
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Cómic
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361 Chs

96 Shocking the world, again


Whitebeard was not surprised by Momousagi shock.

Because he was fully aware of the immense improvement in his Observation Haki.

In the Pirate World.

Observation Haki is mastered by many powerful people in the Pirate World.

But only a few people are extremely special in mastering it.

Like Katakuri, who can see a glimpse into the future.

The second is Princess Otohime, who can perceive people's emotions and even influence their thoughts.

The third is Enel, who can extend his Observation Haki on a large scale, similar to what Whitebeard demonstrated today.

Whitebeard's Haki seems to be a combination of the abilities of three individuals, with further enhancements on top of that.

So Whitebeard can perfectly predict and counter every move of Momousagi.


Whitebeard's Naginata, Murakumogiri, came down, slashing toward Momousagi.

Momousagi's ears rang with a sound of a sword slashing down, snapping her out of her shock, and she quickly dodged aside.

But as she avoided, she noticed the sky darkening around her.

Looking up, her eyes widened in astonishment.

She was dumbfounded.

She was truly puzzled.

Her confusion grew as she saw the Naginata, which was initially on the other side, now falling towards her head in the blink of an eye.

"How could?!"

Momousagi face showed sheer horror as she couldn't comprehend what was happening.

In a life-and-death crisis, she swiftly raised her katana to defend herself.


The clash of metal resounded.

She managed to deflect Whitebeard's blow at the very last moment.

"I'm fine!"

Momousagi exclaimed, relief washing over her face as if she had narrowly escaped death..

But before she could fully catch her breath, her face changed drastically once again.


Unparalleled strength!

Her arm trembled, and blood slipped through her fingers. She felt a crushing power from Whitebeard's Naginata that seemed to crush everything.

The look of rejoicing on her face quickly changed to horror.

Her tall body was pushed down even further, and cold sweat slipped from her forehead. The arm holding the long sword struggled desperately, but it was almost impossible to resist the overwhelming force.


Vice Admiral Chaton shouted and quickly shot his guns at the fastest speed.

Sending another barrage of bullets covered with Armament Haki.

Vice Admiral Momousagi, seeing the opportunity in the distraction given by Chaton, also rushed out.

Armament Haki covered her katana as she slammed it towards Whitebeard's back.


Whitebeard frowned.

Whitebeard raised his Naginata and swung it with lightning speed, while also lightly deflecting Momousagi's attack.


The katana in Momousagi's hand was deflected away.

Whitebeard seized the opportunity and kicked with his right foot violently.


With a dull thud, Vice Admiral Momousagi was kicked and sent flying by Whitebeard before she could react.

After crashing onto the ground, the impact crushed the earth beneath her, her body was bruised and blood trickled from her mouth.

With a powerful kick, Vice Admiral Momousagi, the Admiral Candidate, was seriously injured by Whitebeard!

"What incredible strength!"

Momousagi struggled to her feet, ignoring the severe pain in her stomach. She looked at Whitebeard with a shocked expression.

As an Admiral Candidate, she had always believed that she was not far behind the Admirals in strength.

But now, in just a short time, she had been wounded again and again by Whitebeard!

This not only shocked her but also made her doubt her own strength.

She wondered if she was too weak so she was beaten so badly.

"How dare you hit Gion, I will never let you go!"

"How dare you hit Gion, I will never let you go!"

Vice Admiral Chaton yelled, full of rage.

He jumped up, and with all his strength, his guns slammed down towards Whitebeard.

"Be careful, stay away from him!"

Gion shouted, feeling displeased that Tokikake had launched an attack on her behalf.

After the recent fight

She understood how formidable Whitebeard truly was.

With her exceptional experience and wisdom, she could better comprehend how a ranged fighter like Tokikake was facing someone as strong as Whitebeard.

Vice Admiral Chaton rushed forward so recklessly; it was not much different from offering someone a target.

Bang! Bang!

Chaton fired two shots in quick succession, attempting to distract Whitebeard while preparing for his next move.


Before Chaton could get any closer, Whitebeard unleashed a powerful punch in his direction.


The air shattered, sending powerful vibrations toward Vice Admiral Chaton.

Vice Admiral Chaton, rushing recklessly toward Whitebeard, was sent flying by just one punch from Whitebeard.

He flew back even faster than he had rushed forward, blood spurting from his mouth.

The audience watching the fight couldn't help but exclaim with awe.

"Look, it's the old man!"

Ace couldn't contain his excitement.

"Grandpa Whitebeard is so strong!"

Luffy said in awe, swallowing nervously.

He knows how strong Admiral is.

When he first met Aokiji, the crew of the Straw Hat Pirates didn't even have a chance to resist or escape, and they were defeated.

Several Admirals are now gathered, but they still couldn't defeat Whitebeard.

This made him realize the terrifying strength of Whitebeard.

"Pops is incredibly powerful. As his sons, we can't let him down. Let's defeat our opponents quickly!"

Marco shouted with pride.


The crew members responded in unison, ready for the next phase of the battle.

In an instant, the situation that was once a stalemate had shifted dramatically.

The scales of war slowly tipped in favor of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The audiences far away at Sabaody Archipelago and New World all watched the battle on the screen blankly.

They couldn't comprehend what they were witnessing.

The onlookers wondered why the Marine mobilized such power and still couldn't defeat Whitebeard.

Not only were they unable to defeat him, but the Marines were also being beaten back steadily and forced to retreat.

The thought of Whitebeard winning for a second time lingered in their minds.

Thousands of viewers watching the live broadcast trembled in fear, their faces showing a look of fear.

"This is the world's strongest man!"




I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

Note : well, the chap from the MTL is rather short, so I also uploaded this chap with some other chapter.

This fight happen in fast pace, so Akainu and Kizaru have a little time to intervene, but because there a lot respond from the audience, the fight like longer

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