
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Cómic
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200 Chs

chapter 164

"I would choose Adam Rice."

As the voice of Kong with a smile slowly fell, the mind of the Sengoku was suddenly shocked.

The wind blew up suddenly and came with a rolling heat wave, but Sengoku felt a chill.

He no longer cares about the logical problem in the old man's words, and he just has this thought over and over again in the back of his mind:

——Fleet Admiral kong is so optimistic about Adam Rice, and even thinks that he can surpass the three of Sakaski, Kuzan, and Borssalino!

This is terrifying.

How long has Adam Rice been here?

It's less than a month's time to be full!

It also includes more than ten days in the hospital.

But the three of them, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Borsalino, had been working in the naval system for many years long before Adam Rice came to the headquarters.

"Sengoku, the old man knows exactly what you are thinking, but many things cannot be determined by qualifications."

At this time, Kong suddenly glanced at Sengoku with a deep expression in his eyes, and his tone was narrow and authentic.

"Although Adam Rice's seniority in the army is still relatively low, he has achieved great things that no one else can do in a lifetime in just one month."

"That in itself speaks volumes about his potential."

"And, after that world live broadcast, do you still naively think that Adam Rice's reputation in the army is still as criticized as ever?"

Seeing Old Man Kong's half-smile eyes, Sengoku face turned red, as if he had seen through his inner thoughts.

The two never spoke again.

Because the battle of "master and apprentice" on the distant school field has come to an end.

The earth was scorched, filled with dents and pits.

The billowing thick smoke rose up in the swept yellow sand, but quickly dissipated in the hot wind.

Two figures appeared in the void at the same time, and retreated at the same time with the violent air waves.

"Hahahaha!! Fun!"

Sengoku landed steadily, his face was full of heroic laughter, and a pair of arms wrapped in a Armanent Haki emitted white smoke.

The speed and explosiveness of this punch was actually rubbing against the air to create a high temperature!

Adam Rice's figure also flew backwards, and the black wings behind him trembled several times in mid-air before slowly stopping the figure.

He landed heavily, the fallen angel behind him slowly retracted his wings, his face was pale, and his chest was heaving and breathing rapidly.

His hands were covered in bruises and blood, and he no longer had the strength to raise them.

"As expected of you, Teacher Zephyr."

He laughed wildly.

Although the arm was used for unimaginable pain, he had a great time in this fight!

The pleasure of punching to the flesh,

Without defense and dodge,

Only the more and more powerful attack,

Isn't that the greatest romance a man can have?


This confrontation between master and apprentice also made Adam Rice realize how far he is from the top physique powerhouses in this sea.

Just the difference in the strength of this Armanent Haki is enough to make people feel hopeless.


Adam Rice is full of confidence in himself.

Frustration is not important, the important thing is to find the direction from failure to move on and keep climbing.

For Adam Rice, he just doesn't lack such mentality and will.

"Then, the rest of the little devils..."

Zephyr smiled, then turned to the other military cadets who were watching the battle on the edge of the school field in the distance, and said with a loud laugh:

"You guys are going to continue to hide behind Adam Rice like a shrinking tortoise,"

"Still be a real man, stand up and be beaten by the old man?"

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched when they heard that.

No matter how you look at it, it is better to continue to hide.

Your old man's fist...not so pleasant.

But they also know

this battle,

It was the last lesson that Teacher Zephyr gave them,

It is an opportunity for them to truly see the top combat power of this sea!

such an opportunity,

It can be said that it is a once-in-a-lifetime no exaggeration!

If you don't dare to make a move at this time, you will go to the new world in the future and really meet those big pirates who are sinful and cruel,

It's not as simple as being beaten up.

With this thought in their hearts, everyone's eyes gradually became firmer.

The gloomy figure of the ghost spider took the first step forward, slowly pulled out the saber from his waist, leaned over halfway, made a gesture of about to charge, and hissed:

"Teacher Zephyr, please advise."

Dalmantian also smiled and said:

"Such an opportunity cannot be missed."

He twisted his neck and made a crackling sound.

one after another,

The other military cadets also came out one by one, gearing up.

Zefa laughed contentedly and made a defiant gesture towards them.

"Come on, brats!"

The moment the voice fell,

without anyone's orders,

All the navy cadets charged from the same place at the same time, toward their teacher, besieging the past with their strongest tricks!

Boom! !

A burst of painful mourning suddenly rang out on the grounds of the military academy.

this day,

All cadets of the Naval Headquarters navy Training Camp,

Under the guidance of Chief Instructor Zephyr last lesson,

Bleeding and bruised, they finished their graduation.