
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Cómic
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123 Chs

46. Arrival, Moby Dick

In the New World, a Marine warship cruises through the sea, serving as a training vessel for new recruits.

"Teacher Zephyr, there's a call from headquarters," Marine handed Zephyr a communication device.

"I'm Zephyr," Zephyr replied, a piece of wood clamped between his teeth, speaking in a deep voice.

After a moment on the call, Zephyr disconnected with a peculiar expression.

"Sengoku wants me to return?" he mused.

"Teacher, why? We've always had freedom of movement," Ain asked, confused.

The reason lies in the past incidents where former Shichibukai attacked the training ship, and families of recruits were targeted and killed by pirates. Headquarters failed to provide adequate protection, leaving a debt owed to Zephyr.

Moreover, Zephyr held significant connections within the Marine ranks, allowing him to commandeer a warship single-handedly and hunt pirates relentlessly. Despite Headquarters' awareness, they turned a blind eye as long as Zephyr continued to capture pirates.

"In light of Oro Jackson's appearance, Sengoku fears remnants of Roger pirates may join the fray. Hence, all forces must be recalled," Zephyr explained calmly.

"Things have gotten serious," Ain acknowledged. "I'll inform everyone to head back to headquarters."

"Good," Zephyr nodded in agreement.

Among the Marine's elite combat forces stationed outside, Vice Admirals Gion and Tokikake, alongside the tea-loving pig, are also receiving urgent calls. Essentially, all available combat power that the Marine can muster is being summoned back, with only stable frontline bases remaining untouched.

This mobilization is in preparation for an imminent conflict, one that involves facing both the Whitebeard Pirates and remnants of Roger's crew simultaneously. Marine is gearing up for war.

While this buildup hasn't gone unnoticed by observers at sea, such as pirates and other factions, details remain scarce due to the tight control of information by the World Government. The recent sighting of the Oro Jackson has caused a stir, but the events at Sabaody Archipelago have been shrouded in secrecy.

Two days later, in an ordinary stretch of sea within the New World, the weather is surprisingly mild and calm, a departure from the region's notorious conditions. The distinctive red sails of the Oro Jackson cut through the waters.

Rayleigh, holding Whitebeard's Vivre Card from his younger days with the Roger pirates, marvels at the tranquillity. "Is this truly the New World? It seems oddly peaceful."

Nami, perched on the deck, shares the sentiment, noting the lack of conflict even as they pass by islands. Jinbei explains, "It's because this is Whitebeard's domain. There's a certain order in the New World, one that's not dictated by the Marines or the World Government, but by the countries here, most of which are under pirate protection. These nations aren't recognized by the World Government."

"The Four Emperors, think of them as the rulers of the New World. Each essentially controls a portion of islands or countries," Jinbei explained.

Nami, taken aback by this revelation, contemplated the power wielded by these pirates. "It's astonishing. They're like kings of vast territories," she murmured, reflecting on her humble origins in a small island village.

"Whitebeard, among the Emperors, treats civilians with the utmost kindness. Without his protection, many of the islands you see would fall prey to pirates and slavers," Jinbei praised, speaking of Whitebeard's honourable nature.

He continued, "Even my home, Fish-Man Island, benefits from Whitebeard's flag. It deters any pirate foolish enough to approach."

Jinbei admired Whitebeard's code of honour, contrasting it with the other Emperors' methods. While Red-Haired Shanks enjoyed freedom and exploration, Kaido ruled over Wano, and Big Mom absorbed various races into her empire, Whitebeard stood apart, opposing the World Government's tyranny.

"The World Government paints Whitebeard as a criminal, but in his territory, he's revered as a saviour," Jinbei remarked, highlighting the government's hypocrisy compared to the gratitude and love Whitebeard receives from his subjects.

Rayleigh, chiming in, acknowledged the complexities of the world. "It's not simply good or evil. You'll understand as you see more of it," he advised. "But always stay true to yourself."

Rayleigh understood firsthand the government's ruthlessness towards non-compliant kingdoms and non-member states. Despite their claims of righteousness, their actions often belied darker motives.

The balance of power between the World Government and the Four Emperors was delicate, but Rayleigh knew where true justice lay: in following one's conscience, regardless of the world's complexities.

The superiors manipulate the world, using their positions to steer events as they see fit. In response, some individuals strive to seek true freedom by sailing the seas.

This viewpoint, however, is merely one interpretation, as everyone perceives the world differently, even when faced with the same experiences.

"Whether it's the government or the Four Emperors, I aim to be the freest person on the sea. Anyone who stands in my way will face my fist," Luffy declared with a grin. "One Piece won't be bound by the World Government or the Four Emperors."

Rayleigh chuckled at Luffy's declaration, finding his words reminiscent of the adventurous spirit of the past.

Meanwhile, Zoro listened in silence, his eyes closed as he focused on his swords. He understood the gravity of facing an Emperor like Whitebeard; mere words wouldn't suffice. Only by proving their strength could they earn the right to be heard as equals.

Suddenly, a call interrupted their contemplation. Zoro's eyes snapped open, a newfound determination coursing through him. He could feel his strength growing with each passing moment.

Three and a half days had elapsed since his evolution, and already Zoro's physique had been bolstered by fifty per cent. Alongside the physical enhancements came a newfound mastery of Haki and heightened perception.

As they continued their journey, Rayleigh's gaze shifted towards the Vivre Card, drawn to a colossal whale-like vessel looming on the horizon. Even from a distance, the distinctive outline of the ship, known as the Moby Dick, was unmistakable.

"I've spotted it. The flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick," Rayleigh announced, his tone tinged with anticipation.


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