
One Piece - My Adventure with Strawhats

I don't own One piece , I do not own the MC's look but I own his personality

Hikari_108 · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter -17 Fight and Recruitment

( Previously )

" How dare they leave me alone !! Do they think I am weak I will show them" thought Ernesti angrily , and Ernesti also left after them with his sharingan activated in its full glory .to show them that he was not weak , afterall he was a member of the fairy tribe

Lets see how the marine base will handle a fairy but not just any fairy , a fairy with sharingan who is enraged ...

( Now )

In the middle of afternoon in Shell town you can see a boy with mauve hair of shoulder length , he was very eye-catching as he had very inhuman eyes whose color was red specifically Blood Red with two red dots rotating in them and if looked in his eyes they could see their own demise ( A/N because of his unconscious use of bloodlust ) and his hair was flying in air even though there was no wind in the air at all seeing this person everybody backed away just when they thought that he was heading here to kill them he ignored them and went to marine base and for once everyone was feeling pity for Morgan and his son

( Scene Changed )

Just wait Luffy I will show you and Koby my strength and I will make sure you never underestimate me, thought Ernesti

" Oh there it is the marine base of this island , and I can hear a lot of noises coming from there ... Ahh that must be Luffy and Koby's doing " the blue eyed boy thought to himself

( At the marine base )

" Please escape , Zoro-san" - Koby

The person in question was a young muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin , he was wearing a green haramaki over his left hip , having three identical gold earrings on his left earlobe with black bandana tied over his head and the most unusual thing about this was that he had cropped green hair . This person or Zoro was tied to cross pole and Koby was trying to untie him but to no avail

" You will be killed for doing that , you know!! " - Zoro angrily

" I can't stand to watch the navy like this anymore , I want to be an honorable marine "- Koby

" Stop! I can't escape! I got only ten days until ' Zoro said this before he was interrupted by Koby

" No! you don't , you are going to be executed tomorrow' - Koby

" WHAT!! " -Zoro

" You see me and Luffy-San overheard Helmeppo how he never really planned to follow through with his promise and was just doing this for the fun of it . So, Luffy-San got angry and punched him" -Koby

"He did" - Zoro

" The navy is after Luffy-San now " - Koby

" I won't ask you to be a pirate , But please help Luffy-San as he is the only one who can save you and I think you are the only one who can save Luffy-San " - Koby

Suddenly a group of people dressed in navy outfit come from the right of Zoro and Luffy and behind them was a extremely tall, muscular man with tanned skin, blonde hair, and a steel jaw etched with the word Möwe, his right hand has been replaced with a huge steel axe, the handle of which is not only bolted through the bones of his forearm, but sticks out where his elbow should be. he is wearing a large, ornate overcoat.it is also worn conventionally, instead of being draped over the shoulders like a cape. His pants have the striped pattern of the Marine Bases and the Marine Battleships. This is Captain Morgan

" End of the line " -Captian Morgan

Koby was shocked to see a man as big as him and Zoro was wondering what Captain Morgan was doing here

"For the crime of treachery against me I will execute you both where you stand "- Captain Morgan

Meanwhile Luffy was dragging Helmeppo across the Marine base in search of Zoro's swords

"This is the room" - Luffy

A luxurious room came into Luffy's view . this was decorated to fit a king and by the bed there was a chair , in between the chair and bed there lay three swords. Luffy was confused as there were three swords so he looked towards Helmeppo for help only to see he was passed out , Luffy saw a window and looked out of it only to see Koby crying

Meanwhile at ground

Marines guns were pointed at Zoro and Koby

"This is some interesting stuff you guys have pulled off , tell me were you two and that strawhat kid planning a coup or something" Captain Morgan

"I have always fought alone , unlike you bas***d who hides behind his underlings" Zoro

"Roronoa Zoro you may be strong but don't underestimate me , under my authority you are nothing but a scum, now aim" Morgan

Zoro and Koby were about to give up , Zoro and Koby thinking about how they did not want to die

"Fire" Morgan

Then suddenly came the sound of a window shattering and sound came and a shadow appeared before the both shielding them in the process

"Straw hat" Morgan

"Luffy-San what are you doing?" Koby

"You what are yo-" Zoro

unlike what everybody expected the bullets Luffy bounced off as if he was a rubber

"That won't work on me , I told you I was strong" Luffy said laughing

"W-Who are you??" Zoro

Luffy tuned to his back and answered Zoro while smiling

"I am Monkey D . Luffy , the man who is going to become The Pirate King , shishishi" Luffy

"W-What the king of the pirates , do you even know what that means" Zoro

"King of pirates means king of pirate , what else can it mean "Luffy

everybody except Koby was shocked and amazed to hear the casual declaration of becoming the pirate king

" I was shocked too , but Luffy-San is serious that's just how he is . he fully intends to find the treasure One Piece" Koby

"Shiahishishi here is your treasure I couldn't tell which was yours so I bought them all " Luffy

"All of them are mine ,I use the three-sword style" Zoro

"If we fight together now you will government-defying villain or would prefer being killed by marine like this " Luffy

"What are you the devil'son , well whatever I'll be a pirate if I am gonna die like this" Zoro

"Hurray you will join my crew " Luffy

"Okay, would untie these stupid ropes already" Zoro

Meanwhile Captain Morgan was telling his underlings that strawhat (Luffy) was not an ordinary human but in fact a human who had eaten the devil fruit

while Luffy was struggling to untie the ropes binding Zoro , marine were coming towards them to attack them but everybody missed that a person had arrived at the marine base without anybody noticing him , this person was Ernestie just as they (marine) were about to attack

'Clap clap clap clap'

"wow I did't expect the pirate hunter to become a pirate" Ernesti

everybody suddenly turned their head towards the only to see a mauve haired blue-eyed person sitting on top of the doors of entrance

"Who are you , what are you doing" Morgan

the person Morgan was talking about jumped from the top and slowly started to walk towards them as if he had already won

"Who am I you ask , I am Ernesti Echavalier and I am here to make you pay for what you have done to the town's people" Ernesti while getting closer and closer till he was standing between the marines and Luffy and others

"Hahahaha you will make me pay what a joke , men get her" Morgan

" Sir!! get out of the way these are strong" Koby

'"Yeah Koby is right you should get out of the way mister" Luffy

"Don't judge me just because of my looks"' Ernesti said without looking back

"Attack men " shouted Morgan

Suddenly as if he was not there in the first place Ernesti appeared in the middle of marine solider and started to slowly dance

"Hahahaha is that all you can do" Morgan

just as Zoro who was now free of his ropes was about to assist Ernesti he suddenly stopped as did everyone else because Ernesti was knocking people left and right by just dancing gracefully

'Left jab neck , right leg at stomach , spin around and right jab at neck , bend forward and left jab at stomach followed up by a spining kick' Ernesti thought

Everybody at the marine base was amazed by this scene they had never scene a dance like this , Morgan was getting sacred first a devil fruit user and now a dancer-fighter and top it all off Roronoa Zoro was also out for his head and he was right just at this moment Zoro decided to join the fight as well and surrounded the marine who were thinking of defeating Ernesti by attacking him from behind

"Move and you are dead and you (Ernesti) check your surroundings better " Zoro

"Why should I ?? I knew you would defend me from that attack after all I saw it in the future"Ernesti said while defeating marine arround hime with ease

"They are so cool " Luffy

"I am gonna be a pirate I promise you that but I am only going to fulfill my ambition" Zoro

"Ambition??" Luffy

"To become the world's greatest swordsman and if someday I have to give up on that then you better take responsibility and apologize to me "Zoro

"The world's greatest swordsman , that sounds great afterall the pirate king would no less" Luffy

"Umm hate to break this but we are surrounded by bad guys , So would you both kindly focus"Ernesti

"What are you waiting for, slaughter them" Morgan

"Duck you both, Gum-Gum no Whip" Luffy attacked the marine

(Time Skip)

(A/N everything from this point on happened the same with Zoro and Luffy using teamwork to defeat Morgan)

"Captain Morgan has been defeated " Marine E

"These guys are crazy strong" Marine F

"If anyone still wants to catch us then go ahead" Zoro

all the marines let out tears of joy and threw their weapons in air

"we are finally free" Marine A

"yaay"Marine B

shouting like this was going all around the marine base making Luffy and gang confused

"They are happy that their captain was beaten??' Luffy

"Everyone was just afriad of Morgan " Koby said while smiling

at this moment Zoro who hadn't eaten anything for a while fell on his back

"What happened Zoro-San ?,are you hurt?"Koby

" I am hungry" Zoro

meanwhile inside the marine base an orange haired girl was looking around for the map of the grand line only to find that it was already stolen by somebody else , that being "Buggy the immortal"

(At Ririka's place)

at this moment Zoro has just finished his meal with his stomach finally being satisfied after a long time

"Uhh I am stuffed!" Zoro

"Huh you are already full " Luffy

" How can you have a bigger appetite then a person who has eaten anything for three weeks" Zoro

" It tastes good right koby ? " Luffy

"Thank you for treting me as well" Koby

"I don't mind it at all , after all the town has now been saved because of you three" Ririka

" cough cough" Ernesti

'"Ahh you as well Ernesti" Ririka

"Just like mom said we are happy to have you " Rika

"Captain , how many more members do you have " Zoro

" You are my first member " Luffy

"WHAT!! you said that you were trying to become pirate King so I thought you must have a number of crew members" Zoro

" Nah we are just starting our journey" Luffy

"So, Luffy-San where will you be heading next? " Koby

"The grand line of course!!! " Luffy

"But that's too dangerous" Koby

"Is the grand line that scary Oni-Chan? " Rika

" Yes it is a very dangerous place" Ernesti

"Right and it is also known as the graveyard of pirates and that's why I am trying to warn you Luffy-San that going there with only Zoro-San would be quite dangerous" Koby

Before the conversation could accelerate there was knock on the door from the other side came the marine with arms by their side and the town's people watching them form behind

"Are you a pirate ? " Marine A

"Shishishi Yes I am" Luffy

"Then I would kindly ask you to leave this town" Marine A

"They are throwing our saviour out" Town people A

"They are just like Morgan" Town people B

"Are you with them as well" Marine A pointing to Koby

" A weakling like him could never be in my crew" Luffy

"L-Luffy S-San " Koby

"I mean he is pathetic he was captured by Alvida " Luffy

"He was nothing but a chore boy shishishi" Luffy

Koby who now could no longer control his anger and betrayal ran forward and punched Luffy in the face

"Let's go Zoro" Luffy

"Whatever you say captain " Zoro


"Miss Ririka, I think I have found the perfect person to be my captain " Ernesti

"I knew this would happen someday but I didn't expect it to be this early" Ririka

" Oni-Chan you are leaving?? " Rika

"That I am, I am sorry that I am leaving " Ernesti

"Its ok Oni-Chan don't be sad I know that one day you will return" Rika

"Rika, I have a favour to ask of you, could please visit the old man at the library and the granny at the tailor shop" Ernesti

"Of course, I will" Rika


"Are you with them as well young man" Marine A

"Of course I am " Ernesti

"WHAT!! " Zoro and Luffy

"Both of you now don't be so dramatic let's go to our boat " Ernesti

Ernesti without looking back moved forward to the boat

"Hurry up you slowpokes " Ernesti

"Coming" Luffy

as the three were about to leave the shore with the boat the marines lined one by one on the shore with Koby alongside them and saluted to Luffy

"Thank you Luffy-San" Koby

with this the three crewmates started their journey to unknown

"Now tell me why did you join us " Zoro

"Yeah , you surprised me I wanted to have you on my crew but you looked like you didn't want to leave Rika and her mother" Luffy

"Well you see, I am not originally from that island, I arrived at that island a few days before you and started working for Ririka " Ernesti

"But that doesn't explain why you would join us " Zoro

"Jezz I am getting to that, so when I saw you Luffy at the marien base declaring that you wanted to be the king of pirates I felt like I wanted to follow you and after much consideration I have decided to become your crewmate" Ernesti

"shishishishi Ok from on you are my nakama" Luffy

"Oh on that note I have not properly introduced myself have I? my name is Ernesti Echevalier I am 14 years old, I like dancing and training and I dislike people who hurt innocent and my dream is to travel the whole world and find out all the secrets of this world " Ernestie

"your dream is something which will not be easy to fulfill " Zoro

"but that's what makes it interesting" Zoro and Ernestie

"Shishishi" Luffy

_____________________________________ I am sorry that I have not uploaded a chapter for more than 5 months and I have no excuse for that, I will try to write often so please don't give up on this book .

I'm sorry if you don't like the fight, this was my first time writing a fight and I promise I will improve

9 March, 2023