
One Piece - Blackbeard is my MC (DROP)

Lin Feng embarks on a pirate world of pirates-filled adventure equipped with a unique character selection system. His goal is to perfect his chosen character. Opting for the notorious Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach, Lin Feng embraces the role of Luffy's antagonist , aspiring to outdo Teach in sheer audacity. In this pirate world, he aims to redefine the perception of Marshall D. Teach, proving that he's not the antagonist but rather the protagonist. Lin Feng is determined to show that a thief can still embody honor and distinction. "I'm petty, ruthless, and a bit of a troublemaker." "Causing chaos is my forte. I like when my enemies gets angry” "I love being labeled as a pirate, especially when it sends shivers down people's spines." "Meet Marshall D. Teach, a fresh face in the world of pirates." . . _______________ This my second project, I hope will get better with the more work done. The updates will now follow a fixed schedule, from Tuesday to Saturday (5 chapters per week), releasing at 00:00 GMT+7 on those days. . _______________ The MTL is from : My Blackbeard is the protagonist. You guys can check it at : n@velknights@com ______________ And for sure, also always need some support from you guys, if you want please drop here, I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read more chapters ahead of everyone. patre@n.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Cómic
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134 Chs

085 A Worthy Lackey

Punk Hazard.

The sea surrounding the island is sealed off by the marines. Numerous high-ranking marine officers and a large number of elite marines are stationed outside the island.

There were also three Celestial Dragons among them, two men and one woman.

The presence of the Celestial Dragons added a tense situation to the overall atmosphere.

In the eyes of the marines, this is a battle between Aokiji and Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral, a matter directly tied to the future destiny of the marines.

However, to the Celestial Dragons present, it was merely a game.

In comparison to the huge world government, the marines are just a faction under the command of the Celestial Dragons, with only admirals serving as direct subordinates to them.

Judging from the noble status that the Celestial Dragon people consider themselves to be, the average marines is not qualified to be their lackeys.

This is also a huge part of the reason why Garp has never been willing to become an Admiral.

To the Celestial Dragons, today's battle is simply a game—a contest to determine who is worthy of being their lackey!


On a luxurious warship at sea.

"Why do we have to watch from such a distance? Wouldn't it be better to be closer?" said the only woman among the Celestial Dragons, named Saint Antina.

"Sorry, but Akainu and Aokiji are incredibly powerful. We're concerned their battle might bring harm to you, so we can only watch from a safe distance at sea. We've arranged video Den-Den Mushi for you, and there'll be a dedicated marine unit capturing the event in the air" 

Sengoku explained with a serious demeanor.

As Fleet Admiral of the Marines, he had to individually inform each Celestial Dragon.

"Although the viewing quality is a bit poor, it's enough" 

Remarked one of the middle-aged Celestial Dragons with a proud attitude. His words conveyed that the marines' preparations were just about acceptable to him.

"Father, you're just spoiling them. We're here to watch this battle on behalf of Celestial Dragons, and this is the level of preparation they offer. It's truly disappointing" 

A young Celestial Dragon expressed with a somewhat displeased tone.

"That's correct, I agree with Ashan" 

Saint Antina added.

"I am deeply sorry!" 

Sengoku bowed, expressing his regret.

The middle-aged Celestial Dragon waved his hand, signaling that there was no need for him to speak further.

While he didn't hold him responsible, he didn't even look at the Marines Fleet Admiral face.

This is how the Fleet Admiral of the marines behaves himself in the presence of the Celestial Dragons—a display of status in the eyes of others!

Under the protection of the World Government, they had grown accustomed to this aloof attitude.

Akainu and Aokiji stood on the desolate island. The entire marines believed the island had been abandoned after the last experiment failed. No one remained.

The clash between the two Admirals begins!


Within Caesar's laboratory on the island.

Blackbeard and the others' attention fixated on the large screen in the laboratory. Through the image transmitted by the Den-Den Mushi, they could see Aokiji and Akainu standing at the center of the island.

The two men were determined, unwilling to yield in their pursuit of the position of Marines Fleet Admiral.

"The two of them really have bad tempers."

Blackbeard smiled after seeing this. If the World Government chooses to make Kizaru the Marines Fleet Admiral, Aokiji will probably ignore it because of his salty personality.

But making Akainu the Fleet Admiral would surely anger him.

Aokiji and Akainu have always had contrasting temperaments, and it's impossible for him to be subordinate to Akainu.

Aokiji has a lot of support within the marines, while Akainu enjoys strong backing from the World Government. That's why this battle is happening now.

"Weihahaha, the more intense the fight, the better!" Burgess laughed.

"The battle between two Admirals..."

Gion's eyes turned serious; an Admiral's strength was strong enough to fight against the Four Emperors.

At their level of strength, it's difficult to declare one person superior to the other or to judge that one person's strength far surpasses the other one.

This has taken the place of the marines' top combat power and the pirates' top combat power, respectively.

"In the battle between Aokiji and Akainu, the two of them are equally powerful and their fruit abilities are also at the top. It's hard to say who will win" 

Shiryu said with his eyes fixed on the screen.

"Indeed, I must admit that the strength of Akainu and Aokiji is truly terrifying..."

Watching the clash between Aokiji and Akainu, Avalo Pizarro's expression grew more heavy.

"When two people have equal strength, the winner is, of course, the cunning one. What do you think?"

After hearing their comments, Blackbeard smiled lightly.

"Captain Blackbeard, are you saying that Akainu will win this fight?"

Shiryu narrowed his eyes and asked.

"That's right."

Blackbeard nodded.

"Akainu will win..."

Caesar, Gion, and the others all became serious upon hearing this.

Clearly, Akainu is not suitable for the position of Marines Fleet Admiral. It's not that he is not strong enough, but rather, he doesn't have the mentality to take on the role of Marines Fleet Admiral.

Anyone with a keen eye can see this.

That's why there are more individuals in the Marines who admire Aokiji more than Akainu.

Blackbeard quietly watched the battle that was about to begin.

Even though he didn't know how Akainu defeated Aokiji, judging by the marines' attitude towards him as the Fleet Admiral, his victory was not deemed glorious.

So, there must be something shady in this evenly matched battle.

Of course, this is just Blackbeard's speculation.

How the war unfolds, he'll find out next...





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18