
One Piece: Forge

One Piece fan fiction cause why not!! A story where you don't even need to add other things from other animes because it already has enough content for a few decades and will still remain things to do! So i decided to do one too, even though i'm shit at writing but i try my best to do at least a readable one!! I don't know how much will take and i might drop it. The story isn't meant to be too serious, it's more created to improve my grammar respectively english. Enjoy reading. Notes: No harem No system

GalacticBlueGoose · Cómic
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13 Chs

"Be our comrade!" The next location, Kinoko Island!!

While i was dreaming with my eyes open, my crewmates were looking towards me confused waiting for a reply.

"So... So how did you get those powers...?"

"Ah! What is it..?"

"You weren't listening by any chance?"

"Yeah, i'm sorry hehehe!"

Lever, as he read my mind completely, let out well-being words.

"You sure got through a lot, there's no need to tell us what you did until now. We'll treat you the same as ever!"

The crew listened to what their captain said and agreed with all their might, there wasn't an ounce of grudge or hostility, they all accepted me as their family from the time i've become one of them.

"I'm glad knowing that!" The feeling i have now is one similar to how i felt with dad in my childhood. A warming feeling.

"Anyway, i've decided what role you have! We all have one so it'll be good for you to know them!"

Lever begins introducing his and the crewmate's roles, he said he's a navigator.

I would never have guessed he's a navigator...his appearance doesn't suit his role but if he's good at it, i can't complain about.

The next one is his vice-captain, his name is Ken. He's a street fighter, i don't know how he manages to fight with bare hands against people with weapons but he looks skilled.

I will let Ken fight however he wants.

He's using boxing gloves for some reason, wouldn't be stronger without them? Anyway, his hair is black and his face is always serious like he wants to strangle you, his body is fit and muscular. He for sure trained a lot to be the vice captain.

Lever told me about all the crew members, each of them has very distinguished outwards and seems made for their roles.

Because of this, i felt a bit out of this place. He has already a lot of crew members so the ship is nearly full, also i heard they're quite notorious, i am just a guy who came out of nowhere and has a weird power...

Their faces aren't bothered by my presence, it's like i was always with this crew.

These seas hide kind people and i'm thankful that i am one of the people that found a group like this.

It is like a blessing.

My thoughts were paused by Lever's words.

"Your role on the ship is of "Pawn" "

Firstly i didn't understand the meaning of the role, but i know it's something related to "fighting" and that's it but he continued with an explanation.

"This role it's inspired by chess, a well-known strategy game that requires chess pieces to play, one of the pieces is named pawn which can move just straight forward and take the enemy's pieces on the diagonal. Once the pawn arrives to the end of the chessboard, it can take whatever form the player wants!"

I heard about this chess game in the navy, the "teacher" used to play this game a lot but i don't know how to play it, i was just physically training but at least i know things about it

So i will have the characteristics of this chess piece, sounds nice!

"The rules of chess can be applied even in piracy, you, Friedrich, when someone from our crew is defeated, you can take the position and do the job. Don't disappoint me!"

Ken and the whole crew are making clamors having their mugs full, how much do these guys like drinking...?

The amount of trust Lever puts in me...

I thought of making my own crew but....this might be better, i will make Lever the King of Pirates...? Is that what i want....is that what dad wants, i'm not sure. I want to watch and observe if my decision is right!

"Yes Captain, also i want to ask a question!!"

"Yes, what is it?" The captain says while he also has a mug of beer in his hand, i've thought he's around my age but it might not be right.

"Please let me officially in your crew!! I want to adventure with you guys!!"

The moment i've said that, everybody was lifting their drinks shouting in joy.

"KEHEHEHEHE, SURE!! BE OUR COMRADE!!" Ken already got drunk, what he said made me happy though, as same as the captain's words.

"I think you know too but we all accepted you from the time you came here. We are deciding our comrades by how fast they can befriend the crew and you're the fastest one."

I feel happy, the lingering feeling that persisted until now about my contribution in the crew just left, even though it's a childish way to accept someone in your crew, it is a way where you can make the best friends you can have.

"Steel D. Friedrich, you are officially a member of the Shadow Pirates!"


"Hey!! What's up with this mist?? It's entirely covering the landscape..."

The captain aroused by the shipwright's sayings, takes from the table a binoculars and looks through it

"....lets see..."



"Close the hatches and shorten the sails!! A huge rainstorm it's approaching!!" In a matter of time, everyone stood in their positions and pursue the captain's words.

I didn't know how to do those things so i went beside Lever.

" Is this normal to happen....?"

" Usually, this happens a lot while sailing but this is quite unnatural, some moments ago it was completely fine. It can be because we're approaching an island, come after me!"

Lever immediately turns around and quickly goes in the meeting room, a room where they are discussing our strategy, wealth and many other things.

I go after him and enter the room for the first time. They were standing around a table with a map on it, the one who's speaking is the captain

"So this is the next adventure which awaits us...the map clearly says here is a disturbance of weather. We'll go directly through it!"

"Our next location, Kinoko Island!!"

From now on, this fan fic will be on the Fresh stories page which will give the fan fic more exposure!

I hope the chapter doesn't have too many grammar mistakes.

This is the start of the new arc and i like it. I know already how the arc will end so this just makes me more hype to finish it.

For this entire week you guys will have this arc, Kinoko Island.

I hope that the story is readable and particularly good!


GalacticBlueGoosecreators' thoughts