
Long trip in Lost Blood Lands

Because Ains was still sleeping, we sit in a circle.

I observed the forest.

From the wall, I saw that trees were red. But now that I am here, I can see that the tree body is dark while leaves are a brighter red.

Forest was rich in life, plant life. I didn't hear sounds, only felt the wind.

Mesla: I will go, scout, don't wanna end up with large blood squirrel groups.

James: Take it easy, we have to rely on you for an entire trip.

After James spoke, Mesla got up and went into the forest.

I decided to lay on the grass, and look sky.

I don't know how long we waited but saw Mesla coming out of the forest.

Mesla: Still sleeping?

Miklakla: Yes.

James: Why ask? You can see it anyway.

Mesla: Just making sure, I will wake him up.

I looked how Mesla went near Ains and kicked him whit his leg. Mesla leg shined when he kicked Ains.

I silently thought that it must have hurt.

But after the hit, Ains looked up grumbled something but still got up like nothing is wrong.

After Ains took his sword, we started to move on.

We moved into the forest.

It was very quiet.

It felt like the forest was dead.

The whole day we didn't see anything, expect red bushes, trees, and small grass fields.

This day we slept below trees, because of blood squirrels.

Before finding a place to rest for myself, I asked from Miklakla a book about encounters.

I don't know why I choose this book, but I it piqued my interest.

The book was thin, only thirty pages or so, full whit fillers.

I read the entire book, before falling asleep.

I didn't learn much, but what people search in this forest was made clear for me.

Book name was Lost Blood Lands Encounters.

It wasn't about dangers but explained more about what to eat.

Of course, there was more to it, but I didn't understand much.

Book also talked a bit about breakthrough, while training whit fruits, I did understand that most of those fruits or things aided that.

I also understand that for me to progress, I need them also.

Because of that, I decided to remember only pictures. I can look rest when I need from the book.

On the second day, our trip was the same, peaceful.

We did make a few large arcs to avoid something, but I didn't see anything.

On that day I read a bit from the book of dangers.

The book was simple, contained pictures, whit where and what to do.

I saw from there how blood squirrels look and what they eat.

I read from there that squirrels move in groups two too few thousand, depends how deep in blood lands you are.

Squirrels eat, brain fruits that are dark red, and also human brains, but they only attack if their group has double amount numbers from human groups.

I found it interesting, but there was a lot more, most creatures are more inside the land.

We are still on outer edge.

But on edge, we can meet with blood squirrels, blood water worms who live in blood lakes, they don't easily leave from lakes.

We can also meet with blood bees, but they are near mountains usually, and blood snakes who live on the mountain, of course, there are more creatures, but they aren't dangerous.

I only read a quarter of the book.

The third day, we moved on I saw some small squirrels groups, they were exactly like pictures on the book, they had blood red fangs, and were quite large, about the same size as a large dog on earth.

I got cold feet everytime I saw them.

I hoped that I don't have to fight because I didn't know how.

But Ains was an expectation. He wanted to hunt them down because squirrel brain could be eaten.

I did get a bit moved on that thought, but Mesla denied us and told us to follow him, and that we can kill later them because the brain is very small and doesn't weight much.

When he talked about weight, I remembered the amount we had to bring back.

Even I didn't want to waste time now because later we have to hunt them to make the quote.

On the fourth day, we arrived near the mountain. We planned to avoid mountain.

It was already the fourth day I thought and asked if we make it from James.

James replied to me: Don't worry next mountains are two days away, and our destination is on one of the next mountains on the left side, about a three day trip from here.

I did calm down thanks to that.

I asked from James: What on that mountain?

James replied: I don't know much, but Mesla on last scouting trip found a cave, blood skeleton lich cave. Last time, when he went in to explore, he had only Miklakla left, because of the large squirrel group. But cave was filled with skeletons, and with two people they didn't make it far.

I asked: And what happened on the last trip exactly?

James understood what I meant and answered me: Don't worry, every year about four times large squirrel groups attack mountains for special brain snakes, brain snakes aren't dangerous, but blood snakes are. Because of that they at with at least a thousand squirrels, and Mesla and Miklakla were with their group on the mountain.

James continued: That's also how they discovered the cave. I heard from Mesla, that they tried to hide in the tree.

I understood that to get the cave, we have to go into the tree, and from there we move below.

Trees in Lost Blood Fields aren't very wide, but enough for people to get in if we would make a hole and a space inside the tree.

The fifth day started, with passing mountain, we passed it in a day, and only two days left, to reach our destination.