
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Cómic
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77 Chs

Ch-71: Agents of Baroque Works!

The weather on the Grand Line is quite peculiar," Nami complained as she walked over to Li Fan. "It's sunny one moment and snowy the next."

Li Fan chuckled, "This is the Grand Line. Didn't I warn you about it before we came? I even prepared a Log Pose for the Grand Line for you."

Nami sighed, "Even though you did warn me, experiencing it is still surprising."

"Well, Nami, for an excellent navigator like you, the ordinary ocean climate is too mundane," Li Fan remarked and Nami, placing her hands on her hips, looked proud.

"By the way, Vivi, that island over there is Whisky Peak," Li Fan said pointing. "Igaram  from Arabasta must be there."

"Yes! As per the agreement, he should be there," Vivi affirmed.

As they approached Whisky Peak, the sight of a welcoming crowd greeted Li Fan and his companions at the port. However, Igaram the leader, remained silent.

Vivi jumped off the boat, hurried to Igaram and pulled him aside. After hearing Vivi's story, Igaram while surprised, saw it as an opportunity.

Deceiving other members of the Baroque Studio with lies, he and Vivi boarded Li Fan's ship alongside Vivi's rideable duck.

Then, with stunned expressions on their faces, the members of the Baroque Works left Whisky Peak.

For Vivi and Igaram, working in the Whisky Peak is no longer important. At this time, it is much more crucial to go back in time to prevent the country's civil strife.

Moreover, they did not want to waste too much time and incur Li Fan's displeasure.

Although they only sailed with the ship for a short time, after many inquiries, Vivi learned that the Medusa beside Li Fan had a record of defeating Mihawk.

When Li Fan expressed his willingness to help, Vivi had no reason not to follow Li Fan's advice and rush to Arabasta as soon as possible.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Li Fan. I have heard Princess Vivi tell you what happened."

"Thank you for your willingness to lend a helping hand to Arabasta."

As soon as he got on the boat, Igaram came to Li Fan and said with a grateful face.

"No need to thank me. I also have my own purpose." Li Fan waved his hand, "On your side, you should have a permanent Log Pose directly to Arabasta."

"Now, it's better to get to that country as soon as possible."

"You are right." Igaram reached into his arms and took out a permanent Log Pose, "Director Li Fan, this is the permanent pointer leading directly to Arabasta."

"If we follow the direction of the needle, we will land in Arabasta in less than five days."

Li Fan took the permanent Log Pose and then handed it to Nami.

"Nami, the next route will follow this direction. Try to go as fast as possible."

"Understood." Nami nodded and ran to the side to get busy.

"Hey, who are you and why did you board our ship casually?" Suddenly, a surprised voice came to Li Fan's ears.

Looking in the direction of the sound, a fashionable girl holding an umbrella and a certain yellow hat, a man wearing sunglasses and an afro appeared in front of Li Fan.

"Mr.5, Miss Valentine, why are you here?!" Looking at the sudden appearance of the person, Igaram and Vivi's eyes widened.

Li Fan patted Vivi, who was a little uneasy and walked towards the two Baroque Works agents who boarded their ship.

After Vivi hesitated for a while, she followed Li Fan's footsteps.

"Mr.8 and Miss Wednesday, your identity hase been exposed." Looking at Vivi coming, Mr.5 with an afro said, "So, the boss asked the two of us to kill you."

"I advise you not to resist, otherwise it will only cause you more pain."

As Mr.5 spoke, he raised his nostrils, which made Li Fan frown slightly.

"What? Why are our identities suddenly exposed?" Vivi said in surprise.

"You don't need to know about this. Today is the day you die." After saying that, Mr.5 picked out a piece of booger and wanted to flick it at Weiwei.

"How disgusting!" Li Fan suddenly appeared in front of Mr.5 and kicked him hard in the abdomen.

Before Mr.5 could react, he fell into the sea along with his unpopped boogers.

As a Devil Fruit user, Mr.5 sank into the sea forever, making a few splashes.

"So, what do you want to say, this beautiful lady?" Li Fan turned his head and looked at Miss Valentine.

It seems that everything happened too fast. At this moment, Miss Valentine still maintains the same smile as before.

However, when Li Fan asked, Miss Valentine's smile immediately became stiff.

'What should I do... This guy is so powerful. Mr.5, who is stronger than me, was defeated in an instant.'

'And how did he get in front of us just now? Why didn't I see it?'

'Is he a devil fruit user?'

A series of thoughts quickly flashed through her mind.

"Then... well, if I said that I was just here for a casual look, would you believe it?" Miss Valentine showed a forced smile and looked at Li Fan.

"What do you think?" Li Fan patted Miss Valentine's shoulder, "Such a good girl, it's a pity that she became a Agent."

"It would be great to be an actor."

"However, since you have become a agent, there is nothing I can do about it."

"It can only be used for fishing."

"Do you want to fish?" Zoro walked over with a dumbbell on his shoulder and grinned. "If you want to fish, I wanna catch some fishes too." 🐟

"Hey!" Miss Valentine almost screamed in fright when she heard Zoro and Li Fan's words.

And when she saw Mihawk standing not far away, she rolled her eyes and fainted.

'Why is there the King Shichibukai on this ship?'

This was Miss Valentine's last thought before she passed out.
