
One Piece: Brave Frontier (To Be Rebooted)

"Where am I? Why am I in this blank void of nothingness?" all around me all I could see was darkness everywhere. "And who am I? I can't remember anything...." "Why your nobody, well at least for now your nobody." I turn myself to see a man, what I assume to be man covered in a gray cloak covering everything but his white gloved hands that were holding an weird looking book with characters and pictures all over it "What do you mean by that exactly?" "Why your dead of course, and everything that made you, you has been stripped from you." I was shocked at what I heard but the he said, "Then again you weren't really anybody back in your past life, no lover, no close family left, you were all alone in the end, that's pretty sad if you think about it, but the only reason were talking is what you did after your death, and why your about to receive your reward from what you did." Now lets see how this story will go. I do not own any of the Characters from either One Piece or Brave Frontier. All rights are reserved to their respective creators. Just as a heads up I upload more on Weds. and Thurs. because I'm off work those days and I might be able to upload on other days but just don't always expect there to be an upload on those days Also I don't own the picture used for the new front cover of the book, all rights are reserved to its original creator. Update 1/4/22- Also I say if you can get passed the first 7 chapters the story gets better and more tolerable for people to read

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151 Chs

Friends and Family

After that night of fun with my girls I let them just rest as they were clearly sore from all that I decided that for the time being I would spend time with everyone starting off with my new brother by helping him get together with the girl he's pining after.

And speaking of which Page One is looking at Noxa from a distance I just grin and appear by his side before wrapping my arm around him.


"Shh, I have seen that your intrested in Noxa no?" I say as we both hide behind a wall while looking at her.

"I-I don't know what your talking about…" he says all flustered like.

"Don't lie, I already know that you have a thing for her, you want to know the best way to get to her heart?"

"You know?"

"Mhm, the thing she loves more than anything is anything related to alchemy, if you can talk to her about it and show your interest and say help her with her tests she'll open up to you and the more you get to know each other you'll be able to get her heart in no time at all."

"Really? Do you really think I can do it?"

"You won't know if you don't try, so I'll leave you to it." I say after I pat him on the back and head off to do my own things

After leaving Page one to his own devices I decided to head back to Amande's to spend time with her and my son.

"Who's a cute baby? You are! Yes you are!" I say as I play around with Cross who's giggling at me being silly with him.

While I'm playing with him Amande is looking at us both from the veranda while she's taking a smoke break.

But soon enough Cross gets tired and starts to get sleepy, seeing this I just gently smile as I rock him back and forth as he slowly falls asleep as I put him in his crib before leaving him to rest in his room.

We then spend some quality time together that is until little Cross wakes up a little while later and begins to cry, "Looks like our little guy is hungry again."

"I'll look after him, Smoothie wanted to talk to you about something so why don't you head on over to 100% island and go to her house and see what's up." She says as she pulls open her shirt and allow Cross to feed.

"Alright I'll be back later." I say before I kiss her and take the mirror world over 100% island.

It was a land that was predominantly filled with fruit groves and fruit based buildings and juice based buildings like juice boxes and juice cartons.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Though for some reason I could here the sound of screaming people as I left the building with the mirror world entrance in it.

"This is a bit odd, this place is usually bustling with people but seeing no one and anyone I'm seeing cowering in fear means somethings up." And not long after that I see the reason why everyone is freaking out.

I come across a plaza where smoothie is sitting on her own personal throne as several tens of people were all twisted up on strings as there juices were falling into cups.

"Uhh… should I come back later?" I say seeing this, all honesty it's not really scary but more along the lines of just annoying as I keep hearing the moans and cry's of pain as I'm no saint after all I honestly could give than less of a shit what she does to other people.

"Oh this? Well some of these guys decided they didn't want to pay there monthly fee for living here and some because I was thirsty is all, but I have something that I want to talk to you about." She says as she gets up from her seat and comes over to me as she brings her drink before leading me off to her place.

I just turn to look at the people suffering in pain before I just shake my head and turn to follow after her.

A bit later we get to her place which seems to be very colorful in comparison to Amande's place which looked rather normal by comparison.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I say as I take a seat on the couch as she sits by me and wraps her arm around me.

"What I want to talk about is us…. I want to be more than just a lover… I want to be your wife also…" she says as she pulls me in close.

"I mean I'm okay with it, the question is why now after almost 5 years being together that you want to marry me now?"

"After seeing big sis and you having Cross born I just felt then and there that I wanted more… I want a kid of my own as well… not right now but I want one someday at least so I want to be your wife as well."

"Have you talked to Amande about this?"

"I have, she said it's fine so long as you are alright with it."

"Well I'd be happy to call you my wife, but we can't have a massive wedding like we did with Amande back then."

"That's fine, I don't need anything flashy like that, I just want you to propose to me though."

"Really? Well I had already bought everyone that was a lover of mine a ring already, though where do you want me to propose to you?"

"Mmmm, there's this one beautiful spot that you have on Haven that I like to relax at when your not around, here let's go back and I'll show you." She says as she gets up and takes my hand as we go back towards the mirror world before going back to Amande's and heading through to Haven.

Soon after getting there she leads me off to the devil fruit orchard where we're growing the Logia devil fruits but as a result of what we have done to the island a large area has turn into a field of flowers that we have actually built a gazebo here so if anyone wants to they can sit here and relax if anyone wants to.

"You enjoy being here besides the beach?"

"You might think it a bit girly for someone like me, but I also have a place back on my personal island that I just go to, to relax and get away from it all." She says as she sits in a large open patch of grass in a very relaxed manner.

I just smile as I shake my head, "Maybe so but you are a woman, you have the luxury to be girly whenever you feel like it, all honesty I think it just brings out your beauty even more." I say as I take one knee in front of her, before I present her an orange ring with an amber gemstone.

"I thought something like this would suit your tastes, after all your favorite color is orange and I thought this amber orange gem would suit you as well." I say as I take her hand and place it on her ring finger as it fits perfectly.

She actually tears up a bit before wiping it away, "It's beautiful…. Thank you love." She says before she pulls me in and smoothers me with her breasts as she holds me close.

I just snuggle up to her as we relax together with my new wife as we look over the flower field for awhile.

Though I wanted to enjoy this time together for awhile I just suddenly remembered something I have been accidentally been putting off, "Sorry babe but I have to go and do something now but tonight it will just be you and me I promise." I say as I slowly part ways from her.

"Mmm it's alright love, I need to go finish what I started back on my island after all, so I'll come back tonight so we can have some fun." She says as she gets up after bending down and bringing me up so we can make out before letting me go and heading back off to ToTo Land.

After parting ways with my new wife I headed for the gate back to the Isle of Man as I switched back to looking like my regular self before heading off to the kitchen in the base.

"Wow Mikita! You really have to teach me how you make those chocolates of yours! I maybe the best cook here in our crew but I'm still a long way from your level when it comes to making chocolates." Nojiko says after tasting some of Mikita's chocolates she just made.

I come in and give them a try as well, "You know these are pretty good, now I think your ready to learn from the expert among experts when it comes to making sweets, none other than the head chef of the Big Ma pirates himself, Streusen."

"EEEE!!! I'm so excited finally I can hone my skills and truly become a master chocolatier!"

Later on Whole Cake Island.


"What do you mean no? I thought you enjoy teaching aspiring makers of sweets some of your skills."

"I do but currently I have my hands full with helping the lovely girl Pudding here with becoming the best chocolatier of all time, I don't have time to teach them both at the same time, I am truly sorry young master Eagle." Streusen says as he bows his head sadly.

I look back at Mikita and see the look of absolute disappointment and sadness on her face.

"I don't mind if you teach her as well Streusen." Pudding (13) says as she had over heard the entire conversation.

"Are you sure my dear? I won't be able to focus solely on you if I'm having my attention split between the two of you."

"It's alright, if I truely want to be the best of the best then I must help out others as well, it's what my heart says I should do!" She says with a beaming and beautiful smile that makes me have to shield my eyes while both Mikita and Streusen are both in tears at how sweet she is.

Though internally she's just smiling sinisterly at them while she looks longingly at me, *What a load of Bullshit I'm only being even remotely nice to you because it will make my big bro like me even more, oh brother…. Why don't you look at me like you do with big sis Amande and big sis Smoothie, all I know is that your the only one that understands me the most in the world…* she thinks to herself while she acts the nice and sweet girl that everyone believes she is.

Well the nice side of her isn't a complete lie as I found out much much later on that because of me, Brûlée and Katakuri accepting her when she was younger her personality wasn't as twisted as it could have become, but she does have an absolute distaste for almost everyone else in the family as they still find her third eye freaky and forcing her to leave her bangs long enough to cover her third eye thus leading her to personally still hate everyone besides me, Brûlée, Katakuri, Lola and Chiffon and her personal homies that she is genuine in front of but puts up an act when anyone else is around.

"Alright! I promise to help both of you hone your skills as chocolatiers and someday even surpass me with your skills! Now girls it's time that we get to work!" He says with absolute passion.

"Yes Sir!" They both say before taking there own positions in the kitchen getting ready to be taught.

I just grin at seeing this, "well I'll leave you two to it then, I have some more business to handle back home so I'll see you both later." I say as I wave them off as I leave.

*Nooo! Why didn't he stay! He couldn't have seen my skills and would have just known that I'm absolute wife material! Well fine then! I'll just have to become the best chocolatier ever and make him fall in love with my sweet making skills!* she thinks to herself as to everyone else I fiery passion flames burst from her eyes as she goes all out in making the best chocolate's possible.

In Big Ma's throne room.

"So you brought a girl here who is being taught by Streusen and when she's completed her training you want my help in helping her establish chocolate factories around the world?" (Ma)

"Yes I would like for you to be the investor in this as 35% of all the profits would go to you and if you want will send you a shipment of chocolates from these factories around the world to you as well as long as they have your protection, and lastly they will all be called Ma's Chocolate Factories and will use your personal homies as the mascots if you want."

"Hmmm you know what? I actually like this plan a lot son! Chocolate factories all around the world and they will be named after me with my homies as the mascots? Oooo I love it!" Ma says all excited and with that she summons her two personal homies Zeus and Prometheus.

"*Yawn* what time is it? Are we gonna be fighting something?" Zeus the thunder cloud homie says.

"Quiet you idiot! She'll tell us herself, right Ma?" Prometheus the sun shaped homie says before getting close to Ma.

"*Ehem* He's right, I want both of you to help in being the mascots for the new chocolate factories that will be making around the world soon enough!" Ma says excited like.

"Not just them but your hat homie too."

"Me? I don't think I'm worthy of being a mascot for Ma's new chocolate factories." Ma's hat, Napoleon, says all embarrassed like.

"Oh come on, you 3 are iconic of the big Ma pirates and of Big Ma herself, I need all 3 of you to be the mascots, with it being Prometheus wearing Napoleon while Zeus is in the front making it look like a smiling sun is rising above happy clouds with a smiling Bicorn hat on top." I say as I roughly sketch up what I'm saying, it's really rough but basically it's a cloud (Zeus) with a sun leaning over him with some cartoonish arms (Prometheus) tipping his smiling bicorn pink pirate hat (Napoleon)

"This is just a rough sketch but I think you can see what I'm getting at right!" I say excited like, and her homies couldn't agree more as they jump around and circle me all happy like.

System- host has gained the friendship of special class homies, Prometheus, Napoleon and Zeus, host can use these homies in battle provided there owner, Charlotte LinLin is alright with it.

"Huh… I feel a bit funny.." (Zeus)

"Strange, I'm getting the same feeling I get from Ma, how about you Napoleon?" (Prometheus)

"Me to, for some reason I'm fine with letting him wear me as his own hat." And as soon as Napoleon says that he shrinks in size and lands on top of me head.

"Son, what's going on?" Ma says as she has never seen this behavior from her personal homies before.

"I don't really know, I just feel that a special connection between me and them has established or something, it feels like if your ok with it I can use them to there full potential like you can Ma." I say before dusting off Napoleon and handing him back to her.

She just looks at him for a moment before she puts him back on her head as he takes on his original size to fit her head, "How strange, but now my curiosity is peaked, let's go out to the courtyard, I want to see what it looks like when you use my homies yourself." She says as she gets up and heads to the courtyard as I follow after her with Zeus and Prometheus in tow.

Not long after we reached the courtyard, "Alright you three I give the alright that anytime I'm unable to call upon your aid for whatever reason that you can go and be of aid to my son here, got it?"

"Yes Ma!" They all say together before surrounding me and Napoleon once again landing on my head.

"So what do I do now?"

"Well if you want to show off there full potential you need to get in the mood to slaughter your enemies if you want to see there skills." She says as she explains how she gets them to go all out and usually that's due to anger.

"Get angry huh?" I say before I shut my eyes and think.

And in my head I can hear it, the screams of anguish from my father, the wet smacks of my mother getting raped in front of me, the cry's of fury and then pain as they brutally torture him to death, my mother….. hanging from the ceiling as she takes the easy way out…..

while I'm thinking these dark thoughts I unconsciously step on top of Zeus as he begins to fly up and take on a more thundercloud like form, I take Napoleon off my head as he turns into a long sword as I summon Dandelga in my other hand in its true claymore form, he soon copies Dandelga and also takes on a claymore form with his face appearing on not just his blade but also Dandelga making them a mirror of each other and when placed together makes out an evil sinister grin, and Prometheus wasn't just sitting around no he integrated himself with my hair and the flaming wing as well as filling out any open gap in my true armor with flames as he wraps up everything on me in flames until only my face is free of flames but giving me both a flaming goatee and eyebrows instead.

And when I finally opened my eyes I sent out such a massive wave of conquers haki that covered the entire island itself causing nearly everyone to fall unconscious in shock with only Ma, Pudding, Streusen and Mikita being able to handle it, but those last to just barely while Pudding looks out the window to see a much more dreaming and handsome version of myself in her eyes.

"Flame Emperor Form: Ashura." I say as I pull myself out of my negative state of mind as I look and see my new current form

*I better remember to take my meds later so I don't have to see that again* I think to myself as I push those dark thoughts away.

"MAMA MAMA! My son you look amazing like that! If I resistant to fire more I'd probably do something similar.

I just smile and calm down making the homies return to normal and me putting Dandelga away before using Zeus to fly back down as I hand them back to her.

"Though I won't be using that form much it was fun seeing how much stronger I feel with using them alongside me."

"Right? That's why I have them around both for company and also to aid me in battle."

"Hmmm…. You know sometime I want to have a genuine fight with you Mama."

"Mama mama, well anytime you want son I like to get a fight out every once in awhile, but none of my kids want to fight me anymore, after losing several times to me they all just stopped so when the time comes I know it will be fun to fight you son." She says while nodding her head in understanding.

"Well glad your willing to, but I have to go home now, I have some people that are waiting for me Ma, so I'll see you sometime soon." I say as I wave her off before using my flaming wings to help me fly off back to the mirror world portal back to Amande's to spend time with her and Cross.

"Mama, that kid is just full of surprises, I'm glad he's a part of the family as with him here everything is more exciting now ain't it?" She says as all of her Homies nod in agreement.

"Mama mama." She laughs to herself before going back inside to rest up and snack on sweets.

*I'll make you mine one of these days big bro* Pudding thinks to herself as she goes at it with making the best chocolates in the world.