
One Piece: A Truly Broken person

The_Wild_Trill · Cómic
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35 Chs

How to Create an Avatar 101

Flare and azula had been flying for a couple hours. Azula had been completely quiet since they left the fire nation and hadn't spoken a word since. Flare didn't say anything either as he was waiting to arrive at the north pole before explaining things to her. He wanted to find another way to beat vaatu other than destroying him since it would allow vaatu to be reborn inside of raava.....who is a part of the avatar so that might lead to certain complications and he didn't wanna test his theory either so he decided to seal him inside of someone, that being azula. He didn't want vaatu's power since he was way more busted with his system, plus this would make azula trust him since he's helping her get stronger. (For reasons I decided to change azula's age to 17, one year older than zuko....plot reasons.... don't ask or comment about it)

Azula: "So you're a dragon, that's why my attacks couldn't damage you."

Flare: "Well kinda, I wanted you to follow me because I wanted you to become my crewmate and I will help you to be the strongest."

Azula: "Crewmate? I don't understand."

Flare: "You don't need to understand, just know that I want you to join me on my adventures and I will make you one of the strongest people to ever exist..... even stronger than the avatar."

Azula: "I accept, I've realized that power is everything. Once I gain power then I will be unstoppable."

Flare: "Well not unstoppable, I know tons of people that can easily destroy you."

Azula: "S-Such people truly exist?"

Flare: "They do, I'm one of those people. Anyways we will he headed to the northern water tribe."

Azula: "Why are we headed there?"

Flare: "There's a secret gateway that leads into the spirit world, we are gonna have to enter the spirit world."

Azula: "What for?"

Flare: "Well I have to explain the story first. Long ago even before humans existed there were multiple primordial spirits that roamed the earth. Two of those spirits were always fighting for control, they were known as Raava and Vaatu. Raava is the spirit of light and peace while vaatu is the spirit of darkness and chaos. Raava ended up fusing with a human and locked away vaatu in the spirit world in a seal. That human that fused with raava would later be known as the avatar."

Azula: "W-Wow, I didn't know that.....wait does this involve going to the evil spirit?"

Flare: "You caught on quick."

Azula: "Well we are headed to the spirit world where you said it was sealed away."

Flare: "The seal would break soon so I wanted to find a way to seal him permanently without destroying him because if he dies then he will be reborn inside of raava.... but since raava is sealed in the avatar then it would somehow cause vaatu to be reborn inside of the avatar....it would be a disaster."

Azula: "So what did you plan to do with it?"

Flare: "I wanted to seal him inside of you."

Azula: "What! why would I want the literal spirit of darkness inside of me? Just because I'm not a good guy doesn't mean that I want a quick power boost."

Flare: "This is actually really good for you, this will make your bending stronger on top of other abilities such as energy bending which is the strongest form of bending. Maybe if there are any lion turtles in the spirit world then we can even make you able to bend all 4 elements becoming a second avatar."

Azula: "T-This could make me much stronger! Even the avatar wouldn't be a match for me. I accept!"

Flare: "I knew you would but you have to follow my orders at all times. I won't tolerate insubordination and even if you fused with vaatu you could still never dream of damaging me."

Azula felt a shiver run up her spine as she felt the air rushing past her face. She had to remember that he was a giant dragon that would make entire kingdoms tremble in fear just by his size. She wanted to run away at first but the offer that he gave to her made her change her mind, she would willingly follow him because she believed that the strong should lead the weak. She considered herself weak before him and that made her feel something that she's never felt before, attraction.

It took 5 days of constant travel but they eventually arrived in the north pole, flare landed outside of the city and cancelled his transformation. He then took out a winter cloak from his inventory and gave it to azula since the cold couldn't affect him. During the days of flying, flare would take out food for azula to eat and she would always wonder where food would magically appear from, these simple things made her interest grow.

Flare: "The spirit portal is at a secret location but I managed to find it. Follow me closely and try to stay as quiet as possible."

Azula and flare went through a secret tunnel, dodging guards and patrol on their way. Soon they entered a giant cave where a glowing light was seen in the center of the cave.

Azula: "I-Is that it?"

Flare: "It is, let's go. We have to do this quickly before anyone notices anything."

They ran into the portal where thy disappeared from the cave and appeared on a giant landscape with a giant tree in the center of the area. They walked out of a pillar of light which extended into the sky, there was a similar light at the other side of the field but it seemed to be sealed off.

Flare: "Well there it is, the giant tree is where vaatu was sealed."

Azula: "That's an odd place to seal a spirit."

Flare: "Well this is the tree of time, it's said that it's the very first tree in existence and has existed even before the spirits."

Azula: "Well let's meet this spirit."

They walked closer to the tree where they saw an opening in the tree, they jumped onto the roots of the tree and stood in front of the opening where a giant black spirit was looking back at them with purple eyes.

Vaatu: "Humans? in the spirit world? Mhmmmm interesting."

Flare: "Hello vaatu."

Vaatu: "So you know who I am, why don't you free me from this prison?"

Flare: "How about I give you the deal of a lifetime?"

Vaatu: "Deal of a lifetime? humor me boy."

Flare: "I will free you, but you will fuse into this girl beside me. You won't try to take her over or else you will deal with me. I will give you the freedom you desire but it comes with a cost."

Vaatu: "You want me to fuse myself with a human just as raava did? Well it's better than being stuck in this stupid tree.... fine, I accept. However I can't fully fuse into that girl because there isn't much energy to fuse."

Flare: "What do you mean?"

Vaatu: "I mean that raava was only able to permanently fuse with the human when harmonic convergence was happening since it releases a nigh infinite amount of energy... she used this to permanently infuse herself into the human's soul creating a new being, the avatar. Harmonic convergence will happen in the far future so it is impossible to fuse with her."

Flare: 'Mhmmm, astaroth is there a different way to fuse them?'

[Host can use his soul power to fuse them together, your soul is empowered not only by your own powers but also by the system which is an all powerful entity by itself]

Flare: 'Oh? well I'm not sure if that will work but let me try.'

Flare: "I think I can do it."

Vaatu: "Kid you will die if you even try to use your energy to force the fusion process, you will burnout and die in an instant."

Flare: "Well I'll still try."

Flare jumped up and punched the barrier with his advanced conquerors haki and it shattered like it was glass. Vaatu was shocked as he knew that the barrier was one of the strongest in history and could only be broken during harmonic convergence. Vaatu flew out of the tree as he enjoyed being free once more.

Vaatu: "Ahhh freedom, it's been too long. Y-You, I-I didn't expect that you would break the barrier so easily, no human could do that!"

Flare: "Well let's get this show on the road, vaatu you enter azula and I'll take care of the rest."

Vaatu: "Goodluck human, if you die then I will leave."

Flare: "I won't fail."

Vaatu flew into azula as she felt a enormous amount of power rush through her body, she never felt this powerful before, not even on sozen's comet. Flare appeared in front of her and touched her forehead and chest and poured his energy into her. It only took a couple seconds before a bright purple light lit up the surrounding area as it dimed to show azula with purple eyes floating in the air. She soon descended as she landed in front of flare as she regained her normal eyes.

Flare: "So how does it feel being a second avatar?"

Azula: "Well it doesn't really feel that different, although I definitely feel a lot stronger. I think I have something similar to the avatar state but I can only use firebending and lightning bending, I also got the ability to control plants through vaatu."

Flare: 'Mhmm let me see her stats.'

[Name: Azula

Race: Human

Age: 17

Devil Fruit: None

Haki: None

Special: Bending (Fire bending, Lightning bending), Avatar of Vaatu (Energy bending, plant manipulation)

Martial Arts/ Swordsmanship: Fire Nation Style

Overall: Captain (Low)


Flare: 'Not bad, she could beat someone if they didn't have a devil fruit nor haki... probably. She needs the most training out of the crew since everybody is at least vice admiral in terms of strength.'

[Host has completed 2/3 tasks- All types of bending now unlocked]

Flare felt his waterbending expand even wider as he felt his body warm up a bit before cooling back down. He smirked a bit as he started walking towards the tree, azula stopped admiring herself and started staring at him.

Azula: "What are you doing? I thought we were leaving now?"

Flare: "Yea but I want this tree, I don't think I'm ever gonna encounter a tree like this again."

Azula: "How are you gonna carry the giant tree."

Flare: "Watch and learn."

Flare touch the tree and made the entire tree itself disappear into thin air, this caused azula's eyes to almost fall out of her head. Flare simply just put the tree in his inventory, he didn't even know if it was gonna work until he tried it.

Flare: "Huh that worked, isn't that great. Well it's time to get out of here, let's go azula."

Azula: "What the hell happened to the tree?"

Flare: "I put it in my own little dimension where I store things, that's where all the food came from."

Azula: "Oh I understand now, so you can store things and take them out at a later date."

Flare: "Exactly, before we head off I wanted to make people believe in me."

Azula: "You wanna start a cult? well you are a dragon in human form so I guess that makes sense."

Flare: "No not a cult, more like a legend that gets passed down throughout the ages."

Azula: "Oh, maybe you can go in your dragon form and fly around populated areas. People would see you and eventually they would pass it down but that would take way too long."

Flare: "Well since ozai was defeated by the firelord, I believe that zuko will become the new fireloed and all the current nations we be there at his inauguration. Maybe I can fly in with my dragon form an then it will cause all nations to instantly know about me and how I helped the avatar."

Azula: "Wit you helped the avatar?"

Flare: "Before I showed up to you guys I ran into the avatar fighting your father. I gave him 2 punches then left, he was too weak for a fight anyways."

Azula: "S-So you even beat father, amazing!"

Flare and azula left the spirit world and re-entered the normal world. As they came out flare opened a gate portal to take him on the coast of the fire nation. He entered the portal along with azula as they were transported to a beach in the fire nation. Azula was shocked as he just kept on showing even more powers, first his dragon powers then his dimension powers and how he can teleport. She didn't know what else to expect but she was looking forward to it.