
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · Cómic
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158 Chs

Chapter 2: Personally take charge of the world government

In the depths of Castle Pangea 


Loneliness makes the night deeper. Loneliness sublimates in the night. Only the eternal full moon releases its cold light. Even if there are dense stars flashing around him, it still can't bring him the slightest warmth. Just look down so quietly. 


Capital of the World Government, it is the center of the highest power in the world and is recognized as the Sacred Land. All these titles refer to this city that is located on the Red Earth Continent. 


Mary Geoise! 


Even at night it shines like the most dazzling golden crown. 


And this ancient castle called Pangea is the core of Mary Geoise. It is the home of The Five Elders, who control the situation and direction of the entire world, but there is an even more central existence in the power core. 


Empty Throne! 


To the world, this red-golden throne, symbolizing peace and equality, will always be placed as a symbol on the high three-tiered platform, and no one will ever sit on it. 


Moonlight fell from the sky and became the only source of light in this room, making the entire space inside appear empty and cold. The tall spire throne bathed in the most light. 


But at this quiet moment of the night, a figure turned his back to the World Government logo on the back of the chair, sitting on the throne in the moonlight, with his red eyes with circular patterns looking at the five people. kneeling below. 


The Five Elders! 


"Sir, Gol D. Roger has been successfully arrested by the navy. At this time, Sengoku and Garp are responsible for escorting him to Impel Down. His wife, Portgas D. Rouge, is also following his arrangements. She will be under house arrest at Marineford, guarded by a unit of female troops led by Vice Admiral Tsuru." 


The bald man wearing a white robe holding a long knife was the first to speak, followed by the bald man with a big mustache who was kneeling to the right of the one in the middle of the five people, and asked. 


"After some discussion, the five of us considered carrying out a public execution in Roger's hometown of Loguetown in the East Blue, to impress countries around the world and at the same time curb the arrogance of the increasingly pirates." rampant. What do you think Mr. Imu?" 




This response from the senior person really surprised the five people kneeling on the cold ground, causing them to go into a daze for a moment, they really did not expect the Lord to reject this proposal. 


No matter how you look at it, public executions have many benefits, and generally speaking, the Lord would not interfere too much with such a "small matter" in the past. 


But what they don't know is that the man sitting on the Empty Throne, although he still has a cold expression on the surface, is also extremely entangled in his heart. According to common sense, the public execution will only benefit the World Government, but as a transmigrator, he knows how much damage this will cause to the World Government and is clear about the consequences that Roger's execution will cause. 


Maybe Roger is awaiting a public execution! 


I didn't believe the statement that Roger opened the "Age of Dreams", I guess he only thought of it because someone asked him by chance. 


Anyway, he felt that even if no one asked, Roger would definitely shout something similar, otherwise, wouldn't he give up and die in vain? 


"The execution site will be located in Marineford to avoid an accident, and only Sengoku's voice will be played during the live broadcast. While waiting for the time of execution, the audio will be kept silent throughout to prevent Roger from saying something that he should not say to himself before he dies." 


Sitting on the Empty Throne, I came up with a plan to prevent an accident from happening like in the original plot. 


"Avoid an accident and people saying things that shouldn't be said." 


The Five Elders carefully considered these two key phrases. Soon, the old man who was kneeling on the far left, mainly responsible for history and technology, seemed to understand it first. 


"The Lord is wise!" 


The four people on the right looked at him in confusion. What do you understand? 


"The reason why Roger became the world-renowned Pirate King is because he collected the four Road Poneglyphs and came to Laugh Tale. This means that he must have some knowledge of the Void Century, so we must prevent him from making that knowledge public. preventing him from uttering any words during his execution." 


"That's all!" The other four people suddenly understood and nodded. 




I hesitated for a second and then agreed. Although his plan had a slightly different goal, what the other party said made sense. 


"Let's deal with Roger's affairs this way. Let's talk about the future. This is also the main reason why I ordered you to come this time." 


It was just what he said next that completely surprised the Five Elders who were still kneeling in respect. 


"I saw the future!" 


"Twenty-four years later, there will be an unprecedented rebellion on all the seas and a great war that may directly threaten the World Government as well as the lives of all the Celestial Dragons!" 


Even though he spoke such shocking words, Imu's tone still maintained his usual indifference, as if there was nothing in the world that could make him change his expression. 


With the cold moonlight on his body, he gives a feeling of isolation. 


But the expressions of the five people below changed drastically. Everyone's eyes widened and looked up in disbelief. They were speechless for a long time. 


What did you just hear? That's impossible! 


They cannot express their thoughts, otherwise it would be a betrayal to say them. They have been the holders of supreme power for decades, so they still have this kind of self-control and intelligence. 


Furthermore, if you think about it carefully it is not impossible at all. Although the ability to predict the future sounds fantastic, it is a real skill in this world. It can be said that it is rare and, at best, uncommon. 


Furthermore, it is very reasonable that his grandmaster, Lord Imu, would have this ability. On the other hand, The Five Elders were more surprised by the predicted future situation. 


Rebellion on all seas? A Great War? 


Imu, however, had no intention of stopping because they were affected by the news, and continued to speak calmly. 


"And the source of this rebellion and great war originates from the slaves and the Celestial Dragons." 


"In view of this situation, I will personally control the general direction of the World Government and the five of you will cooperate. The authority of the World Government over the world must be maintained. 


After hearing everything, The Five Elders slowly calmed down and understood what Lord Imu meant. 


Before this, unless there was a "light" outside that needed to be erased from history, Lord Imu basically lived in seclusion within Pangea Castle, and enjoyed the peace and quiet for many years. 


Now, this person wants to personally direct the direction of the giant ship that is the World Government. As for the five, although they still hold the rudder on the surface, they are not the ones who have the final say on which direction to turn the rudder. 


Even so, The Five Elders have no resistance, as the saying goes, those who don't know are not afraid, but they are in the opposite situation, they know too much and dare not have inappropriate thoughts. 


"We will obey your wishes!" 


The Five Elders' words sounded in unison in the dark, empty hall, and at the same time, they lowered their heads a little further while still kneeling. 


"So, let's start with this year's World Conference." Imu's eyes, who were looking at them the entire time, shone with determination. 


Since he has now become the master of the World Government, he will never allow the great changes that will happen twenty-four years later. 


Revolutionary Army, Pirates, Elbaf. Let's deal with them one by one! 

I raised my head and looked at the stars above the sky, accompanied by the huge bright moon. 


"First take full control of this world and then use this planet as a ship to venture into the infinite sea that is the Omniverse."