NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
Kai was like a little kid on his way to the candy shop. He was sitting on the railing on the ship and swinging his legs. "What's wrong with him?" Sanji asked everyone, but they just shrugged. Kai was excited! They were finally going to meet Robin! Another smart person! No more dealing with only idiots all day! Plus she's really cute. He thought the last part silently thinking the author wouldn't notice. But I did! Hehehe. Anyways! Kai was so giddy he forgot Vivi was even on the ship!
After a little while of trying Vivi finally got his attention and they left the crew behind as they went to go talk. The crew started wondering who the girl really was. Was she really a princess? But what kind of princess is that? She acted more like a pirate? Maybe she was a pirate? After all, Fujin did seem to be friends with an awful lot of pirates.
The crew got talking and someone asked Luffy about why his hat was so important. "It's a gift from a great pirate! His name was Shanks!" The entire crew just nodded and Sanji's mouth opened, letting his cigarette fall to the ground. He had gotten information about the world from Kai when they were kids, and he also followed the news. "Did you say Shanks? Luffy, did you just say Shanks?"
"Mhm. Oh right! He also taught your brother! Something about the mock battles being really close and your brother almost won once because of a surprise attack."
"Shanks taught my brother!??! He was already a monster before! Just how strong is he now??!"
The rest of the crew was looking at Sanji confused. Sanji asked them all, "You don't know?" They shook their heads. Sanji lit a cigarette and sighed. "I'm surrounded by idiots. So Shanks is.." Kai came from out of nowhere and shut Sanji's mouth. "NO SPOILERS!" He landed next to the crew. "And that's my line! Get your own joke, love cook!" The crew was about to ask Kai who Shanks was but Kai yelled "Hey look at the island!" He grabbed Sanji and ran away as there was no island in sight.
He and Sanji hid away until they finally could see the island. They all forgot about Shanks and Kai turned to Sanji saying. "Heh. Idiots. I knew they would forget all about it once they saw the island."
"Forget about what? Well who cares? Look mask boy! It's an island!" Sanji said as he ran out to join the rest of the crew. Kai facepalmed and cried. "Where are you Robin? I'm dying here! There so dumb!"
They made it to the island and Vivi said goodbye to everyone and thanked them for the ride. Kai yelled out as she was leaving. "Don't tell your dad you saw me!" She giggled and nodded as she ran away. The crew was confused and Luffy asked. "Did you have sex with her? Is that why her dad hates you?" Sanji's foot burst into flame as he got ready to kill Kai. "No! You dumbass she's like 16! And we met when she was like 12. Her dad wants me to marry her and keep trying to force us together."
Sanji calmed down hearing this. He did nothing for 9 minutes. "And you rejected her hand in marriage! What's wrong with you?! You bastard! I'll kill you!" Kai laughed. "Wahaha. Crocus would be proud! And she was 12 when he tried! What's wrong with you love cook!" After Sanji chased Kai around the entire island Kai finally sensed what he was looking for.
Kai smiled in joy. "Sorry, love cook. I'd love to keep playing with you but it's rude to keep a lady waiting, right?" Sanji stopped and nodded as he took a long drag form his cigarette. "It is." He walked away towards the party and Kai looked at him dumbfounded. "That worked? You really are my saviour Robin." He said as he flashed towards the merry.
"What's a girl like you doing in a place like thi.." Kai was cut off by a bunch of hands grabbing his whole body, locking him in place. 'I forgot she had kenbunshoku,' Kai thought to himself. He shook his head and tried a new approach. He pretended to blush and acted shy. "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to take me to dinner before you tie me up." Robin giggled at him. She grew a new hand that reached towards his mask.
Kai didn't move at all. Robin thought this was a little strange but she just kept going. Just before she took off the mask she asked, "What's behind door number one? Could it be a terrifying face riddled with scars? A perfectly normal face? Maybe it's the grim reaper who is ready to kill me when I take off his mask? Maybe we are all already dead and living inside a simulation." She giggled and Kai laughed. "Wahaha."
Then Robin grabbed the mask to take it off only for her to grab air. She frowned a bit, until it was replaced by a playful smile. "There is more to you than meets the eye, Mask-san." Kai was smiling like a maniac under his mask. "I just didn't want you to die. If you took off the mask It would have killed the whole island. *sigh* It's tough being so handsome." Robin just giggled at him.
Kai just walked out of her hands and she released them. He walked over to a table and pulled out a seat for her. She took it and he lit a cigarette as he walked over to take his own seat. "Such a gentleman." She said as Kai smiled. "I learned from the best. Watching my brother taught me everything I know." Robin just smiled and Kai laughed a bit at his own joke.
"So what's your name?" Kai asked Robin. "You can call me miss all Sunday." Kai sighed, she really didn't trust anyone. "Don't get all shy on me now. A minute ago you had me all tied up. You still owe me a dinner for that, by the way." Robin giggled again. Before she said. "You don't want to know my name. You'd run just like everyone else." Kai hmm'd with a smile on his face that Robin couldn't see. "Wanna bet?" he grinned madly. He never lost a bet, and he wasn't gonna start now. "Alright, then mask-san. My name is Nico Robin."
Kai looked at her and said in a relaxed voice. "You're pretty cute for a devil." Showing no signs of caring about her identity. "You already knew?" Robin asked with shock on her face. "I don't lose bets. Of course I already knew." Robin smiled and Hmm'd at him. This guy was interesting, she thought. It was nice to talk to someone smart for once. Plus he was pretty funny.
"If you know about me. Why aren't you running? I am a big bad devil after all." Robin probed Kai for an answer. Kai laughed. "As if a devil could be that cute. It's just impossible." Robin didn't laugh this time she just stared seriously at him. Kai took a long drag from his cigarette taking the hint. "You want to hear a story? Devil-chan." Robin just asked "About what?"
"It's a story about an island called Ohara." Robin nodded as she was intrigued.
"Once upon a time, there was this island full of devil's who wanted to take over the world, then them marines brought justice to them and saved the government…" Robin flinched at this and frowned. "...Or so the government says. A little birdy once told me a different story about Ohara. Once upon a time there was some people who liked to learn. So they decided to try to learn some new things! Good for them, right? Wrong. The government doesn't like people who are smart. Especially when those smart people try to learn new things. So they decided to silence them. During that time a certain man ordered the deaths of all civilians. Even the ones who didn't like to learn. The government heard about this and He is now an admiral and the next in line to be fleet admiral. The government likes him because he isn't very smart and he listens to everything they say, unlike the smart people. Anyway, the government fucked up. A different couple of marines didn't like what the government was doing and saved one person. This person was one of the smartest people on the island and the government didn't like that. So they told everyone that that person was a big bad devil. They got the world to fear the devil and used everything they could to catch this devil. This is where it gets interesting. Even the devil itself doesn't know this. The reason the devil is so scary is because it learned how to read these things called the poneglyphs. Guess what's written on those? The truth about the government! They were the bad guys all along! Can you believe it? The devil was the only person in the world who could take down the 'god of the world' , the bastard dragons and overthrow the government." Robin was surprised at Kai's words. She had never had anyone tell her the real story of Ohara. Let alone someone who knew more than her.
"Are you sure you should be saying that marine-san?" Kai scoffed. "Or what? Is the goat man gonna fire me? I'm shaking in my boots." Robin was dumbfounded for a moment before she giggled. "Did you just call the fleet admiral goat man?" Kai chuckled. "You'll never believe this. The first time I met him he said he wanted a pet. I told him to get a goat and he agreed! He seriously wants a pet goat! Wahahaha!" Robin giggled loudly. And almost let a laugh slip out. Kai noticed and smiled to himself. In the distance you could hear the sounds of battle letting Kai know that the crew would be back soon.
"What did you mean about the government being the bad guys?" Robin asked Kai who shrugged. "I don't wanna spoil the fun. You'll learn eventually. Even I'm not certain about everything, I just heard a lot of vague stories and filled in the gaps. But I am very curious. Ever since I was a child I started to enjoy history a lot." Robin just nodded. She understood that Kai couldn't tell her everything and she respected that.
Kai senses the crew coming back at this point. He took a long drag of his cigarette and stood up. "Time's up, the idiots are back, and it's time for you to make your appearance. I assume that's why you're here." Robin giggled and said. "It is. But you never know, maybe they will all trip and fall on swords killing them slowly. Before they can make it here."
"Wahahahaha! You're pretty funny Devil-san. Also, I'm not letting you get away without my free dinner." Robin giggled as she went up on deck and showed herself to the crew. She told them about Vivi being the princess of Alabasta and then gave them an eternal pose to Alabasta.
Luffy destroyed the eternal pose and yelled, "I decided where we go! Not you!" Robin giggled at this when she sensed Kai facepalm and heard him mutter "Fucking Idiots." she started giggling a lot louder and almost let a laugh out. The group decided to set sail and Robin was about to leave when Kai called out.
"Sunday-san! You still owe me dinner." As he walked after her. Sanji's feet lit on fire, Zoro smirked, Nami looked at Robin curiously, Usopp was shaking still scared of Robin, and Luffy asked. "Oh they're on a date? That means there having sex right?"
Kai face planted as he was walking. He got up ready to kill Luffy but saw Nami and Sanji already beating the shit out of him. Zoro smirked. "Just because you taught him the birds and the bee's doesn't mean he now has common sense." Kai cursed his own foolishness. He started crying "Idiots. I can't do this anymore. They are all idiots."
"Nishishishi." The laugh went unnoticed by nearly everyone. But Kai didn't miss it. He smiled and walked over to Robin leaving the ship with her. Just when she thought she was safe and as they were out of ear range from the rest of the crew. "So the devil can laugh huh." Kai whispered in Robin's ear. She had a slight blush on her cheeks for a moment before clearing her throat. "I don't know what you're talking about." Kai just chuckled and picked a restaurant.
"Say how do you eat with that mask on?" Robin asked and Kai just said. "I lift it a bit. Did you expect me to phase the food through the mask or something?" Robin just thought for a second. "Sorry, that was a dumb question. I don't even know what I expected."
Kai shook his head and pulled out her chair for her before sitting on his own. He handed her the drink menu first and started looking at the food before she picked a drink and handed the menu to him. "You're pretty good at this mask-san, you must do this often." Kai just grinned and said. "Would you believe me if I said this was a first. I'm actually just a virgin on his first date." Robin giggled. "Then how are you so good at this?"
"I must have been a stud in my past life. What can I say?" Kai was enjoying his own little humor as it was actually the truth while Robin just sighed. She actually believed that this was his first time, so she smiled to herself. She hadn't really been on a date before either. Even though it wasn't a real date. They were both still having fun.
Robin was about to take her drink but stopped just short when she heard Kai say. "I wonder if it's poisoned. It would be a pretty bad first date if you died all of a sudden." Robin laughed. "Nishishi." Before she covered her mouth with a hand that grew out of her shoulder. Kai just smiled and hmm'd allowing her to keep face and not mentioning the laugh this time.
Robin noticed this and smiled as she continued taking a drink while thinking that Kai was a gentleman. The two ate together and had a nice chat about nothing really. Exactly like you would do on a real first date. After the dinner was over Kai walked Robin to her boat with their arms linked. When they got there he said. "As much as I would love to take you all the way back to Alabasta, I need to go make sure a few idiots don't kill themselves." Robin giggled and let go of his arm. "I wonder if we will meet again." Robin pondered out loud. Kai smiled. "Did you enjoy it that much?"
"Maybe you would have gotten a kiss if you weren't wearing a mask." Robin giggled, but know one knew whether she really meant what she said. Kai smiled and wondered what a real date with Robin would be like.
"I think we'll meet again. Wanna bet?" Kai asked Robin who giggled. "I thought you didn't lose bets?" Kai laughed again. "I don't, I'm surprised you remembered." Robin smiled. She hoped that he was right. "What do you say we make one more bet for the road?" Kai asked her. "Am I gonna lose?"
"Yeah." Kai nodded.
"Nishishishi. Then why would I agree?"
"Cause it'll be fun."
"What's the bet?"
"Rubber-man vs Crocodile. I bet on Straw hat. You bet on your boss."
"What happens if I lose?" Kai smiled. "You join the kid's crew." Robin thought for a moment. "Alright." Kai was shocked. "What if you win?" He asked her. She said, "I thought you didn't lose." As she stepped on her boat leaving Kai on the dock alone. As she went into the cabin she heard. "WAHAHAHA!" and she smiled to herself. She really hoped they would meet again.