
One Piece: Curse of Immortality

Humanity dreams of living forever, so they try to achieve immortality, but not for 'Arashi,' who is already immortal. He always thinks that this immortality is a curse and will bring eternal loneliness. But like all living things, he also has a dream, so join 'Arashi' in his journey to change his curse into a blessing. Disclaimer: This is a Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:COI NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 27: Arashi vs Rayleigh

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In the massive crater, Douglas Barrett lay sprawled in a V-shape, his eyes white and lifeless, blood staining the corners of his mouth. 

He was completely unconscious, unable to move. 

When faced with an unknown Marine youth, no one could have imagined that a powerful figure like Barrett would be defeated instantly. 

This sudden and shocking scene left the entire Roger Pirates crew stunned.

Douglas Barrett, 18 years old, known as the "Heir to the Devil," had never tasted defeat except at Roger's hands. 

After that, he joined the Roger Pirates and remained with them until now. 

Barrett was a strong, battle-hardened young man with immense potential for the future. 

Yet today, he experienced a devastating defeat that he could never have anticipated.

Arashi exhaled slowly and looked ahead. The man with the distinct moustache was undoubtedly the future Pirate King, Roger. 

Beside him were the golden-haired Dark King Rayleigh and Scopper Gaban. 

Arashi couldn't spot Kozuki Oden, assuming that the samurai from Wano was still on Whitebeard's ship. 

At that moment, the Roger Pirates' gazes were filled with surprise and seriousness as they looked at Arashi.

Undoubtedly, these world-class pirates now regarded him with full attention.

"Hahahaha!" Garp's loud laughter broke the silence. "Roger! Don't underestimate the young talents in the Marines!"

Garp's large figure suddenly leapt into the air, soaring over Arashi's head, and crashed among the Roger Pirates.

"Garp," Roger remarked, his body shifting as he drew his longsword, Ace, and swung it. 

At the same time, Rayleigh and Gaban exchanged glances. "I'll take care of that kid," Rayleigh said seriously.

Gaban nodded, his eyes stern, as he searched for an opponent among the other figures.

These world-class pirates could easily see that the black-haired youth, roughly the same age as Barrett, was using an advanced application of Conqueror's Haki, specifically the Conqueror's Haki infusion technique. 

This was a skill that only those like Roger, who were born with the qualities of a king, could master.

Having taken down Barrett in a single blow, Arashi was undoubtedly someone the Roger Pirates could no longer ignore.

Roger and Garp collided with a thunderous crash, sending a whirlwind of dust and debris flying, the trees around them swaying violently. 

At that exact moment, Dark King Rayleigh bent his knees and shot forward incredibly quickly, covering over a hundred meters almost instantly, appearing above Arashi's head.

"Marine boy!" Rayleigh shouted, his voice booming over the roaring wind. 

"Let me, Rayleigh, test your formidable strength!"

Arashi looked up, his eyes meeting Rayleigh's serious, battle-hardened face, filled with intense fighting spirit. 

For a moment, Arashi was stunned, unable to comprehend why Rayleigh looked at him with such intensity as if facing the strongest opponent of his life, fully prepared to give his all.

"Is it really necessary?" Arashi thought, bewildered. 

"I've only been a Marine for just over a month and haven't even undergone proper training as a trainee!"

The flash of Rayleigh's sword lit up his eyes, and Arashi squinted slightly. 

He tried to evade but quickly realized that Rayleigh's refined swordsmanship and astonishing speed were far beyond his own. 

Additionally, an invisible force seemed to work against him, leaving him no openings to escape.

"Is he predicting all my moves?" Arashi wondered. "Is this Observation Haki?"

He sighed. Compared to these top-tier fighters, his basic skills still needed to improve.

Suddenly, he looked up, his eyes sharp and focused. His right fist clenched tightly, black and red lightning crackling around it. 

He knew there was no way he could withstand Rayleigh's attack.

"Then, I'll risk everything, even my life, for this one move!" Arashi thought resolutely.

Shing! The longsword sliced through the air, effortlessly cutting across Arashi's neck. 

The powerful slash continued, sweeping past him and tearing into the distance. 

Kuzan and Sakazuki immediately ducked to avoid the shockwave. Rayleigh's eyes flickered with confusion, doubt, and shock. 

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Arashi hadn't even attempted to dodge? 

In his Observation of Haki's suspicion, the boy just stood there, passively taking the hit. Was he unable to avoid it? 

That was far too weak. Arashi seemed to want to dodge and resist but couldn't react, making him appear like a true weakling. 

But how could someone like that possess the advanced Conqueror's Haki infusion technique? Rayleigh's instincts told him to be cautious.

Sure enough, a wild, domineering aura surged forward the next moment, accompanied by a fist crackling with black and red lightning. 

The punch came at him with the force of an avalanche, as if it could shatter a mountain. Rayleigh quickly raised his sword to block the powerful strike.

Clang! The sword trembled under the impact, and the violent force surged toward Rayleigh's face, causing his golden hair to whip wildly behind him. 

Simultaneously, his feet were forced to drag backwards, and he could not maintain their position, retreating dozens of meters.

Rayleigh's expression grew even more serious. Behind him and to his sides, the ground was torn apart, leaving a massive trench in its wake. 

Arashi's punch had blasted a huge gap, spanning thousands of meters, into the ground and the island itself.

"This guy..." Arashi's expression was equally serious as he stared intently at Rayleigh. In their first exchange, he fully realized the gap between them. 

Rayleigh's Observation Haki, sharp and varied in its attacks, along with his vast experience and swordsmanship, created a significant disparity between them. 

Additionally, Rayleigh's physical strength and overall abilities far surpassed his own. 

One sword strike was all it took to kill him instantly, leaving him no chance to evade.

"So this is what it's like to face a world-class powerhouse?" Arashi's heart pounded with excitement. "My blood is boiling!"

He felt no fear; an overwhelming battle spirit surged within him. 

In this fight, Arashi knew he could rely only on his fully developed Conqueror's Haki and his indomitable resilience.

As their eyes met, they both saw the sparks of determination and battle intent in each other's gaze. In the next instant—

Shing! They disappeared. Rayleigh's longsword slashed down, diagonally cutting through Arashi once again.

"This kid!" Rayleigh was shocked. "He doesn't defend at all!"

Rayleigh had never encountered such a reckless fighting style before. Even more puzzling was that Arashi's body showed no signs of injury.

Rayleigh suspected it might be a mysterious Devil Fruit ability. Arashi responded with a barrage of punches and kicks. 

Each strike, infused with black and red lightning and Conqueror's Haki, carried immense power, forcing Rayleigh to take them seriously.

The battle between them quickly escalated into an intense, high-stakes clash, astonishing everyone who witnessed it. 

Arashi's fighting style was wild and terrifying. To onlookers, it seemed like he had completely abandoned all defence, showing no concern for his life. 

But Arashi knew the truth—he had no opportunity to dodge or counter against Rayleigh's Observation Haki, vast experience, and superior swordsmanship. 

Every sword strike from Rayleigh would be a death sentence. So, he focused solely on attacking.

The results were evident. Even Rayleigh, the vice-captain of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, found himself bleeding from the corner of his mouth after just a short time. 

Meanwhile, the system panel's points continued to increase steadily.

<End Chapter>

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