
Chapter 51 Double Trouble

        It was late and the only good thing is that the place is closer to my apartment. It's a step ahead. I checked my time and it was 20:30. I am so famished, heaven knows that if I get home,my kitchen will suffer.

      I got home and open my door,every where was pitch dark and I had to fumbled for the light switch. I found it and put on the light,I heaved a sigh when the light came on. There is nothing like light. I dropped my handbag and went straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner for myself.

     I was thinking of what to prepare when I heard the doorbell rang. Who could be the person? It might be Oliver,let me go see what she want.

   I left the kitchen to opened the door,I did not even peep at the keyhole to see who it is,how stupid I am.

     I opened the door,lo and behold, Chris was standing out the door in all his glory, my worst nightmare. First thing that came to my mind was to close the door on his face but then,that's rude. I was sheepishly staring at him, lost in my own world.

      The last person I want to see in the world.

"Shouldn't I come in?"

He asked and I returned back to my sense

"Ummm..... I..."

He came in nothing mind that I did not invite him in.

"It looks as if someone did not miss me"

He said sitting on my couch. I did not even know what to say to him.

"You can't be here"

I said and turned, facing  him with my hands folded under my chest.

"Why,are you expecting someone else?"

He asked while crossing his legs

      I was even looking for a way to send him out and he is here getting himself comfortable on the couch. What should I do now,I don't want to start what I can't finish. I might find Christamos soon and having Chris around will be a double trouble.

   He will be a distraction and I don't want him to know who I am.

    "Umm Chris you are not meant to be here and I am sorry about last time. I was foolish and I accept my mistake."

I told him trying to get him to leave.

   "Why my darling, I am spending the night here with you?"

 He said and I flew up in anger

"What do you mean you are spending the night here, huh?"

 I asked him, boiling in anger

"You heard me right, beside is this how you welcome your visitor?"

He said and I gave him a glare

"You are cute when you do your eyes like that"

    "If you here to punish for what I did I can understand but please after tonight I don't want to ever see you again"

I told him and he smiled


He replied nonchalantly and palmed his face.

I left him and went to the kitchen. He lie,I can't use because of him and not eat tonight.

     "I am so sorry Christamos for this,I don't know what came over me. I hope you understand that I did this out of frustration."

     Now I will have to cook for two people. I decided to make a simple dinner. I prepared a toast and coffee for myself and chris. I was setting the meal when Chris embraced me from behind and I tensed up.

     "How did he even get here without me noticing?"

I thought and I felt him smiled like he heard what I  thought. I will not be surprise if he reads thought because strange things are accustomed to me.

     He nibbled on my neck and kissed my earlope and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I know this is not right but my body wants more. Struggling between mind and body,I wonder which will win.

     I struggled out of his embrace and cleared my throat.

    " Let's eat"

I said with a flushed face. Tonight is going to be one hell of a night.

   I picked his coffee cup and mine and went out of the kitchen,If he is a gentleman,he will bring the toast plates. Well he was a gentleman because he followed put with the plates.

     I was setting the cups when he dropped the plates. He sat down and pulled me towards him,I was blushing so hard and he knows the impacts he was having on me.