
One Piece: A Swordsman's Tale

A kid was born in wano when Kaido attacked. His mother escaped the carnage and pleaded with her husband to go with her. But as a daimyo and samurai. He can't leave his hometown and people. Uzuki Ikari lived a fatherless life with his mother. Vowing to avenge his father, Uzuki Ikari traveled the grand line as a pirate on his way to Wano...

Parasyte32 · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter 5

In the year 1512,

Inside a dojo, there could be seen four teens practicing their swordsmanship. Ikari found a new addition to his crew when they went out again three months since Law joined their company.

Ikari and Law protected the two from a boar. Shachi and Penguin almost died but thanks to Ikari and Law, they survived. And since then, Ikari invited them into joining his newly established, Moon Pirates.

Thankfully, his mother, Uzuki Sakura, agreed into teaching the two. The five of them also fought with various beasts near the forest. The game that they procured would be their meal, as Sakura encourage them to hunt.

Their main source of food could be found in their backyard. Wandering animals were always their prey. They also got accustomed to hunting together. Their teamwork and trust were cultivated in the face of danger.

"Ikari, when will we set sail?"

"Shachi, you're thinking too much into the future," Ikari replied. "When Bepo can at least survive the sea and navigate for us then, we'll set sail. As of now, we're not ready yet. You haven't even awakened your observation haki!"

Penguin grimaced. "Sensei's beatings are overwhelming can it still be called training...?"

Bepo glared at the two. "You're just weak. I even awakened mine after just three years of training. You need to endure two more years and complain to me." he puffed his chest proudly.

Shachi looked down. "You're just laughing at our misfortune. Just because you took three years' worth of beating doesn't mean that we should too!"

"Enough!" Law shouted. "It's for your own sake anyways. You should be thankful that sensei took us in."

The two brothers went silent. They were both orphans, and they rather take this bea– training than go back to their aunt and lived like a slave.

"Come on." Ikari clapped his hands. "Just think about the day that you will escape that tor– ahem. Training. It's a light at the end of the tunnel." his speech touched their hearts

"So, that's what you brats are looking forward to, eh?" they trembled at the voice.

"No, sensei! We look forward to training with you!" Shachi kneeled. "Awakening our haki is a treasure we will never forget."

Penguin followed. "Yes! sensei!"

"No training today," she announced. "You can go to the town. Buy this on the list." she handed the list to Bepo with the purse.

"Yay!" Shachi, Penguin, Law, and Bepo thanked the gods for this amazing holiday.

"I'll just change my clothes," Ikari went inside.

"Yeah, you reek of nasty sweat!" she scolded.

As Ikari finished clothing himself. They departed towards the Pleasure Town. Ikari strolled in front of them, he checked out various stalls and stores. Nothing caught his sight, though they ate ice creams on the way.

Ikari noticed that a group of five tall and big men were approaching them. He signaled his hand and his companions stopped. "Five men, 6 o clock. We led them into the alley and ambush them," he whispered his plan.

They turned right in the corner, Bepo was trembling his legs. "Don't be nervous... Just like you trained," advised Ikari.

Then, he sensed the group of five near them. Ikari clenched the handle of his sword, ready to pounce.

"Now, now, kids. Give us your wallets..." the thug eyed his katana. "And that sword. A brat like you should be washing dishes with your momma!"

"Room!" Law created a bluish dome and enveloped them. "Shambles!" the pebble in the middle of Ikari and the others switched with the thug.

Ikari immediately thrust his sword and a sickening sound was heard. Bepo threw up at the sight of blood spewing out of the man's chest. "Bear up! Bepo. This is how we will fight in the future!"

Law's room flickered, his stamina not keeping up with the output. "I can't hold much longer..."

"Leave it to me." Ikari pulled the sword stuck on the thug's chest. He flicked the sword and the blood fell out of the katana and spilled on the ground.

"One Sword Style," Ikari manipulated the temperature of the sword to the highest degree he could muster. He dashed and appeared in front of the remaining four thugs. "Overheat!"

Ikari sliced the man in half, as though he was butter. Shachi and Penguin quickly surrounded the other three with swords in their hands. They hurriedly slashed and thrust at the frozen thugs.

They never imagined that robbing kids resulted in their deaths. Law jumped into action and they each took life with their hands. "Never show mercy," Ikari told them as he wiped the blood off his sword with the thugs' clothes. "Bepo, check their pockets. They should have bellies on hand."

Bepo nodded timidly, still not taking the situation in his head. But he did as he was told. Peer pressure made him swallow his nervousness. "You'll get used to it. It's either you in their place or them... It doesn't take a genius to know which is which." Ikari patted the young bear's head.


In the year 1514,

Newspapers fell from the sky, and Ikari picked up one in front of the dojo. It was two years since he took two lives. They never told Sakura about what happened that day, as it cemented their hearts on becoming a pirate.

'Donquixote Doflamingo crowned as the new king of Dressrosa!' Ikari couldn't believe his eyes. He read the entire article and found that the man was made a Warlord of the Sea. "Law!" he shouted in rage.

Footsteps could be heard running in the hallway. Soon, Law came with Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo. "That bastard Doflamingo became a king! I thought the old woman from the marines caught him. She said that I saved this country..." his eyes were bloodshot as uncontrollable spiritual energy burst out.

The four felt his haki but were unaffected as Ikari mastered it to a certain degree. "Let me see." Law read the paper in hand. "Fuck! The world government and marines are untrustworthy!" he stumped his foot in frustration.

"What should we do?" asked Bepo.

Shachi and Penguin looked at each other. "We can't do anything at the moment. We just barely started our armament haki training this year." the former replied. "And we just recently mastered observation haki. While our swordsmanship barely passed the eyes of sensei..." the latter added.

Ikari breathed out. "Once Bepo turns eighteen, we'll set sail. We still have six years left to train. You guys devote yourself to mom's teaching. And we'll kick Doflamingo's ass!"

Ikari unsheathed his Rain Moon Kitetsu. "A flying slash... This will be the next step in my swordsmanship..." he huffed.

Ikari held the katana with his two hands. He slowly placed it on his back left leg and slashed diagonally. As the katana moved, he heard the wind whistling.

"Not enough power," Ikari muttered. He imbued the sword with a hardened haki. "This should help..." Ikari slashed again as he stepped forward. This time the air didn't make a sound. A dominant force formed at the tip of his katana. After he finished the slash, the trees in front of him fell.

Ikari smiled at his strength. "It felt like the sword extended itself and sliced the tree. I had the impression that I would see the slash itself..."

He didn't feel complacent about his successful attack. Ikari restarted his stance again and reiterated the slash. "For the next year. I will be improving my swordsmanship until I can cut the sea!" he declared.

For the next month and the upcoming years. Ikari incorporated his devil fruit powers and his sword style. He was currently facing off a ten-meter-tall bear. "Absolute sun sword style," steam surrounded his body as he darted towards the humungous bear. "Heatwave Collision!"

Ikari suddenly materialized behind the bear as he sheathed the katana. The bear was burnt, its hair dimmed. "Roasted bear coming right up." he grinned as he carried it on top of his shoulder.

Ikari placed the bear in the field. "Law chop this up. We'll have our dinner."

"Room!" Law divided the bear meat into equal parts. "My devil fruit is for medical practices. Not butchering a bear!" he scoffed.

"What? It's more convenient." he munched a portion. "How's your proficiency in using that power in surgeries?"

Law raised his chin. "I've only been practicing on beasts. Do you want to volunteer? It's for the sake of science...!" he pitched excitedly.

"Just snatch a thug or criminal." Ikari chewed the hind leg of the bear. "You'll be doing a good deed. Get rid of scums, and you can practice your medical prowess. Win-win."

Law only rolled his eyes but part of his mind insisted on Ikari's words. "You're a bad influence..."

Ikari shrugged. "I'm just listing you ways on doing a good deed. Where's bad in them?"

"Captain! Captain!" Bepo ran towards Ikari. "This. I have this."

Ikari stared at Bepo's paw. It was releasing an electric surge. "What happened to you?"

"I was training earlier. Then, I roasted the wooden sword!" Bepo exclaimed. "And this happened, it never stops..."

Ikari scratched his chin. "Is there something wrong with Bepo?" he looked at Law.

"Room!" Law created a dome around Bepo. "Scan!... There's nothing wrong with his vitals. Maybe it's your mink physiology. You're not affected by the electric surge."

"It's your heritage!" Ikari smiled. "You can manipulate electricity. Try asking mom, maybe she can help you control it."

Bepo nodded and went inside. "Sensei! Sensei!!!" his voice could be heard throughout the dojo.

"Be quiet, Bepo!" Sakura yelled at the bear's antics.