
One Piece:Fallen general

What is justice? The winner is justice! "I smoked, drank, cheated, addicted to murder, greedy for money, lascivious...but I was a good navy." Adam Rice, who holds the form of Paramecia Fruit, Phantom Beast, Fallen Angel, holds high the banner of justice, but like a devil, he tempts countless people to fall. Doflamingo is his intermediary in controlling the underground world, the Queen of Happy Street is his lover, the Amazon Lily is his back garden, and the golden emperor Tezoro is his cash machine... The raving of the devil is a temptation to indulge, and the flames of hell are the end of all things burning and destroying. This is the story of a fallen admiral. : "Man is Sailing, Fallen Angel General"; this novel and its characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated

DaoistBDe9N8 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
200 Chs

chapter 137

Headquarters is now very poor.

Hearing Adam Rice's words, Kuzan couldn't help being stunned for a while, and Kong's furious appearance involuntarily appeared in his mind.

He looked at the cigar in his hand, and suddenly felt that the cigar looked more and more fragrant.

He shook his head and asked thoughtfully:

"What do you mean, even if you give a plan for the transformation of arms technology, the headquarters does not have enough financial resources to implement the arrangement?"

Adam Rice smiled meaningfully:

"Kuzan, do you know the military and weapon configuration of my Beihai Navy Corps?"

Kuzan nodded.

The battle report has been issued a long time ago, and almost all of the high-ranking naval generals have one.

The strength of the North sea Navy exceeded everyone's expectations, and Kuzan couldn't help but be surprised.

All kinds of weapons, as well as ten warships that have been transformed by sea floor stone technology...

28 No one could have imagined that a mere North sea branch would have such huge financial resources and strong strength.

Adam gently exhaled a smoke ring, squinting and smiling:

"I'll tell you a very simple data."

"I brought the North Sea Fleet to the New World. The financial resources, manpower, weapon upgrades, warships, and military expenses spent behind this fleet..."

"The same amount of money, if it is used in the naval headquarters, is estimated to be able to equip a fleet of 100,000 people."

Hearing this, Kuzan took a breath, choked on the smoke from the cigar, and coughed heavily.

For a while, his face turned red and then white, and he looked at Adam Ries, his face full of surprise and inconceivable.

The naval fleet that Adam Rice brought to the New World from the North Sea was only 10,000!

But the training and training costs, military salaries, weapons and equipment, and arms rations for these ten thousand people can actually supply ten times the size of the army in the headquarters! ?

Kuzan couldn't imagine what kind of astronomical number this was!

He stared blankly at Adam , who was smoking a cigar leisurely in front of him, and his mood was extremely complicated.



Marine Headquarters Marine Ford,

The Fleet Admiral Kong office.


A messy sound came, the door of the Fleet Admiral office was opened, and the guards who had already prepared it immediately cleaned the office and replaced it with a desk.

another desk...

The corner of Sengoku mouth twitched as he looked at Kong, who was almost jumping and scolding his mother with the battle report in front of him, and such a thought flashed in his heart.

Kong's fury exploded in his ears like a thunderous roar——

"Adam Rice this bastard!!"

"Take the money earned from our headquarters to equip his North Sea navy!?"

"How dare he!?"

"And the military configuration of the North Sea Fleet, electromagnetic pulse, fire thrower, sea tower stone bullet, smoke launcher..."

"Can any of you explain to the old man, how is the level of the North sea Navy's arms a lot higher than our headquarters!?"

"Is North sea the headquarters of the navy, or is it our Marine Ford that is the headquarters of the navy!?"

Looking at Kong who was trembling with rage in front of them, the high-ranking navy Admirals were watching their eyes, leaning against the wall and not daring to take a breath.

When they received the meeting notice, they were still in high spirits.

After all, the Navy Headquarters fought such a big victory in the New World this time, defeating the Roger Pirates, and annihilating the Golden Lion and his Flying Sky Pirates...

This is one of the unique brilliant achievements in the history of the navy. They originally thought that they would come to the meeting this time to accept the commendation, and they even thought about modest words in their hearts.

But I didn't expect to just come to the Fleet Admiral office,

Kong just threw out a stack of intelligence documents directly, and then started cursing without stopping.

No one dared to speak.

Most importantly, they also don't know where the North Sea Navy got such high-tech weapon technology.

The North Sea has always been a "forbidden zone" for the Navy.

The principle of independence and self-governance of the four seas, coupled with the geographical division of inconvenient transportation, the forces of the Navy Headquarters who want to enter the four seas can only reverse the mountains, which is extremely difficult.

Therefore, the headquarters lacks absolute control over what the North sea branch is doing.

"Sengoku, tell me!"

Seeing everyone shut up obediently,Kong glared at them angrily, and looked at the Sengoku angrily.

Sengoku trembled when he heard the voice, and smiled bitterly:

"Kong, I don't have any opinion."

Kong patted the brand new desk, and spit in his mouth:

"What are you doing, Admiral!?"

In the heart of Sengoku, this is wrong,very wrong...

It's you who told me to have the spirit of a Fleet Admiral, how about giving it to Adam Rice?

Why are you looking back now and starting to settle accounts again?

However, he could only think about it in his heart, and could not say it.