
Chapter 50 Broken Bond

          The concreted wall led to a basement. The basement was filled with all manner of gadgets. This place looks like a place in a movie. All types of guns,knives and many more, each have it own shelf.

     "This was your hideout in your last life when lord Xexes murdered your parents."

She said that and I was frozen in time,this place does not look century old.

"Offcouse, witch magic has been preventing it from curse of time."

   She said and I understood why it has to look so new.

    "I trained you here and I guess you will still be train here again."

 This is unbelievable, repetition of everything in my life,since I could not remember  my past memories,it's good I get to see place and things from my last life .

    "This place is huge"

I said

"It was your favorite playing ground,you mastered every gun that is here including the knives. I called you my unbeatable pearl. You know why?"

She said

"I don't know"

I replied.

"When you fight, magic surrounds you, I had hopes in you and I was so shocked when I heard of your death,then I understood why you died.

She said and I  could not help asking


   "There was no way lord Xexes was going to kill you,he was aware of that. So he looked for means to indirectly kill you and he succeeded. You died from broken bond"

 She said

"I don't understand what you mean by broken bond"

I said

    "When the prince was killed, every bond holding you two got broken and you were separated from him. Christamos is your life line,so him dying you died too."


I was shocked to my narrow

  "We believe the prince is alife and close to you at the moment,if not you will not be reborn"

    She said that and I thought of what mom said about him being alive and what that old woman said in my dream about seeing beyond look.

 "He is closer than you think"

 She said and continue,

"By the way, I think there is something else that you would like to see"

"Wow! please show me"

I said getting more excited

 She went over to the center of the basement and before my very eyes, a sword appeared. I stood there with mouth wide open staring at her


She chuckled at my expression

"You are a too funny,close your mouth before fly enters"

That was all it took for me to close my mouth.

She got to me and handed it to me.

"It's yours"

she said,

"It's a thousand old,you used it to defeat the vampires and you were supposed to use it to fight Lord Xexes. I believe you will use it now for your quest. "

     The sword is unbelievable light on my hand,it does not even look like I am holding any thing. The blade shield was made with animal skin while the blade head was made with pure gold. I removed the shield and what came it view was a see through blade. I marveled at the way it was crafted out. This is indeed a master piece.


I asked to make sure I heard her right

"Yes,it's yours"

She said and laughed at me.

   I stated swinging the sword around and it was moving swiftly. The sword added a whole new energy to me. It's like it has it's own mind.

 "It has it's own mind,you will have to learn how to master it so that it will align with your mind,in that way you will be able to use it."

She told me.

    "Enuogh already,I believe it's time for you to go"

She said and I remembered I have a place to go back to.

"It feels home here"

 I said and she laughed.

"It's late,so go home. You have to come back because we are running out of time"

   When she said that I pouted my lips

 "But I could stay the night here"

  "No you can't,go home and come back tomorrow or next. Remember you have to create a living potion and the blue moon is in three days time. We don't know when we will have another blue moon"

     I guess I overstayed my welcome,she took my hand and led me out of the basement,the inner room to her living room. When we got there she transformed back to her old self. I was not surprised anymore. I hugged her and promised to return in two days time. She smiled and bade me farewell. I left her house with a new found energy.