
One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

At the beginning, there were billions of skill points available, and any skill Ron acquired could instantly be maxed out with the skill points. His swordsmanship, physical skills, sailing skills, culinary skills, medical skills, and even his Devil Fruit abilities were all upgraded to the maximum level. Three-color Haki? It too received a significant boost. All skills Ron learned could be instantly maxed out with these skill points, including life skills. Then, a message from the system appeared: "System upgraded! The host now has the ability to bestow skill points on others!!!" ... This Fanfic is pure Wish-Fulfillment Author: UNKNOWN (literally) Translator: Chibi_mon_mon Link for RAW: https://novelsemperor.com/series/one-million-skill-points-at-the-start-of-one-piece DISCLAIMER!!: This is not my original work as it is translated.

Chibaku_Monster · Cómic
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128 Chs

Chapter 101

Did you guys know that the place is not called 'Alabasta' but 'Arabasta', unfortunately, I'm too far In to change it.

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Alubarna, capital of Alabasta

Within the Royal Palace, King Cobra sat solemnly on the throne and spoke, "Alabasta has reached a critical juncture. We face internal rebels and external plots from Crocodile. Fortunately, Igaram brought back information. Otherwise, we would still be at crocodile's mercy!"

"Your Majesty, should we go and capture Crocodile now?" a minister inquired.

"No, only we are aware of this matter. The common people still see Crocodile as a benevolent person. Ordering his capture now might incite rebellion" another minister interjected.

"What should we do then? We can't just ignore the situation," the first minister pressed, "Crocodile has ties to the rebels. What if he joins forces with them to attack Alabasta?"

The assembly fell silent.

Then, a minister addressed King Cobra, "Your Majesty, the decision rests with you."

King Cobra pondered and turned to Igaram, asking, "Any word from Vivi?"

Igaram shook his head, "Not yet, Your Majesty. But I trust Her Royal Highness will be safe."

"I believe in Vivi's abilities as well," King Cobra murmured, though doubts lingered in his mind. He sighed and inquired, "Has Koza been contacted?"

"Contact has been attempted, but there's been no response," Igaram replied, shaking his head. "The rebels have grown bolder, instigating droughts in neighboring cities with dancing powder. They're now arming the next city and may soon march on to Alubarna."

"Order the entire army to prepare for war!" King Cobra declared, rising from his throne. "Since ascending the throne, I've worked tirelessly for the prosperity of our people. I will not yield to Crocodile threats. We shall face him head-on!"

"Understood, Your Majesty," the assembled generals and ministers affirmed, bowing their heads in obedience.

However, some ministers exchanged knowing glances, hinting at alternate motives. Alabasta teetered on the brink of collapse, besieged by internal and external threats. How could they possibly withstand the rebels, let alone a Shichibukai like Crocodile? Escape seemed increasingly appealing to some.


A day later, outside the city walls of Alabasta...

"Look, everyone, we've finally reached Alabasta!" Vivi exclaimed joyfully, gazing at the towering walls ahead.

"Wow!" Kaya cheered. "I can't wait to eat, sleep, and take a bath, Princess Vivi!"

"Don't worry, there's a spacious bathhouse in the palace. You can bathe as much as you want," Vivi reassured with a smile.

"That's wonderful!" Kaya chimed in with enthusiasm.

"Let's head into town!" Ron approached Vivi. "We need to deal with Crocodile quickly before we address the rebel situation."

"Thank you, Ron," Vivi expressed her gratitude.

"No need for thanks," Ron replied with a confident grin.

"We..." Vivi blushed, turning away before nodding in agreement.

As they neared the city gates, a sudden alarm sounded from the walls.

"Stop! Who goes there?" The guards, armed and vigilant, halted the approaching group.

"I am Princess Vivi," she announced.

"What?" The guards were astonished, recognizing Vivi's face. "Your Highness, you're safe! This is unbelievable!"

"What's happening?" Vivi inquired.

"The situation is dire. Hurry inside. His Majesty King Cobra is greatly concerned for your safety," the guard urged, relieved to see the princess unharmed amidst rumors of her demise.

"Let's go in, shall we?" Vivi turned to Ron, her concern evident.

"I'm here. There's nothing to fear," Ron reassured her, exuding confidence.

"Hmhm!" Vivi nodded with determination.

The group prepared to enter the city, but a distant rumble interrupted their progress.

"Wait, someone's approaching!" a guard shouted, his voice tinged with alarm.

"Rebels are coming!" another guard exclaimed, spotting the advancing enemy forces.

"Those are the rebels who have been amassing troops in the neighboring cities. They're finally launching an attack now" the first guard explained, fear evident in his voice.

"So many..." Vivi paled, daunted by the sight of the approaching horde. It wasn't her own safety she feared but the inevitable casualties that would result from the conflict.

"Your Highness, enter the city! We'll close the gates!" the guard urged.

"Ron!" Vivi hesitated, seeking reassurance from Ron.

"Everyone, enter the city!" Ron declared confidently. "I'll handle the rebels. Trust me, they pose no threat to me." (T/N: Play the BGM!!!)

"I trust you, Captain Ron," Vivi affirmed, her confidence bolstered by Ron's unwavering resolve.

"Go, head inside!" Ron directed, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to confront the oncoming enemy forces.

As the group entered the city, Robin observed Ron's actions with curiosity, puzzled by his willingness to face such overwhelming odds to protect Princess Vivi.