
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

Time Marches On: Intermission Pt. 1

After sending them on there way the days that followed were a bit…. Odd… I hadn't even tried anything but Albedo was trying to spend time with me all the time unless I told her specifically to do something she was always in my office almost acting like my secretary or something, Shalltear as well, but I knew it was specifically to piss Albedo off because I could tell she just wanted to be alone with me, and in her room she would constantly watch my address to the world and watched intensely at my slaughter of the Celestial Dragons…. I thought I could hear moans from her room sometimes.

"Albedo…. Is there something you wanted to tell me? Because you've been acting a bit clingy to me, not that I mind, but I'd like it if you just tell me right off the bat."

"Besides that fact that she's a slut what else is there to know?" Shalltear says while drinking her tea.

"Says the little girl who needs to pad her breast to make up for the breasts she lacks, oh should I not have said that? My tongue must have slipped." Albedo says as she begins to laugh at Shalltears plight.

But before the fight breaks out for the umpteenth time, "Enough both of you, Shalltear stop calling her a slut, Albedo don't make fun of her for her lack of breasts, and I'll say this whether you have breast or are a washboard I don't care I'll like the girl for who they are not for there assets, if a guy only likes you for your looks and not for who you are they don't even deserve your attention so Shalltear don't let it get to you alright?"

They are both stunned at what I decided to say but they both nodded and looked at each other.

"I promise not to call you a slut."

"And I promise not to make fun of your breasts."

*At least not in front of Vargas-sama* They both think to themselves at the same time.

"Now then I'll ask again, Albedo do you like me? Do you wish to be my lover?"

She then stands up and clasps both of her hands together in prayer as a very scary look develops in her eyes, "There's nothing I'd like better than to be your lover, or even better your wife as well with a lovely family that we would make together!"

Both me and Shalltear just look at her and then at each other before she just shrugs at me and goes back to drinking her tea.

"You know that I have a lot of other lovers right? And a few wives as well?"

"Of course! A man of your status, even if your not the strongest being in the world currently you have the potential to be the one to stand above all with your powers at your disposal." She then starts to fidget around and grabbing the sides of her face, "And I've heard from the girls around here that your a great cook and that you are a master masseuse as well and.. and…" then she starts to blush like a shy maiden, "… Your amazing in bed…" I feel like I could see steam rising from her head.

Shalltear starts to blush a bit from hearing that, "Hmph, says the succubus that's still a virgin." She then starts to laugh at Albedo some more, "She was even given a Bicorn, and since she was a virgin she couldn't even ride it!" She begins to laugh hysterically at Albedos failure as a succubus.

This both infuriates and embarrasses her, "Well your a virgin too! You have no right to make fun of me!"

"There's no problem with me being a Virgin at all, it's more disappointing that a succubus of your age still hasn't had sex yet."

"I was saving it for a special someone, someone I'd want to spend my life with, I'm not like any ordinary succubus, unlike those other whores I have some standards when I want to pick my man, he needs to be strong, reliable, a good cook and that he can make me feel good both in and out of the bedroom…"

Shalltear then thinks to herself for a moment before putting on a sly grin before getting up, after finishing her tea of course, and then walking up to me before sitting on my lap and turning herself sideways while wrapping her arms around me while she gently traces her hand over my neck before turning my head making me look deeply into her eyes as I fall under some kind of trance as Shalltear just seems…. So beautiful…

System: Host seems to be under a low level hypnosis, activating conquers haki to counter effects in 3. 2. 1.

Suddenly a burst of haki fills the room and near instantly frees me from my hypnosis, i instant grab her wrist and pull her close to my face as a bit of fire lights in my eyes.

"I don't appreciate being hypnotized like that, seems like someone wants to be punished…" I say as I near instantly turn her around and place her on her belly with her ass in the air as I hold her in places as I stretch my hand and crack my knuckles.

"Wait wait wait! It it was just a joke, I was teasing you I di-" *SMACK!!!* I start to spank her not only fast but extremely hard for the shit she just pulled on me.

But after awhile I noticed that it went from shriek's of pain… to shriek's of pleasure…

"Ohhh so your enjoying this Huh?" I say as I start to get even more irritated.

"Her original creator made her have many different types of fetishes, not surprising that she would enjoy pain as well." Albedo chimes in since she was enjoying it for awhile as I spanked Shalltear.

I then push Shalltear off me, "So you like it when I treat you badly Huh? It turns you on if I spank you or treat you like trash?" I say as I hold up her chin to make her look me in the eye.

"N-no I-I don't know what your talking about." She says as I blush creeps her pale cheeks.

I then exude my conquers haki as I say, "On your hands and knees now…" almost instantly she takes the position I then kick my chair away before I sit down on her back, using her as my own personal chair.

"For the rest of the day your my chair, that shouldn't be to difficult for you now should it?" She just nods her head rapidly as she try's to stifle her breath so she not panting heavily.

"Now where we're we…. Oh right, Albedo if you want to be my wife you need to get along with my wives and fiancées first, if they all like you and there fine with it, you can be my wife, but for now you'll just have to do with being my lover for now." It wasn't till a bit later that ??? Told me that in her original world the guild master changed her settings to be in love with him, so he changed it so she was instantly in love with me instead.

"Yes yes! But of course Vargas-sama! I will go and try and be friends with your other women, I'm happy for the time being just to be one of your lovers!" She says all excited like before she hops onto my lap and nuzzling and cuddling up to me.

"UGH! You giant Hippo! Get off of me!" (Shalltear)

"Chairs don't talk now do they?" I say as I glare at her.

She then just glares at me and her before shutting up and shaking in both frustration and pleasure at being treated this way.

Albedo just grins evilly and brings my face to hers as we make out with each other to the anger of Shalltear.

Not wanting to be too mean to the masochistic vampire I snaked my free hand under her skirt and started to rub and massage her ass while me and Albedo just kept making out.

She had to bite her tongue hard just to hold back her moans, luckily for her Albedo didn't make out with me for too long before finally getting back up and skipping towards the door, "I'm gonna go spend time with my too be sisters! I'll see you later tonight Dar-ling!" And with that she was gone.

After waiting a couple minutes I got up and then sat in my real chair while Shalltear just stayed there shaking, I could smell the scent of pussy juice dripping off her.

"Get up, and sit here." I say as I pat my lap, she then begins to slowly get up and shakily walk over to me before sitting in my lap and taking the same position as earlier but with a shy look and a heavy blush on her face.

"Now I'm gonna ask, are you gonna try to do that shit again?" She just shakes her head no, "Good now I'm gonna ask you this, and you can choose, do you want to pretend this never happened and have everything go back to normal?" I then grab her chin and pull her in close with our lips barely touching, "Or do you want to be my lover as well? I can make all your fantasy's come true, be it your the dominate one or I am, whether I treat you like a queen or like my personal plaything, whatever desire you want I can make it come true, all I ask is you be mine." And it seems that my voice had a bit of charm to it, or maybe I was taking a page from her book and was using my conquers haki to unintentionally try and hypnotize her, though it only slightly worked because I was saying things she wanted to hear.

So she thought about it, and thought about it for quite awhile.

"I'm quite selfish." (Shalltear)

"So am I, I'm not gonna hold that against you."

"I might start drinking your blood while we do it, and I might end up drinking you dry…."

"If you start to go too far I'll just have to burn your lips with my heat to get you off."

"I probably won't get along with the other girls you know, especially Albedo…"

"That's normal, all I ask is you try to get to know them, I won't make you become friends with Albedo unless you want too."

"She's gonna be very pissed about this you know?"

"So what? Both you and her will have to understand that there's gonna be even more women in the future you know, and if you can't handle that then we shouldn't be together."

"…. Your fine being in love with a monster like me?" She decides to give me one final test jumps away from me before transforming into a more animalistic and feral form before lunging at me and knocking me to the floor.

But I'm unfazed, I was shocked and surprised when she changed into her feral look and knocking me over but besides that nothing, besides my heart beating fast at the initial shock and her attacking me my heart was calm and in that form she could see that clearly.

"…. Your not afraid? I could easily rip your throat out right now." She says as she drags her claws over my neck and causes me to draw blood, but before she could feed on me I grabbed her tongue and held her in place as I wrapped my other hand around her throat.

"There are only 2 things that genuinely scare me now adays, not being able to protect my family and losing one of them forever, and being killed by something I can't see and dying before even putting up a fight because of the absolute difference in strength, you looking like this, this look would scare anyone else in my crew besides me and the old man since both of us have seen some fucked up shit in this world and for him in his world, fear is a luxury I can't have as that would be a sign of weakness that I can't have my enemies exploit, now tell me, do you think I'm lying? Vampire girl?" I say as I keep holding her in place for awhile.

After awhile of silence as we just stare at each other I let go of her throat, and do something that most people would call stupid, extremely stupid even, I grab the back of her head and place her mouth close to my neck that if she wanted to she could easily bite down, and in this form quite literally rip my throat out.

She was stunned that I would put myself in this precarious position but she could see my heart as it pumped my blood, and it was absolutely calm as it pumped the blood through my body, she knew that I was absolutely confident she wouldn't kill me.

And I was right as she slowly returned to her normal form and then bit down and began to drink up my hot, not just warm but hot, blood.

She drank up a bit of my blood, but not enough that it would make me anemic before she pulled away and stared me right in the eyes as she then came in and started to make out with me as well with both the taste of saliva and blood intertwining between our tongues before she pulls away and snuggles up with me as well.

"Mmmm your blood tastes good, like a spicy cinnamon in flavor."

"Well I'm glad you like it then, so I take it we're lovers now?"

"Mmmm…. For now at least… though I want to see more of your skills in the bedroom before I make any real final decision on it…"

"Hmmmm…. Will you be even more willing if we do it before I do it with Albedo?"

Hearing that she just grins evilly at me, "Maybe I was wrong about you, you are a very bad man after all." She says as she drags her tongue over my neck wound lapping up the excess blood from my wound.

"Hey if I enjoy torturing people and letting my enemy's that I truly hate die in pain and agony, of course I'm a very bad man, but hey some of my women find that to be a turn on for them." I say as I start to rub her ass in return as she keeps lapping up my blood.

"Mmmm maybe we should take our fun to your bedroom." She says as she wraps her legs around me and begins to make out with me.

I just grin on the inside as I lift her up and head into my bedroom to have some fun together…

Intermission chapters take place between the main parts of the Time Marches On, these ones will take place between Pt. 1 and Pt. 2

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