
One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story nor the images used as cover arts. All rights reserved to their respective creators. ---------- Ace D. Goldstein was an avid fan of One Piece before dying because of an unnamed disease. Given another chance at life, he was transported into the body of a character he knew and loved. How would the son of the King of the Pirates change and develop if he suddenly woke up with memories of a different future? Would he do things differently? Would he become even stronger before setting out on his life changing journey? What will his goal be? Follow the story of Gol D. Ace in his journey to become someone that surpasses them all! A pirate whose name is widely known and feared! To become the most notorious man in the world! Follow the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!

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121 Chs

Chapter 2

Waking up in a starry space was the last thing Ace expected to happen to him. He felt himself floating. He never experienced what it feels like to float before, but he's sure it was like what he was feeling right now.

Ace looked around the beautiful sight that lay before his eyes. It was not as dark as he imagined space to be. It was colorful. Splashes of playful red and calming purple dotted the sight before him. The twinkling of the distant stars made the sight more beautiful.

Strangely, he didn't feel cold. Ace felt… warm. The same warmth as the hug his parents give him.

At that moment, it hit him. He wasn't supposed to be here. Unless…

"I'm dead, aren't I?"

Ace said out loud. His voice echoed strangely, as ethereal and fleeting as the memories that seemed to escape him…


Being given an answer was the last thing Ace expected. He looked around and tried to see who it was, only to find that he was alone.

"You are not alone," the voice said. It was strange. Dissonant and harmonic at the same time. But most of all… familiar. Miraculously, the memories that were still with Ace made him recognize who the voice - no, voices - were.

"Mom? Dad?"

Then, Ace felt himself become whole again. The memories that were fleeting, floating, and drifting away from him slowly returned. Every moment of his short life played in his head as he remembered who he was.

"No. I am not," the voice said.

"Then… God?"

Since his memories returned, Ace remembered reading about this familiar situation before. Dying, waking up in a void… wishes?

"I suppose that is an apt term."

The voice was a weird mix between the voices of his mother and father. It sounded as if they were simultaneously speaking.

"Does everyone go through something like this when they die?" Ace asked, striking up a conversation with a being he can't comprehend.

"Yes. It is always interesting to see myself go through such… an experience."

"What do you mean?"

"I am you."

"You're me?"

"I am you."

"You're me?"

"I am you."

"But I'm me, not you."

"I am you, therefore I am."

"This is blowing my brains. Ah, I'm dead. I don't have brains. YOHOHOHO!"

Ace genuinely laughed at his own joke. He finally got to use one of Brook's Skull Jokes.

"You need some kind of explanation?"

"Yes, please."

God was silent for a moment before giving Ace an explanation that his poor mortal non-existent brain could comprehend.

"Your 'soul' is a part of me. Thus, after your body expires, you return to me."

That simple explanation made the situation clear enough for Ace.

"Wait… you said everyone goes through this. Everyone is you? We're all part of the same being? We're all a figment of you?"

"That is correct."

Ace reeled in what that implied. That means every good, atrocity, kindness, justice, hatred, and love that everyone gave to everyone else…

"It is best you stop thinking about it. It is not important in this case. We are delaying the plot of the fanfic."


"Just make a wish."

'Ah, that's right. I am currently living through a fanfic opening trope. I can make a wish, but…'

"I wish for you to bless my parents with the greatest happiness."

That is all Ace ever wanted. He lived without regrets. If he can make a wish, he'll make it so those he left behind will be happy.

"How predictable," God said, not at all impressed.

"OI! SHUT UP! You've probably seen everything there is, so everything is predictable for you."

"Yes, I have. Well then, I shall give you another chance at life. One I am sure you will enjoy."

"Hey! That's not my wish!"

Ace was pissed by God seemingly not granting his wish, but the explanation God gave after made him understand somehow.

"You wished for me to bless your parents with the greatest happiness. I am doing exactly that," God said, seemingly gloating. "Ace D. Goldstein, their son, is a vital part of their happiness. You living a happy life, one that will be far more exciting than your last one, is a vital part of this blessing. Worry not, their lives after your departure from their world will also be blessed."

Hearing that explanation, Ace had no room to argue. God is God, after all. Trying to fully understand will just hurt his mind.

"Now then, off you go. Fear not, your memories will be intact," God said dismissively.

"...I understand."

"Good. Now then, have fun on your next adventure. Live however you want. As a favor because I feel like it, I'll bless you with more potential," God said to Ace as he felt himself being pulled.

"Spoiler alert, you'll live in the world of One Piece."
