
One Piece: Beastmaster

This is a story of a guy who got transmigrated to the One Piece World, he has a system with too high requirements for operation. He was born in a small village of the One Piece world and does hardwork to improve so it's a slow pace story. The first beasts are Pokemon. Points about the story: 1 MC is not impulsive in making his name so he will build up slowly but steadily. 2. He won't become OP in 3 days because of the system but he will become good in some aspects. 3. He won't run after every one piece girl. Love interest hasn't been decided yet. *Disclaimer: I do not own one piece and its characters, it is own by oda-san* Lastly, English is not my first language, so I would request all to tolerate a little and please help me realise my mistakes by writing reviews. Thank you, Enjoy.

FT_Rhino · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Reborn and A New Start

Hi reader Author here, this is going to be the last chapter of this volume. I hope you all enjoyed and like to read more of these.


It has been 3 days since, Rudeus woke up.

He came to know that, he was rescued by a local fisherman who happened to see him unconscious on the boat. The fisherman bought Rudeus to the house of a local doctor.

The old man whom Rudeus met, was the doctor, whose name was Tanaka. Tanaka-san was a kind man who happened to treat the local people on a low cost as it was impossible to get good medical facilities in an island; the local people had deep respect for him.

Rudeus after talking to Tanaka-san came to know about the place he was in; surprisingly it was the Shimotsuki Village. The place Roronoa Zoro grew and trained swordsmanship.

On the second day, Rudeus tried to find the situation in the Isshin Dojo from Tanaka and local people; he got to know that Kuina, the daughter of the sword-master of the Dojo died one month ago by falling down the stairs.

'Looks like things are going just like in the comic.' That was the thought Rudeus had after learning about the situation.

On the third day, Rudeus went out to explore the village. He also tried to find Zoro, but didn't manage to see him as Zoro mostly stayed inside the Dojo these days. Rudeus focused more on exploring after this, he went all around the village and realised that Shimotsuki Village was way bigger and developed compared to Berry Vine Village. This village had a well built harbour and agricultural goods productions were far more sustaining.

Today was the fourth day and Rudeus has decided to take the MP potion today, he went outside of the doctor's house after saying goodbye.

"Tanaka-san, I'm going out" saying this Rudeus headed to the place which he selected on his previous visit.

"Ok, let's drink it" He sat down beside a tree; it was place near the forest so not many people visited it. He took out the potion and gulped it in one go. The taste was neither good nor horrible, it more like blend.

Rudeus closed his eyes and entered a meditative state slowly, his mind became chaotic at first, his memories started to surface as if he was re-living both of his lives from the start and the memories of the real Rudeus was merging with him. He was able to vividly remember everything from both of his lives.

Time went by and it was soon the next day, Rudeus didn't even realise the flow of time.

He opened his eyes and felt like he was reborn, as if something in him has changed.

"The effect of MP potion is sure something I underestimated; I can remember everything from my past life to this life like an open book." Rudeus was excited as felt that the potion has more effects than this and he just needs to explore it to the end.

"System, show me my status"


{Name- Rudeus

Age- 8 years

Sex- Male

Strength- 14

Agility- 17

MP- 15

Skill- Swordsmanship, Archery, Sailing...etc.

Special Skill- nil

Special Power- Voice of Heart (involuntary)


"Even though the MP didn't rise significantly, I know it will grow much faster than before due to effect of the potion." Rudeus was satisfied with the MP growth.

He got up and went to Tanaka-san's house; it was the place where he was staying these days and due to his smartness and quick learning skills Tanaka-san accepted him as an assistant.

"Tanaka-san, I am back" Rudeus loudly said as he walked inside the house.

"You have been out for almost a day and didn't even tell me where you were going" Tanaka-san said as he walked towards Rudeus.

Rudeus got embarrassed as he was just staying in Tanaka-san's house as an assistant and it was wrong in his part to go without informing.

"Sorry Tanaka-san, I just needed some time alone, to think what I am going to do from here onwards as this place in new to me" Rudeus half-lied, as he was really thinking what to do next as he needed to earn money to live.

"It is good to take time in deciding such important things; now come inside, let's have lunch" Tanaka-san went to the kitchen and Rudeus followed him.


The day went by as Rudeus helped Tanaka-san in taking care of the patients; the people who usually came didn't have any severe illness, mostly they were wounded during hunting and fishing.

"It was quite a day" Rudeus sighted as he sat down on the bed; he was allotted the same room where he woke on the first day. Tanaka-san's house was bigger that most of the villagers, being the solo doctor in the island had its own profits.

"System, I want to use the lucky draw"

{Initiating lucky draw: Beast Selection}

{....Beast Selection Completed: Pokemon: Pidgey}

{Name- Pidgey

Type- Normal, Flying

Species- Tiny Bird Pokemon

Sex- Male

Abilities- Keen Eye, Tangled Feet, Big Pecks (hidden)

Hp- 30

Attack- 30

Defence- 28

Speed- 50(Aerial)

Moves- Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack


"Pidgey is good Pokémon for tactical use in real life, it can be used to locate enemy and further fly on it when it evolves" Rudeus was truly happy to get such a Pokemon, if he had got a Caterpie he really didn't know what to do with it.

(Summon: Pidgey)

A white light appeared infront of Rudeus as he saw a bird with brownish wings and about 0.3m high. The bird looked at Rudeus curiously; Rudeus was shocked to as it was his first perfect summon without causing him headache.

"Hi Pidgey, I know this is sudden but I will be your trainer from now on, so let's discuss some things" Rudeus gave Pidgey the same offer as Squirtle.

Pidgey was rather a friendly Pokemon; it agreed to the condition quickly. Rudeus then sent Pidgey inside the Beast Space.

"That went pretty well. Now System, can you tell me how long can I keep the beasts outside?" He asked as he was genuinely curious.

{15 minutes}

"Wow! That's thrice the previous time" but he understood that with the right technique and his resent rise of MP was the reason and he could improve it more.

He decided to daily train his beasts as promised from tomorrow onwards and alter the day for each summons. 'Let's sleep for now tomorrow I will have visit that place' Rudeus fell asleep as he thought about what to do tomorrow.


It was the biggest house in the village and also the most decorated one, it looked like a traditional Japanese house as first look. Outside was a wooden board with 'The Isshin Dojo' written, Rudeus took a deep breath and entered the Dojo.


This is the end of the first volume, I hope you all liked it and I would try to do better and better for the next volume.

The next volume will be updated soon.

The Next volume will be more adventurous and will have much more action on it.

If you have any suggestions please drop a comment so I could improve my writing.

Thank you.