
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Cómic
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626 Chs

Brook's Request

"Then come aboard my ship; I can confidently say that I am the most likely person to help you fulfill this promise," Nicholas said with a smile.

"Hehehe, then allow me to introduce myself again," Brook said after laughing, indicating his acceptance of Nicholas's invitation.

After all, he knew that, even with his Yomi Yomi no Mi powers, completing this journey alone would be nearly impossible. Sailing is not a solitary endeavor; it requires a strong team.

Perhaps he could slowly sail the seas with his long life granted by the Yomi Yomi no Mi, but Laboon couldn't wait indefinitely. While a whale's lifespan is long, it's not infinite. Waiting decades or even a hundred years was feasible, but waiting for centuries or millennia was impossible.

After saying this, Brook knelt down and took out a tattered bounty poster from his pocket, then slapped it on the ground.

The portrait on the poster bore some resemblance to him, mainly in the gentlemanly attire and the iconic afro.

Nicholas was somewhat puzzled by Brook's sudden action.

"I, Brook, the Gentleman Skeleton, formerly the captain of a guard unit of a certain country, later joined the Rumbar Pirates as the acting captain, part-time musician, and swordsman." Brook solemnly began his introduction, intending to follow the formalities of his era's pirate customs. However, he suddenly faltered at the most serious part.


Brook looked up at Nicholas, scratching his skull in embarrassment. "Um, I don't even know your name or the name of your pirate crew."


Nicholas couldn't help but laugh at Brook's antics, which broke the solemn atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the crew, who had been discreetly observing the situation on the ghost ship, also widened their eyes in surprise.

What was going on? How could he accept the invitation without even knowing the other person's name? Was this how things were done among pirates nowadays?

"I'm Albert Nicholas, and our pirate crew is named Freedom!" Nicholas declared.

On the vast sea, countless people set sail for their dreams, and the number of pirates surged.

Many were not pirates in pursuit of dreams but rather adventurers, while others were outright criminals, plundering for wealth to live lavish lives.

The Rumbar Pirates were quite different from the typical pirates of this era. They failed in battles against other pirate crews because their enemies poisoned all their weapons, resulting in the demise of the entire crew, including Brook.

Brook's formal and solemn demeanor was rare in the chaotic times they lived in. Most pirate crews would accept anyone with strength or a penchant for evil.

"Welcome aboard," Nicholas said, helping Brook up from his kneeling position.

With that, Nicholas's pirate crew welcomed a new member and a musician aboard their ship.


"Hehehe, although my bounty is only three million berries now, I won't drag you down!" Brook said it to Nicholas seriously.

Before Nicholas invited him, Brook didn't know Nicholas's name or his bounty. Now, he knew that his captain had a bounty of 1.7 billion berries.

Back when Brook was alive, the combined bounty of the entire Rumbar Pirates was less than one-third of Nicholas's bounty. Compared to that, Brook's $33 million bounty seemed insignificant.

Nicholas smiled at Brook's words, not paying much attention to the bounty.

For him, what mattered was Brook's character and his Yomi Yomi no Mi powers, which allowed him to return from death or keep his soul from dispersing.

After settling Brook's entry into the crew, Nicholas mentioned that they needed to pick someone up in the East Blue and asked if Brook would join him.

"While I'd love to see Laboon, I can't face him until we fulfill our promise. Though I've become a skeleton without a face," Brook joked.

"Nicholas remained silent, understanding Brook's sentiment.

"However, could you help me with something, Captain?" Brook asked with a hint of anxiety, feeling somewhat inadequate as a new crew member asking for assistance.

"We're companions now; there's no need to be so polite. Just tell me what you need, and I'll help if I can," Nicholas assured him.

Brook's eyes reflected gratitude upon hearing Nicholas's words.

"Then please wait a moment, Captain."

Brook quickly disappeared into the cabin and returned carrying a large box.

"Captain, when you pass by Twin Capes, could you please bury all the members of the Rumbar Pirates under the lighthouse? Also..." Brook hesitated, then opened his skull in front of Nicholas, carefully retrieving a tone dial from inside.

It seemed as if he was holding the world's most precious treasure.

"Also, if possible, please deliver this tone dial containing the last ensemble of the Rumbar Pirates to Laboon. Tell him that Brook will carry the dreams of all the Rumbar Pirates and fulfill our promise with him from the 'front side'!"

"I'll make sure to do that," Nicholas said solemnly, carefully taking the tone dial that held the final performance of the Rumbar Pirates. Seeing this, Brook visibly relaxed.

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss?" Nicholas asked as Brook hesitated to speak.

"I must admit there is one more thing. Captain Yorki, who contracted the disease, chose to leave the new ship to his uninfected crewmates while he took the infected ones through the Calm Belt to return to the West Blue. Although I know the hope is slim, I ask that when you pass by Twin Capes, please pay attention to any news about them."

Brook knew the chances of Yorki and the others being alive were slim. After all, if they were alive, they would have gone to Twin Capes to see Laboon.

"No problem," Nicholas assured him, tearing a corner from a piece of paper on his person and handing it to Brook. It was a vivre card. "When I find my crewmates, I'll come to get you."

"I'll be waiting for your return, Captain. I look forward to meeting the other crewmates. Hehehe," Brook said, placing the Life Paper solemnly inside his skull.