover!"

"Geez,can't you guys just let a father be proud of his child?"

Down at the courtyard of the Alubarna Palace, Vivi was sparring with Luffy with a Kusarigama in hand. The spar was extremely one sided, but no one cared.

After a few more minutes of sparring, Vivi was laying on the ground feeling exhausted. "How can you guys still stand even though you've been training from 8 o'clock in the morning?" Vivi asked them.

"Discipline." Luffy replied simply, making Vivi laugh weakly.

"If you work hard and keep upping the intensity, you might be able to use Armament and Observation Haki like Luffy." Zoro added, making Vivi widen her eyes a little.

" Really? I thought it was a chosen one thing?" Vivi asked. Luffy chuckled and shook his head.

" No, that's Conqueror's Haki. One in several million people are born with this ability." Luffy corrected, Vivi nodded and quickly got up.

" Well guys, should we continue? " Vivi asked them, regaining her energy almost immediately. Luffy grinned.

"Sure! If you feel like you can't go anymore, you just need to tell me."

"Got it!"




It was the next day, The Straw Hat Pirates, Tashigi, Smoker and his platoon of Marines which he commanded were gathered at the city's town square.

There were also an extremely large amount of civilians gathered in the square. They came from all over Alabasta to see Vivi give a speech.

There was also a giant cloth covering something large. Luffy had a hunch about what it was but he wasn't sure.

The crowd cheered loudly as Vivi stepped out to the stage. Luffy was immediately drawn to what she was wearing. It was elegant to say the least.

She smiled at the crowd and waved at them, drawing louder cheers from them. After a while, the crowd calmed down a little.

Vivi adjusted the microphone to her level and started giving her speech. Luffy didn't focus on the beginning of the speech as she was addressing the civilians, the royal guards and also promising to make Alabasta great again.

"Moving on, you might be wondering why the Marines and the Straw Hat Pirates aren't fighting each other yet. That's because the temporary alliance between them still hasn't ended yet. And I'm glad that it hasn't, because they wouldn't be able to see how grateful we are for helping us. " Vivi smiled at Luffy who grinned back at her.

"The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D Luffy, is the greatest person I've ever met in my whole life. He is strong, selfless, reckless and most of all the kindest person ever. And I'm proud to call him my best friend. "

" His crew are the brothers and sisters I've never had. And I'm happy that I get to sail with them even though it's only for a while. I've had so much fun I..." Vivi paused for a moment to quickly wipe some tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Thank you, Luffy for letting me temporarily sail with you. Even though I want to sail with you, I love this country! So I can't come along just yet!! I promise that once I'm finished with my responsibility as princess of the Alabasta Kingdom, I will return to sailing with you!" Vivi declared with a grin on her face, shocking the crowd. The journalists started taking a lot of pictures as there were loads of camera flashes everywhere.

"Holy shit..... She's insane...Does she want to get killed by the World Government or something?" Smoker grumbled. Hina who was beside him stayed silent at Vivi's declaration.

"Looks like she's inherited Luffy's crazy ass personality." Zoro grumbled with a smirk on his face. Sanji was cheering Vivi on with hearts in his eyes.

Cobra, Chaka, Pell and Igaram palmed their faces, knowing that they are going to suffer so much backlash for this.

"Shishishi....." Vivi giggled a little before clearing her throat.

"Shishishishishi....." Luffy laughed to himself, hearing her copy his laugh. Vivi smiled at the citizens again.

"And now, I will show you how grateful we are for saving our country! Pull it down, Pell! " Vivi looked at Pell who transformed into his Falcon form. Pell flew and grabbed the giant white cloth covering the large structure in the middle of the town square.

He pulled it off, the citizens gasped as they saw the masterpiece that was revealed. It was a giant monument made of stone.

It was a statue of The Straw Hat Pirates and Smoker's platoon of Marines. Luffy and Smoker were smirking at each other and were in the position of shaking hands while their respective subordinates were standing behind them.

Every single Straw Hat was on the statue while the Marines only had Smoker, Tashigi and other high ranking members of Smoker's platoon.

Nami was holding a flag of the Straw Hat Pirates' Jolly Roger while one of the Marines was holding the flag of the Marines.

It was truly magnificent to say the least. In an instant, the journalists in the crowd started taking pictures of it.

"Your names will forever go down in Alabasta's history! You are all heroes to the Alabastan citizens! No amount of thanks from us can truly show how extremely grateful we are to you all. We thank you, Luffy-san, Smoker-san!!"

" We, the Alabasta Kingdom are forever grateful that you two are willing to throw away the hostility between you two so that you all can work together and defeat Crocodile and Baroque Works!!! "

The crowd started cheering loudly and crazily at the Straw Hat Pirates and the Marines. Luffy and Smoker looked at each other and shrugged.

Vivi didn't really have to do this, but they felt that they deserved it. Nevertheless, the Alabasta Kingdom will forever be one of the places they will protect from harm's way.

To be continued....