
One Piece: Becoming the strongest pirate (COMPLETED)

An ordinary person from earth gets transmigrated into One Piece world. He wakes up in an uninhabited unknown island in east blue. Follow his struggle as he tries to survive in this cruel world and become the strongest pirate. (MC is not Ace) Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of its characters and I also do not own the cover image.

Captain_Erebus · Cómic
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145 Chs

Happo Navy

Three years later,

[New World, Tora Island, The headquarters of the Ashen Pirates]

It's a mountainous spring island with huge mountains and even bigger trees. At the base of the largest mountain is a castle. (The same island that Kid used as HQ and formed his alliance with Hawkins and Apoo)

The Ashen pirates core members were gathered in the main hall of the castle.

"The Beast Pirates taking over Wano…Kaido, the third Empeor of The Sea" Moria was reading the newspaper in outrage, before he threw it on the table "Don't make me laugh! How high is that bastard going to rise?!"

(Pictures of the new Moria)

'So, Oden is dead, and Kaido now is officially the ruler of Wano' Ashen thought as he looked at the newspaper, he already knew what was going on in there from his past knowledge.

(Pictures of mc)

"Calm down Mory-chan, Captain said we're going to move on him when the time is right" Diana said to Moria while cleaning her rifle.

"We're not ready to face him yet, we are going for a smaller target" Calvin stated while thrusting a knife at a bounty poster.

"Wang Zhi…"

[Wang Zhi, Dead or Alive 1.924.500.000 Berries]

"We should be moving soon"


"Boss!! We are under attack!" A muscular man with a spikey hair announced while slamming the door open. He is one of the lower ranking members of the crew.

In the past years the crew grew in size as Ashen started recruiting more people, though they are nowhere near the strength of the core members. But they are still strong enough to fight in real battles as Ashen carefully recruited them. It's also very important to have them, as having the strongest members doing small tasks is not very practical.

The crew now holds around 150 members, 200 if we include the zombies that Moria created, and four ships that includes The Sword of Xebec, Moria's previous ship which transport the zombies and two more which they got after taking over the island.

If we go back three years earlier, Ashen and the rest spent around a year on Raijin Island before they had to move out after attracting too much attention, since they were constantly raiding ships passing by the island which made the marines aware of their presence and sent a warship after them. Luckily, they already left when they arrived.

After that, they spent another six months in seclusion in a wintery island to continue their training, before they sailed throughout the New World and managed to stumble upon this island. It was previously occupied by a pirate crew before Ashen defeated them and became the new ruler of the island.

Everyone got much stronger during that time, especially Ashen who underwent a hellish training while adding the constant fights to that.

The crew structure changed as well, as now there are more members, they need to be a clear hierarchy. First there is Ashen with the highest authority as the captain, then Calvin after him as the vice-captain, and below him there are the officers which are the core members that were present three years ago, and then the rest.

"What's with the commotion?" Ashen calmly asked him.

"We have eight ships approaching the islands!" The man exclaimed nervously.

"Eight ships? Marines?" Calvin asked him.

"No, they are flying a pirate flag" He said, then he added "One of the ships have a white tiger figurehead"

"They must be quite strong then" Ashen said before he got on his feet and left the castle, and the rest was following behind him.


"The boss is here, make a way!" Everyone stood near the shore with their weapons drawn, while looking at the incoming ships.

"Give me the spyglass" I said to one of the men. He proceeded to give it to me, and I had a closer look.

'That's!' I grinned excitedly when I saw the one standing on the flagship. He is an elderly man, with very thick white eyebrows, a long white beard and mustache. He is bald, with a dent on the crown of his head.

"You guys back off a little bit, I don't want you to burn to death" I said, as I stood with my arms crossed waiting for the ships to arrive.

"Someone strong?" Calvin asked me.


After a few minutes they finally arrived, and a huge figure jumped out of the ship and landed in front of me "Finally found you, you little demon!" He spoke.

All of his men disembarked after that. They were around a thousand I sensed them using my Observation Haki.

"Chinjao, I suggest you quickly turn your ships and back away if you don't want this island to be your graveyard…I'll let you go this time, since I'm in a good mood" I said to him. He looked at me in hostility before he spoke again.

"You killed my dear friend Jason and ruined my plans, on top of that you had Tai's grandson as your crew member, unforgivable!" He shouted in rage.

"Tai? I have no idea who you're talking about" I said, before Ian walked beside me while carrying a metal bat on his shoulder.

"That's my grandfather but he died a long time ago" he stated before he changed his gaze to Chinjao "Hey old man, I heard about your little quarrel, though I don't really care about it…I'm just glad I have some heads to smash" He smiled manically while grabbing his bat with both hands.

"You little shit! I'll teach you a good lesson and send you to your grandfather afterwards!" He said while clenching his fists.

"So, you've chosen death…" I said with a condescending tone of voice as I held Shusui's hilt.

"Prepare yourself Demon!" He shouted before he started running towards me. When he got close, his potato head turned pitch black, and he proceeded to headbutt me while emitting a shockwave.

I quickly unsheathed my sword and imbued it with Haki and proceeded to block his attack.

*BAAAM* The moment we clashed I immediately released a strong burst of Conquerors Haki from my body towards him. When he felt it, he also proceeded to do the same.

*Lightning*-* Lightning * When our Conqueror's Haki clashed, it generated a thick black lightning, while the strong wave of pressure rendered almost all the people near us unconscious.

"What a strong pressure" Urouge was watching from a distance.

"That old geezer can use it as well" Enel said.

"That's what it takes to be a king…It's a clash of two Conqueror's Haki users" Calvin commented, before he turned back and gave order to move the unconscious people away from the battlefield.

"Kishishishi, not bad. I can't wait to use that old man's body as a zombie" Moria said excitedly while waiting for an opportunity to steal some shadows or raise some new zombies.

"So, you're not just some hot-headed brat" Chinjao said with a serious expression.

"*Smile*…It's too late for you to back off right now" I quickly stepped back before I hardened my arm and sword while channeling my flames through them.

<Demonic One Sword Style: Blazing Slash>

*SWOOOSH* As I swung my sword through the air, I unleashed a wide deadly projectile slash carrying Haki and hot compressed flames towards Chinjao.

He proceeded to harden his arm and punch it away. The attack didn't stop there and was redirected towards one of his ships behind.

*BOOOM* When the slash hit the ship it cut it in half before the compressed flames exploded and caused it to burn down while sinking.

"…The ship…Was cut in half!" Chinjao's men started panicking when they saw that.

"You bastard!" Chinjao looked at me in rage before he jumped towards me while throwing a strong left punch.

*Swoosh* I used Soru while releasing flames from my heels to increase my speed and dodged his attack.

"Slow!" I said as I thrusted my sword from different angles from a distance, launching a series of flying, piercing air projectile. It's a variation of Shigan.

Chinjao used his Observation to dodge them and proceeded to launch himself at me while hardening his forehead.

I stretched my left palm forward, while compressing all my heat at small point, before I launched a series of fast deadly beams towards him. He was taken aback by their speed and couldn't dodge them all.

"Ahh!! Back off!" Chinjao men tried to retreat back to avoid being caught in the battle.

*BOOOM*-*BOOOM* When the beams made contact, they created huge explosions while damaging the surrounding and raising dust which obscured the vision for a moment.

When it disappeared, Chinjao was still standing on his place. He was hurt from the attacks, but it wasn't serious.

"I won't forgive!" He said while his bulging forehead veins became more visible and his eyes turned white, before he proceeded to put his palms together while hardening his head with Haki and launch himself at me causing the ground that was underneath him to crack "Hasshoken Ogi…Mukiryu Mukirikugi!"

"Play time is over!" I declared, as I stood firmly in my place before I moved my arm behind me in preparation to counter him.

As much as Don Chinjao is strong, he's still way past his prime. If Luffy's third gear was able to stop his headbutt and defeat him, then the next attack that I'm going to perform should absolutely destroy him.

This attack is the fruit of all the hard work that I went through all these years, the only one in this world who could perform it is me, it's unique to me and it took a lot of time and training to be able to perform it.

It's a simple punch, but it carries every single martial art and technique that I learnt, I call it the 'Ultimate Punch'. I start first by flexing my arm muscles as hard as I can to use Tekkai to increase my physical damage, after that I add the second layer which is Armament Haki, and on top of it I compressed all my flames and channel it into my arm. And then I use Soru while releasing my flames from the back of my body to launch myself as fast as I can while using the momentum to punch the opponent. When my fist make contact with the enemy, I release a strong Shockwave from my knuckles using the Hasshoken Martial Art that I learnt from Ian these past three years, after that I use all my physical strength while combining the six Rokushiki techniques to use Rokuogan to damage the opponent from the inside while releasing the flames around my arm as a dense fire column like fire fist. And since the punch is as fast as Shigan it could be considered as a variation of it which creates a bullet wound but as large as a fist.

"Ultimate Punch!!!"

*Thunder* The speed of the punch broke the sound barrier which generated a thunder like sound.

*BAAAAAAMMM!!!* As my fist and his head clashed, his pointed head was restored back while he immediately lost conscious and the flames sent him crashing back towards his ship destroying it after that, while all the ground in front me was split open.

"The ground is split open!" Everyone was looking at Ashen in shock, even Calvin didn't expect him to be that strong.

"As expect from the captain!" Everyone started cheering me after that.

"The leader was defeated" Chinjao men looked horrified.

"Quickly save him before he drown!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Not that quickly…" Ashen stepped forward and pointed both his palms into the air and fired a great number of big flame spheres resembling the sun upwards in order to let them rain down upon the battlefield "Meteor Flame!"

"…Dear lord, save us!!-*BOOOM*-*BOOOM*"


"I won't let you do that! I will avenge father's defeat!" Said a large man with a scarred muscular body while flying down at Ashen's position. He was carrying a large sword with his right arm.

"I'm with you brother!"

"The vice leader is fighting!"

"We should also support him!" Chinjao's men stopped retreating after that and they all charged at me.

"We should also support the captain!"

"Everyone, charge!!!"
