
One Piece: Ōtsutsuki Marine Hunter.

The tale revolves around Isshiki, a boy with a burning desire to annihilate everything and everyone associated with the World Government. Lets see how he does it. You can support me on patreon and read chapters ahead of everyone. Link:https://www.p@treon.com/Hkj822 Discord: https://discord.gg/3bVuQxhY ......

Hkj · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Ch-06 Anger!!

You can read 7 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.


Discord: https://discord.gg/RwEgh7gd


After intently listening to the profound words spoken by System, Isshiki found himself at a loss for words to counter them. The truth was undeniable - he had indeed relinquished his aspirations for life as soon as he comprehended the excruciating agony he would endure if he were to sustain injuries during his rigorous training. Thus, he chose to completely surrender, resigning himself to a life of insignificance and purposelessness. However, a remarkable transformation had now taken place within him, for he had discovered a newfound sense of purpose and a tangible goal to strive for.

With a deliberate motion, Isshiki raised his hand, and a sleek black rod materialized within his grasp. This chakra rod, carefully created by him possessed a unique ability to absorb the Chakra. Seeking clarification, Isshiki turned to the System and inquired, "System, could you enlighten me regarding the specific function of this chakra rod in the world of One Piece?"

In response, the System promptly elucidated, "This chakra rod is designed to deplete the physical strength of your adversaries, rendering them significantly weaker."

Testing the weapon's capabilities, Isshiki skillfully swung the rod a few times, relishing in the newfound prowess that surged through his body. It was a revelation to him, an individual who had never engaged in combat throughout the entirety of his existence, to now possess the skill and finesse of a grandmaster hand-to-hand combatant.

Gradually, the distant shores of Shell Town began to materialize on the horizon, drawing nearer with each passing moment. Eventually, the boat gently kissed the shore, and with a genuine display of courtesy, Isshiki assisted Nami in expertly docking the vessel.

Amidst the tranquil surroundings, Nami suddenly remembered an important detail that had escaped her amidst the recent events. Turning to Isshiki, she inquired, "By the way, in the midst of all these occurrences, I completely forgot to ask - what is your name?"

Apologetically, Isshiki responded, "I must apologize for my oversight. I neglected to introduce myself earlier. My name is Isshiki Otsutsuki. And may I inquire as to your name?"

This self-assigned moniker, "Isshiki," had been bestowed upon him by his parents, while "Otsutsuki" was a title he had personally adopted, as no other member of his family possessed such a distinction.

With a friendly smile, Nami replied, "I am Nami."

Although as a reincarnated person, he knew from the moment he saw Nami who she was, but in order to avoid raising any suspicion, he refrained from mentioning it.

"So this is the Shell town you were talking about?" inquired Isshiki.

"Yes, this is Shell Island, and there's a Marine Base here led by Captain Morgans. Haven't you ever visited this town as a merchant? You must have traveled to numerous islands, right? So, didn't you happen to come across Shell town?" queried Nami.

"No, because this island is under the tyranny of Captain Morgans, and back then, I was nothing but a pure coward who shied away from taking any risks," confessed Isshiki.

Upon hearing Isshiki's words, Nami nodded in understanding.

"I'm feeling quite hungry. Why don't we grab something to eat?" suggested Isshiki.

"Do you have enough money for that?" Nami questioned, with a hint of doubt

"No, but as I mentioned earlier, I will compensate you tenfold for any losses you may incur," assured Isshiki.

Observing the seriousness in Isshiki's tone, Nami nodded and replied, "Alright, but remember, you made a promise, so you must fulfill it."

"Hmm," Isshiki acknowledged, acknowledging Nami's statement.

Following their conversation, Isshiki and Nami proceeded to a restaurant, coincidentally owned by Rika and her mother. Ever since he awakened and acquired the Isshiki Otsutsuki template, even the events that had faded from his memory over time became vividly clear, as if he had witnessed them in the anime just the day before.

When he entered the restaurant with Nami, he immediately noticed Rika's mother diligently working amidst the bustling atmosphere. Nami swiftly made her way towards her and confidently placed her order, prompting the curious gazes of everyone present. It seemed that Isshiki had become even more strikingly handsome after acquiring the template of Isshiki Otsutsuki.

"Wow, it seems you've gained quite a following, haven't you? Everyone's eyes are on you," Nami playfully remarked, teasing Isshiki.

Isshiki merely shook his head, responding with a serene smile that betrayed his humble nature.

Coincidentally, at that very moment, a slender, average-sized young man with a distinct cleft chin and a crown of light blonde hair entered the restaurant. It was Helmeppo, and he took a seat near the front. Addressing Rika's mother, he callously revealed his true intentions, admitting that he never intended to release Zoro and that Zoro's execution was scheduled for the following day. A sinister chuckle escaped from Helmeppo's lips, echoing through the room.

Luffy's fury was palpable, as he clenched his fist, ready to deliver a resounding blow to Helmeppo. However, just as he prepared to strike, a voice interrupted the tense atmosphere, "Excuse me, could I please have my food quickly? I'm feeling quite famished."

Rika's mother offered a heartfelt apology, explaining, "I'm sorry, sir, but the circumstances are far from ideal. Please forgive me, as I am unable to serve any food at this moment."

Infuriated by the interruption, Helmeppo snapped back, his voice dripping with anger, "Hey, you bastard! How dare you interrupt me? Can't you see I'm in the middle of a conversation? Do you have a death wish?"

Isshiki then looked directly at Helmeppo, his gaze filled with disdain, and calmly uttered, "It seems that you possess an inflated sense of power, merely by virtue of having a feeble individual as your father." As soon as Isshiki's cutting words resonated in the air, the atmosphere shifted, and a wave of unease washed over everyone present. In contrast, Helmeppo's fury intensified, boiling over as he vehemently commanded the marines, "Shoot him! How dare he defy my father, the esteemed Captain Morgans?"

The impact of Isshiki's provocative statement lingered in the room, palpable and heavy. It was evident that the mere mention of Captain Morgans had struck a deep chord within Helmeppo, fueling his wrath to dangerous levels. Meanwhile, Isshiki, undeterred by the escalating tension, rose to his feet, his resolve unshaken.

"I've lost my appetite, courtesy of your contemptible behavior," Isshiki declared with a mix of defiance and disdain. Each word seemed to carry a weight of determination. "Henceforth, I shall savor my meals only after razing the Marine base to the ground, reducing it to mere ashes on this very island."

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)