
One Piece : Dimi

this fanfic is inspired by various novels on this platform, also english is not my main language so please excuse me for any mistakes i make... this story is only a test and is in the draft stage for now, if I still like writing it after about 20 chapters then I will try to improve it. thanks for reading!

Gurarararara · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 6

I just realized, in the comments of the previous chapter I said ''I have a better idea than Luffy don't worry.'' about the MC joining Luffy.

so first of all this idea that you're going to read just below is better from my point of view, I know many won't like it...

anyway, I like this idea.

also, some of you have told me that you don't want the MC to 'buy' is power but 'grind' instead, so yes I will do that from now on, or not...

I've already written 10 chapters ahead of schedule and I can say 100% that the MC won't be a cheat compared to the others...

besides, the MC won't have the armor plot, so he'll do what's necessary to become strong in a short time.

also, for now, his DF is nothing special, it's just a vision paramecia, though I have ideas for the awakened powers.

Now let's move on to Ace's topic... (Possible Spoiler!)

already due to Dimi's arrival, Ace's adventure will be very different.

There will be occasional moments with Ace, but it is very unlikely that he will become the commander of Edward Newgate's fleet.

for a reason, you will understand in chapter 8.

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7 years have passed since the first time they met, unlike the original Sabo never left early, so he didn't die like in the manga...

All these thanks to the intervention of Dimi who had killed all the men hired by Sabo's father, then had convinced him to leave at sea with him or with Ace, but Sabo didn't want to be under the orders of someone and proposed a hand to hand fight, blatantly disadvantaging Dimi!

The winner would become the captain of the other two!

The fight went as planned and Ace won almost too easily...

but Ace wanted to start the adventure alone, denying his two brothers...

Sabo and Dimi fought!

But neither of them could be declared the winner, it was a null match...

Of course, Dimi would have won if he had used his gun, but life was not always fair and he understood that very well.

While Ace had already gone to sea at the age of 17, Sabo and Dimi would wait another year, two years before Luffy...

Also during all these years, the group of brothers had trained much more intensely than in the original, Dimi had given them a mass of information about the world, the Haki, the powers, etc...

Luffy being Luffy, he was mostly sleeping during the 'lessons'...

On Dimi's side, he understood and could use the Observation Haki rather easily, which gave him a boost in all things related to ranged weapons, but knife fighting was not to be neglected either...


Another year passed quickly, and finally, it was Sabo and Dimi's turn to start exploring the world!

They had said their goodbyes to everyone, except for Luffy who he swore to meet again on the sea in a few years...


It had been two days since they had left for the sea, Dimi was humming a song as he lay on the deck of the little boat, Sabo was in command and looking at his compass, their destinations?

They had no idea...

they were being carried by the current and the wind...

''Have you decided? '' Sabo asked.

''I'd say this restaurant, the Baratie...'' Dimi hummed in response.

''You know we could find a cook somewhere else, like Logue Town... are you sure they're that good? '' Sabo was curious as to why his brother wanted to go to Baratie so badly.

''Well yeah, they're above average in terms of strength, but I hear their cooking is the best in all of East Blue...''

''Let's go then, do you know where it is?''

''Yeah, let me direct you to get some rest Captain...'' Dimi stood up and took control of the little boat.

As you heard Sabo had become the Captain of the crew by winning their last hand-to-hand duel, at first Dimi wasn't really happy about this, but once Sabo assured him that he would have the same decision-making powers he sighed and agreed.

''ah by the way how much Berry do we have in your storage?'' Sabo asked curiously.

''About 121 million... not counting all the stolen items, which includes the 6 pirate ships, the gold, and silver, oh there's also that fruit I found...'' Dimi replied while holding the boat's helm.

''Hmhm, you really are a lucky bastard aren't you, finding a devil fruit just like that! ahahahahah!'' Sabo laughed in response, but what he didn't know was that the fruit came from one of the system's draws, specifically the one from Dimi's 15 years of life...

''Yeah, tell me about it... but it's useless you know, we don't have...'' Dimi sighed, this fruit was useless to him at the moment... ''you can just give it to me then, ahahahaaha!'' Sabo cut Dimi off, Dimi shrugged and took the devil fruit out of his inventory, though he knew Sabo was joking he wanted to show him his good intentions.

''Oh no, just kidding, just kidding! What I want is a strong logia fruit! Not that...'' Sabo started to speak but stopped when he saw that the fruit had disappeared into Dimi's storage...

''It's up to you, but logia are rare, nothing says you'll find one, but a word of advice: don't underestimate this fruit... it's much more powerful than it looks! In fact, it would be almost perfect for you... but you know that, don't you? '' Dimi replied and once again he explained to Sabo how powerful this fruit would be in his hands.

''yeah... let's wait a little longer... I have a feeling it will be much more useful for another member of the crew...'' Sabo spoke, and Dimi raised an eyebrow as Sabo's intuition was usually a good one.


After three more days, Dimi could see a boat in the distance.

''Finally...'' he sighed with relief, as he saw a boat shaped like a fish...

after a few minutes they arrived at the Baratie, once their boat was attached to the Baratie, Sabo and Dimi went inside, but just as they were about to open the doors, they stepped aside and at the same time as a man flew out into the water!

''If you try to touch her again you'll lose your hands, do you hear me you sneaky bastard?!" a man inside the Baratie started shouting...

Sabo looked at Dimi questioningly. ''Nothing to worry about... it's normal here.'' Dimi told him...

they entered and were greeted by a blond man with spiral eyebrows, who of course was Sanji...

''welcome dear customer, a table for two? Right? '' Sanji professionally greeted them...

"Yes please.'' Sabo took the lead and answered.

Dimi was lost in his world at the moment, watching a young blonde woman take orders from the side...

'what the hell!?' his eyes were wide.

''hey! You be careful what you look at like that, that's my sister!'' Sanji warned Dimi, but he still wasn't over what he was currently looking at!

''ah sorry...'' Dimi replied and followed Sanji to one of the tables, but his eyes never left the young woman with the spiral eyebrows...

then suddenly she turned and looked into Dimi's eyes, then she looked at the person accompanying him and her eyes also widened!

Sanji guided the duo to a table for two, as he began to take the order, the pretty blonde approached behind Sanji's back...

''Sanji! Wait I'll take them, go rest.'' The woman said once at the table.

Sanji was surprised, but he answered immediately. ''No way Raiju, I don't trust them...''

'' don't worry at the slightest problem I'll yell for you, please?'' Raiju said with puppy dog eyes.

''um... okay fine, but if he tries anything fishy then!'' Sanji began to threaten Dimi...

''we won't do it, sir.'' Sabo took the lead and replied, causing Sanji to turn and start but he gave Dimi a stern look one last time...

''so... what would you like to order Mr... ?'' Raiju asked as she looked into Dimi's eyes...

''Dimi, this is my brother Sabo, we would like the dish of the day and if possible a room for the night, we will pay the necessary price...'' Dimi was also curious to know who this girl was, but his first guess was that she was an anomaly due to his arrival or worse...

''Okay, the day's meal will be, and for the night I'll check with the boss Zeff,'' Raiju answered a little surprised by Dimi's request.

It didn't take long for the food to arrive, Sabo and Dimi finally stayed the night

only because Raiju had insisted to Zeff, Sabo was in his bed sleeping, but Dimi could not fall asleep...

how could he? A woman who was not supposed to exist was standing in front of him in the flesh!

He tried to think of several possibilities, but none of them made sense except that this 'Raiju' was probably just like him, so he tried to check her out with his observational Haki, but suddenly his eyebrows frowned...

She was moving towards his boat, Dimi got up and walked out of his room, keeping an eye on her with his x-ray vision and night vision, so he followed her towards the boat...

'That girl... what is she playing at?' Dimi thought as he saw the girl checking out his boat...

Dimi went straight to the boat without making a sound, he snuck up on her while she was searching around. ''Can I help you?'' he asked in a serious voice.

The girl didn't turn around for a few seconds, then suddenly she disappeared from her spot and reappeared behind Dimi. 'Soru? ' Dimi had felt it coming thanks to his Haki, instantly he felt a blow coming towards his head and immediately ducked and rolled to the right retrieving a knife hidden on his ankle with one hand and with his right hand he pulled out a revolver six-shot and pointed it at his target who had disappeared again, but through his Haki, he guessed that a blow was going to hit him in the back of the head a second time.

'Fast! This girl is fast!' he thought in the heat of the moment, and activated his Bullet-time instantly!

He turned around so quickly that it seemed as if his body had always been facing that direction!

The girl's eyes widened and she used Soru again, but this time with his Bullet-time activated he was able to follow her with his eyes, and he pointed his gun in Raiju's direction.

The girl had no time to react, but she felt very well that she was about to die!

She stopped dead in her tracks and raised her hands in the air.