
One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

The World of One Piece is filled with darkness and tragedies beneath all the Fun and adventure. Tag along Ryuma as he navigates his way through One Piece and makes it to the top all while having fun. Note: There will be heavy themes highlighted in the story. Oda-Sensei subtly touched on these themes, but this story will also focus on them and will not be subtle about them, so read at your own discretion. Disclaimer: All content belongs to its original creator and all hail GODA!

Novachrono_Agares · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

Chapter – 6 Rio & the Capital of Goa Kingdom

"You ready for this Rio?" Ryuma asked, his voice filled with excitement as he adjusted the strap of his sword and wore his hat to hide his horns, as he prepared himself, for what was about to come.

Perched on his shoulder, Rio–the blue parrot that hatched from the egg Ryuma had received from the dying mother bird a few months ago–looked up at him with bright eyes, "Sure am, bud," Rio replied, his voice strangely human-like.

It was remarkable how Rio had immediately formed a bond with Ryuma upon hatching, becoming inseparable companions. Ryuma had named the parrot Rio, and the two had become the best of friends.

The first time Rio talked, Ryuma couldn't help but be surprised and even considered the possibility that Rio might have eaten some kind of Devil Fruit that allowed him to talk, however, that was not the case, and upon thinking it over he realized that a talking parrot with human-like intelligence is not impossible in the One-Piece World.

In the vast world of One Piece where anything seemed possible, in fact, there exists an entire island known as Crown Island, where strange birds and animals capable of human speech roamed freely. Not to mention, even back on Earth, parrots were renowned for their capacity to mimic and communicate in human speech. Given this, Rio's ability to speak in human language seemed acceptable, even expected.

Rio's arrival in Ryuma's life sparked a transformation. Despite spending over three years in the vibrant world of One Piece, Ryuma had yet to experience the joys of genuine friendship or engage in meaningful conversations. The occasional interactions with the villagers amounted to mere perfunctory greetings, lacking any depth or enjoyment. Even his encounters with the bandits he had fought and defeated in the past couldn't be considered conversations; they were nothing more than taunts and mockery.

In this context, Rio's extraordinary ability to speak like a human and along with his considerable intelligence had breathed new life into Ryuma's existence. Gone were the days of solitude and limited social interaction. Rio's presence brought about a newfound joy and companionship that Ryuma had longed for. The parrot had become Ryuma's confidant and his first true companion with whom he could share his thoughts, dreams, and ambitions—a loyal friend who listened intently and responded with insightful remarks.

With Rio by his side, Ryuma left his hideout and made his way toward the Goa Kingdom. Since he wants to acquire lots and lots of knowledge, what better place to start than the capital of the Goa Kingdom?

The Kingdom of Goa encompasses the entirety of Dawn Island, but only the capital of the kingdom can be considered as the Kingdom of Goa as the other places such as the villages beyond the Mountainous forests, Mount Corvo, and Grey Terminal are uncared for, and forgotten by the royal family and the nobility of the Kingdom of Goa.

The very same place is also Ryuma and Rio's target for knowledge hunting.

Normally, it would take several days for anyone to reach the capital of Goa Kingdom considering the part of Dawn Island he used to live in, however, Ryuma used the power of Moa Moa no Mi to increase his speed by twenty-fold–the maximum he can manage at this point–and arrived at the gate of Goa Kingdom in less than half a day.

"There are only four guards at the door… although there is no problem going up front, I still want to sneak inside. Rio, you are up," spoke Ryuma, as he looked at Rio sitting on his shoulder.

"You got it!" nodded Rio as a mischievous glimmer sparkled in its eyes. Sensing an opportunity for some lighthearted amusement, the blue-talking parrot fluttered down from Ryuma's shoulder and perched on a nearby tree branch, just within earshot of the guards. With a twinkle in his eye, Rio decided to unleash his talent for mimicry and mischief.

"Hey there, Mr. Guard!" Rio's voice echoed with an exaggerated, pompous tone, catching the guards off guard. "Tell me, have you ever seen a parrot more intelligent and well-mannered than me?"

The guards froze, their eyes widening in disbelief. One of them, a stout fellow with a bushy mustache, scratched his head in confusion. "Did that parrot just talk?" he muttered to his companion.

With a sly grin, Rio continued his act, channeling his inner aristocrat. "Indeed, my good sir," he responded, feigning a posh accent. "I am the epitome of avian intelligence and charm, capable of speaking numerous languages and engaging in scintillating conversations."

The guards, now utterly captivated by the audacious parrot's antics, couldn't help but engage with Rio in a lively exchange. Passersby stopped to watch the spectacle; their curiosity piqued by the extraordinary sight of a parrot engaging in witty banter.

"And what say you, kind sirs?" Rio quipped, fluttering his feathers in an exaggerated display of grandeur. "Is there room in this magnificent capital for a fine parrot like myself?"

The guards, completely drawn into Rio's comedic performance, exchanged glances and burst into laughter. "Why, of course!" the mustachioed guard exclaimed, his voice filled with mirth. "A parrot of such intelligence and wit is most welcome in our splendid city!"

While the guards were thoroughly entertained by Rio's charismatic display, Ryuma took advantage of the distraction to slip through the gates unnoticed. His footsteps were light and nimble, he blended seamlessly into the bustling crowd, disappearing amidst the vibrant tapestry of the capital.

As Ryuma disappeared into the heart of the city, Rio concluded his performance with a grand finale, eliciting uproarious laughter from the guards and onlookers alike. With a theatrical bow, he bid them farewell, leaving behind a trail of smiles and chuckles, and met up with Ryuma inside who was waiting for him.

At first glance, the capital of the Kingdom of Goa is a vibrant and bustling coastal settlement. Enclosed by sturdy walls on most of its circumference, the town exudes a sense of security and fortitude. Colorful facades, narrow cobblestone streets, and a central marketplace bursting with life create a lively atmosphere. With its proximity to the sea, the town enjoys the natural protection of the sparkling blue expanse, where sturdy docks and quays welcome fishing vessels and trading ships. But how deep the darkness in this Kingdom is, that is something hard to comprehend the first time someone comes here.

Ryuma decided not to focus too much on this darkness for a while and looked at the geography of this place from a high vantage point.

Even the capital is divided into three different parts.

The first part is the High Town––the richest part of the Kingdom, where the members of the Royal Family and nobility of the Kingdom live in opulence, it is made up of high-class residential neighborhoods with elegant mansions and well-maintained streets. Its inhabitants enjoy a high quality of life thanks to their status and perceive themselves as better than the rest of the kingdom's population, whose access is denied to the High Town because one needs to be of noble status to reside there.

The second part is the Town Center––the majority of the population living in the walled part of the Goa kingdom resides in the Town Center. This is where the people who fall neither in the category of being nobles nor lower class. The inhabitants of this area mostly experience normal lives and are those who mostly occupy professions such as policemen, soldiers, servants, or intendants in the High Town.

The third part is the Edge Town––the closest part of the walled kingdom of Goa to the large wall surrounding it is the Edge Town, an area where many of the country's criminals gather. It is an area with a high crime rate, and various groups of gangsters fighting for power in its streets.

After getting a basic of the situation of the city, Ryuma had to plan on what to do, "I suppose the Town Center is the place where I should start… but for that, I need to blend in with the folks of the High Society, seems like I need to buy some clothing of high society, what do you say Rio?"

"Time for shopping, time for shopping!" Rio spoke excitedly.

Ryuma and Rio stepped into the modest boutique, their eyes scanning the selection of clothing. The air was filled with a hint of age, and the dim lighting gave the room a cozy ambiance.

The middle-aged clerk behind the counter eyed them cautiously, her gaze lingering on Ryuma's youthful appearance and Rio perched on his shoulder. Doubt flickered across her face, unsure whether they were serious customers.

"How may I assist you?" she asked, her voice tinged with reservation.

Ryuma, with a polite smile, replied, "We're looking to purchase a few sets of clothes, please."

The clerk's skepticism wavered slightly as she witnessed Ryuma's smile. She motioned toward a small rack of clothing in the corner, the selection modest and worn. "Please have a look at our options," she said, her voice tinged with reservation.

Rio observed the situation with a keen eye, understanding the clerk's hesitation, he whispered to Ryuma, "She doesn't think we can pay much," and added, "Show her, bud. Show her what we're capable of."

Ryuma nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small stack of neatly folded banknotes. With a gentle thud, he placed the stack on the counter, the clerk's eyes widening with surprise.

Her demeanor quickly transformed; her skepticism was replaced by a newfound eagerness to assist. "Ah, my apologies," she stammered, her voice now filled with enthusiasm. "Perhaps these don't suit your class sir, allow me to show you our finest options!"

With newfound vigor, the clerk led Ryuma and Rio to a hidden section of the boutique, unveiling garments of exquisite craftsmanship. Rich fabrics, vibrant colors, and intricate designs adorned the garments, surpassing the initial humble offerings.

She guided them through the collection, carefully explaining the origins and unique qualities of each piece. Her doubt had transformed into a genuine desire to provide the best service possible, driven by Ryuma's display of financial capability.

Ryuma and Rio perused the racks, examining the selection of garments with careful consideration. The options, though modest, were well-crafted and displayed a touch of elegance. They selected a few sets of clothing, each reflecting their personal style and preferences.

As they made their choices, the clerk's initial skepticism transformed into genuine interest. She eagerly provided insights, suggesting combinations and accessories that would enhance their selections.

The transaction proceeded smoothly, and with each item added to their purchase, the clerk's enthusiasm grew. She had initially underestimated Ryuma and Rio, but their genuine interest in acquiring clothes had won her over.

With a warm smile, the clerk bid them farewell. "I'm glad you found what you were looking for," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "Thank you for choosing our boutique."

Ryuma and Rio left the store, dressed in their new attire, they were satisfied with their purchases and grateful for the clerk's assistance.

Now that they perfectly blended in with the society of the capital of the Kingdom of Goa––at least clothing-wise––it was time for them to acquire the knowledge they want.