
Chapter 327 Change

   We finally had time to eat our cake and the juice. Over the years it has maintained its taste. I think the best person who prepared it still had the ancient recipe and I must say she is doing a good job.

    I let the taste of the juice sail through my system and I smiled. 

   "This is heavenly, thanks Gina for this. My coming to South, this makes it worth coming"

I said and Govey smiled at what I said. She was not left out, her face said it all but there was no smile on Gina's face.

    "A mere juice and cake makes your coming here worthwhile, you chose it over me huh?."

I was damned speechless, why will she think like that?. Indeed pregnancy is messing with her head. I ignoring her comment will make the matter go further.

   "Gina you can't say that, you of all people should know by now. I can't chose anything over you. You are the most important treasure that everyone of us is proud to have. Darling, don't be like that?.

   She huffed and threw her face away. Govey giggled silent and I gave her a smile. I made sure Gina did not get to see it because the moment she returned her attentions to us, I looked sad.

   " Don't think you can deceive me but I know you meant what you said. Don't just mind me, pregnancy is not good on me"

"Well let me thank you properly, thanks for the refreshments. You so kind, my lady"

   I followed my words with a bow and she finally smiled which was my aim.

"You are being overly dramatic. Hope Beverly is not missing me?"

She asked, 

   "Of Course, Beverly is missing you terribly but the south needs you more than any place. South is where you lie"

    "You don't need to remind me, I know all that. I just can't believe how my life turned out in just one month and some weeks. I am still overwhelmed with the revelations of who I am and what I am. I do think sometimes, what if I wake up one day and it's all a dream?"

   I smiled at her words, who would not be?.

    "My lady, at some point in one's life, change will take place which is the most but the question is are you ready for the change. We are caught unaware and if we do not prepare for it then I tell you, it will be very difficult to adapt to the change."

Govey said. What she said was exactly the truth. Life is just a rollercoaster of change. So one has to be prepared to take in change whenever it visits.

   Govey took another bite of her cake and I looked at my saucer to see it was empty. When I finished the cake, I didn't know how. Probably talking and I forget about anything else. Govey and Gina saw the look of shock on my face and laughed. Instead of getting angry at both of them for laughing at me, I joined them. It was hilarious to me but laughing did not cover the fact that I want more.

   I eyed Govey's own and she got the gist, she passed it to me and I took one out of the two remaining. Gina was long done with her own. I didn't even know when too. Gisting can confuse your destiny.

   Taking the cake, I finished my last drop of juice and ate the last piece of the cake. Govey did the same and dropped her juice cup. 

   Having done with our mission and spending a lot time with the queen it was time to go. Beverly would have missed me but I thought it should be only me because it's best for Govey to stay here in the South, there is no need for her to go back to the East when her reason for being in the East has become invalid.

    "Govey don't you think you should stay back in here for now. Get back to your origin and see how far you can go. Jade is not here with you and being here will keep you safe"

I suggested and Gina agreed with me.

   "I think Nora is right, spent some time here"

Gina persuaded her which I don't think she needs persuading because she was happy.

   "Alright I think I will do that,let's see how far it's going to go?"

She replied smiling.

   "Wel, since we have all agreed on this one, it's time for me to go home. Being away, let me go see how far troubles await me"

"Alright, I will take it from here"

Gina said obviously referring to showing Govey around, I nodded and hugged them both.

   "Gina will see to your stay, bye to you both. I will not take long and I will visit again. It's being fun coming here"

I said and I left. Coming to South, I will definitely but how soon, it's left for the situation that will bring me.